open-gamma-ray-astro / gamma-astro-data-formats

Data formats for gamma-ray astronomy
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Make a final release before handing over to VODF? #192

Closed maxnoe closed 1 year ago

maxnoe commented 1 year ago

Should we make a final 0.3 release with the current changes to accomodate wide-field instruments?

I would be in favor, as there are already files floating around using these changes and some support is implemented in gammapy.

These are changes since 0.2:

maxnoe commented 1 year ago

Then main changes are:

To minimize the changes, we could also think about reverting the first one (OBSGEO-X vs GEOXXX).

maxnoe commented 1 year ago

So my first proposal would be:

lmohrmann commented 1 year ago

Why revert the observatory location change? So as not to invalidate files that have been produced without taking into account this change?

In any case, I would be supportive of doing a release, it's been a long time since we had one.

maxnoe commented 1 year ago

So as not to invalidate files that have been produced without taking into account this change?

Just to keep the amount of work in the science tools for supporting 0.3 (and supporting 0.2 and 0.3 at the same time) minimal.

It's a hard breaking change since it requires different keywords and different data representation to go with the recommended mode.

maxnoe commented 1 year ago

Maybe @adonath , @registerrier can comment for the gammapy side, @jknodlseder or @tibaldo for ctools

adonath commented 1 year ago

Thanks @maxnoe! I completely agree it is time for another v0.3 release here. In Gammapy we already added support for some of the additional meta data (OBS_MODE and RAD_MAX table) in-officially but it would be great to have that tagged by a version number. In Gammapy we do not have a scheme to support multiple versions of GADF in the API (this means users cannot chose the version), however in practice we already support both v0.2 and v0.3. I think this is fine from our side.

I guess this will affect some of the data stored gammapy-data, which already includes the additional meta data but not an updated version tag. So I'll CC @LauraOlivera and @cosimoNigro here.

maxnoe commented 1 year ago

@adonath Yes, these "in-between" files should be updated to have the released version they follow.

Let's say we make the release on friday this week, 2022-09-30, so there is some time left for comments.

adonath commented 1 year ago

@maxnoe Sounds good to me!

maxnoe commented 1 year ago

Sorry, completely forgot about this. Since there were now further comments (in even one week more than announced) I am now going to press the release button.

maxnoe commented 1 year ago

Release is made now, finally. We still need to figure out the zenodo, but I will close this here