open-gamma-ray-astro / gamma-astro-data-formats

Data formats for gamma-ray astronomy
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ADASS presentation on the OGADF and the projects using the format #163

Closed cosimoNigro closed 3 years ago

cosimoNigro commented 3 years ago


sorry to open an issue here, I thought it might be the most efficient way to get in touch with the people using/working with the open gamma ray astro data format. I will also send an e-mail to though I think some of the people active here are not registered to it.

As you might know in November there will be the ADASS conference and I thought it would be relevant to give a general talk on the open gamma-ray data format and its applications. We had in the last couple of years several public (and published) projects using it, among them:

I think the OGADF is by now a relevant piece of data standardisation for what concerns astronomical software. Why not presenting the format and the projects employing it together? I am sure it will be an important review talk in the context of the conference.

Who has registered for the conference? I have. And I am pretty sure @adonath is also going to present gammapy. Anyone else (so we can choose a presenter)?

Apologies for the short notice, I submitted another talk today and had this idea while submitting. The deadline for submission is September 15, let's see if you think it's a good idea and if we reach some consensus over the weekend and Monday.

If you had already planned to present the data format or one of these projects on your own just let me know.

Thank you,


maxnoe commented 3 years ago

Sounds good to me!

Bultako commented 3 years ago

Thanks @cosimoNigro for triggering this initiative and discussion.

We at ADASS are receiving much more contributions than I expected from the gamma/IACT community. At this moment it should be around ~20-25% Each contribution will be linked to one of these themes and the program should in principle keep more or less the same weight for each theme. Up to now there's not a big number of talks for Data Interoperability, but there's even less on BoFs (Birds of a Feather). BoFs are informal discussions on a specific topic but also general enough to gather the interest of a community inside ADASS. They have a duration of 60 min, 15-20 min of presentation and 40 min of informal discussion. I think this BoF format can be good to present the status of OGADF and gather feedback.

lmohrmann commented 3 years ago

Hi, thanks for bringing this up. I'd certainly support a presentation, although I'll most likely not have time to help a lot in preparing it. If I can/should contribute anything about the Gammapy/ctools validation paper, let me know.

cosimoNigro commented 3 years ago


since the deadline for submission is tomorrow, I submitted a proposal for a BoF talk (as @Bultako suggested). The submitted text can be modified, so we can iterate over it. You can read the submitted abstract here and are invited either to modify it directly or to comment here on changes you'd like to see implemented.

@Bultako, I suggested you as additional speaker since no one has yet replied in this thread confirming his/her attendance to the meeting.


maxnoe commented 3 years ago

Some small comments:

currently developed

are currently developing or have recently developed


datasets, data has no plural

cosimoNigro commented 3 years ago

Fixed, thanks.

cosimoNigro commented 3 years ago

Hello, the application for the presentation has been accepted.

cboisson commented 3 years ago

Good news, and timely.

cosimoNigro commented 3 years ago

Hello everybody, I am working on the slides and have a question: was there a specific meeting within which this project was started (any CTA meeting, PyGamma15, ...)? I wanted to give a reference for the start of the project, anyone remembers an occasion or a date? Thanks!

adonath commented 3 years ago

@cosimoNigro Yes, the GADF initiative evolved form the PyGamma15 conference. There is still the website and repo:

However I couldn't find any references such as minutes or similar that documented from which discussion GADF started...

cosimoNigro commented 3 years ago

Thanks @adonath, @TarekHC pointed me to this here I see some actual presentation and discussion on DL3. Checking the history of the GADF repo itself it seems it was started in 2015, so I guess I'll quote both.

cboisson commented 3 years ago

you can have a look at the arxiv paper 1610.01884 by Christoph Deil et al

cosimoNigro commented 3 years ago


at this link you can find the proceeding for our session at the ADASS XXX. If some point has not been properly discussed let me know. I put mine and Tarek's name on it (we will be presenting the session) adding "on behalf of the Data Formats for Gamma-ray Astronomy forum contributors". The papers describing the format and using it are properly acknowledged, so I think other people's work is properly recognised. If you disagree or are dissatisfied with this choice (and want your name to be explicitly mentioned) let us know.

The submission deadline is the 31st of October, so you have this week, let's say until Friday 30th at night to provide comments. You can directly comment or edit the file at your convenience, keep in mind though the limit for ADASS proceedings is 4 pages.

As for the slides, me and @TarekHC are working on them and will circulate them soon. Our talk will be on the 11th of November, so for that we have more time.


cosimoNigro commented 3 years ago


at this link you can find the slides for BoF session. Me and Tarek will give the presentation on the 11th November in the morning. You can provide comments until the 7th of November.

Let me know if the different projects have been properly represented in the presentation.

You can make minor modifications directly in the overleaf, make a comment there in case you'd like to request major changes.


cosimoNigro commented 3 years ago


yesterday me and Tarek gave the presentation. The experience was positive and there was a lot of discussion, especially with radio astronomers. You can find here the conference chat on this topic, here the video recording of the session.

I am closing the issue.
