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Modelica library allowing simultaneous transient simulation of thermal and electrical systems at both building and feeder level.
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Stack effect airflow - Project itz fixes #1327

Open Mathadon opened 1 year ago

Mathadon commented 1 year ago

@jelgerjansen this includes some changes but still requires a master merge

jelgerjansen commented 11 months ago

For IDEAS.Examples.PPD12.VentilationRBC, hFloor=0 for all zones. Shouldn't the zones of the first and second floor have an adapted floor height in order to account for the stack effect?

Mathadon commented 11 months ago

For IDEAS.Examples.PPD12.VentilationRBC, hFloor=0 for all zones. Shouldn't the zones of the first and second floor have an adapted floor height in order to account for the stack effect?

@kldjonge can you comment on this one?

Mathadon commented 11 months ago

@jelgerjansen I have addressed the comments (except zone icon layout) in 6900db4f35b320fef3749b15f6560ce0a5bb48ac

kldjonge commented 11 months ago

For IDEAS.Examples.PPD12.VentilationRBC, hFloor=0 for all zones. Shouldn't the zones of the first and second floor have an adapted floor height in order to account for the stack effect?

@kldjonge can you comment on this one?

Indeed. That is one of the things that were changed on the other branch. But feel free offcourse to change this allready.

jelgerjansen commented 11 months ago

@kldjonge am I correct that this height will only affect the results of the 2 port configuration? Because for PPD12 a 1-port configuration is used. Might be better to add this change PR1323, otherwise it might be more difficult to compare the reference results (too many effects that are playing).

kldjonge commented 11 months ago

Indeed, it should only affect the 2 port config. IF it changes the results in the 1-port implementation, there is is bug.

jelgerjansen commented 11 months ago

Then let’s keep all absolute heights at 0 for this PR. If there is still a bug in the 1-port configuration, we might detects those in PR1323.

jelgerjansen commented 11 months ago

Currently some models fail to simulate which should be fixed. An overview (models and errors):

Furthermore, the Airflow package was not included in the unit tests. This change should first be merged in the master branch (#1331), after which the master branch can be merged in this PR:

jelgerjansen commented 11 months ago

The unit test IDEAS.Buildings.Validations.Tests.n50Test2 stops at time=2 seconds due to the following error (using branch open-ideas:project_itz_fixes):

Error: The following error was detected at time: 2
  n50 computation consistency check failed
  Failed condition: abs(ach1-zone1.n50) < 1E-06 or time < 2

Disabling the assert shows that zone1.n50 is slightly higher compared to ach1 image

Comparing the results with those of the master branch shows that the mass flow rate through the window has increased (0.00179341 kg/s to 0.00210989 kg/s), explaining the higher n50 value. The origin of this problem lies (I think) in the area that is used in PropsBusInt: this is the area read from layMul which is equal to A_glass, but for airflow the area of the entire window A should be used. Both areas differ with a factor 2/1.7 difference, explaining the simulated difference in airflow through the window.

jelgerjansen commented 11 months ago

Below you can find the new/updated reference. Most updates seem to be minimal, but for IDEAS.Examples.TwinHouses the results indicate that something went wrong when going from resDoor.m_flow to crackOrOperableDoor.m1_flow.

jelgerjansen commented 11 months ago

IDEAS.Airflow IDEAS_Airflow_Multizone_Examples_TrickleVentIDEAS

jelgerjansen commented 11 months ago

IDEAS.Buildings.Components IDEAS_Buildings_Components_Examples_BuildingShadeExample IDEAS_Buildings_Components_Examples_CavityInternalWall IDEAS_Buildings_Components_Examples_RectangularZoneTemplateOnePort IDEAS_Buildings_Components_Examples_RectangularZoneTemplateTwoPort IDEAS_Buildings_Components_Examples_WindowDynamics IDEAS_Buildings_Components_Examples_WindowEN673 IDEAS_Buildings_Components_Examples_WindowLinearisation IDEAS_Buildings_Components_Examples_WindowThermalBridge

jelgerjansen commented 11 months ago

IDEAS.Buildings.Examples IDEAS_Buildings_Examples_ScreenComparison IDEAS_Buildings_Examples_ZoneExample IDEAS_Buildings_Examples_ZoneExample_Warning IDEAS_Buildings_Examples_ZoneWithSources

jelgerjansen commented 11 months ago

IDEAS.Buildings.Validation IDEAS_Buildings_Validation_Tests_EnergyConservationValidation

jelgerjansen commented 11 months ago

IDEAS.Examples.PPD12 IDEAS_Examples_PPD12_VentilationRBC

jelgerjansen commented 11 months ago


IDEAS.Examples.Tutorial.Example9 takes way too long. I've raised a seperate issue to solve this (#1336)

IDEAS_Examples_Tutorial_Example6 IDEAS_Examples_Tutorial_Example7 IDEAS_Examples_Tutorial_Example10

jelgerjansen commented 11 months ago

IDEAS.Examples.TwinHouses IDEAS_Examples_TwinHouses_BuildingN2_Exp1_1 IDEAS_Examples_TwinHouses_BuildingN2_Exp1_2 IDEAS_Examples_TwinHouses_BuildingN2_Exp1_3

IDEAS_Examples_TwinHouses_BuildingN2_Exp2_1 IDEAS_Examples_TwinHouses_BuildingN2_Exp2_2 IDEAS_Examples_TwinHouses_BuildingN2_Exp2_3

IDEAS_Examples_TwinHouses_BuildingN2_Exp2_Tset_1 IDEAS_Examples_TwinHouses_BuildingN2_Exp2_Tset_2

IDEAS_Examples_TwinHouses_BuildingO5_Exp1_1 IDEAS_Examples_TwinHouses_BuildingO5_Exp1_2 IDEAS_Examples_TwinHouses_BuildingO5_Exp1_3

IDEAS_Examples_TwinHouses_BuildingO5_Exp1_1Port_1 IDEAS_Examples_TwinHouses_BuildingO5_Exp1_1Port_2 IDEAS_Examples_TwinHouses_BuildingO5_Exp1_1Port_Warning


javiarrobas commented 11 months ago

Is this ready to be merged?

Mathadon commented 11 months ago

@jelgerjansen I have added a minor change that I spotted. Problem is that I can't get the models to simulatie with OM to test it myself.

Mathadon commented 11 months ago


Purple/orange should be the same but are very different and their sign is opposite. This suggests that something is wrong with the driving forces of the flow.

Mathadon commented 11 months ago

Flow rate seems to be in line with pressure drop:

image image

Mathadon commented 11 months ago

Absolute pressure difference in bathroom:


Atmospheric pressure in green.

Mathadon commented 11 months ago



Mathadon commented 11 months ago

Pressure distributions of zones:



Mathadon commented 11 months ago

W40-W42 has a cavity and should have no substantial pressure dorp. doo.y=1 for these walls.

Mathadon commented 11 months ago

COpe = 0.388 for all doors. This equals CD for the old model.

CVal=0.466 in old model, whereas CVal=COpe in new model.

Pressure drops of the doors don't have a different order of magnitude somehow: image

Mathadon commented 11 months ago

16 Pa difference: image

while 8 Pa difference on each column so something external seems to be generating the pressure difference:


Mathadon commented 11 months ago

Okay, root cause seems to be similar flow rates for very different pressure drops:



Mathadon commented 11 months ago

CVal is nearly but not exactly the same: 0.388 in new implementation vs 0.466 in old implementation.

Despite the large differences, dpAB is actually quite similar:



  parameter Real hAg[nCom](each unit="m2/s2")=
    {Modelica.Constants.g_n*(hA - (i - 0.5)*dh) for i in 1:nCom}
    "Product g*h_i for each compartment";

  parameter Real hBg[nCom](each unit="m2/s2")=
    {Modelica.Constants.g_n*(hB - (i - 0.5)*dh) for i in 1:nCom}
    "Product g*h_i for each compartment";
    pA[i] = port_a1.p + rho_a1_inflow*hAg[i];
    pB[i] = port_a2.p + rho_a2_inflow*hBg[i];
    dpAB[i] = pA[i] - pB[i];

However the model has

   final hA = 0,
   final hB = 0,

so these equations should not have a big effect.

Mathadon commented 11 months ago

The problem seems to be that we are externally applying a stack instead of letting the door model handle it. This would have been fine if the model equations were consistent, but they are not: the external pressure column uses hVertical instead of the door height hOpe.

The cleanest approach would be to refactor the model such that we used the internal stack computation again.

Mathadon commented 11 months ago

I have pushed some changes and tested them on ZoneExample but OM cannot run TwinHouse. Can you have another look whether the results for the model have improved?

E.g. the mass flow rate for W1 on this figure:

jelgerjansen commented 11 months ago

@Mathadon the results seem to be better (solid line represents the results of PR #1322, dashed line the results of this PR) image

When zooming in, both results show exactly the same trend, but there is still a minor offset of about (2e-5 for W1[1], 8e-5 for W7[1], 2e-4 for W10, and 1e-7 for W37). The latter might be due to the change CVal/COpe?

kldjonge commented 11 months ago

The problem seems to be that we are externally applying a stack instead of letting the door model handle it. This would have been fine if the model equations were consistent, but they are not: the external pressure column uses hVertical instead of the door height hOpe.

The cleanest approach would be to refactor the model such that we used the internal stack computation again.

Isn't the external column their is a door/opening doesn't start on the floor level? (e.g. a large opening between a living room and a kitchen that only starts above the cabinets..). I'm not familiar with the specific changes you made when combining/optimizing the models, but that was the approach before I believe. If I recall correctly, the door model assumes the pressure in the connecor to be the reference at the bottom of the door, so their should be some kind of correction based on the room heights (and preferably the 'starting height' of the door for e.g. modelling a 2-storey hallway with as 1-zone).

Mathadon commented 11 months ago

@kldjonge to be clear, the problem that I described is a problem that I created by modifying your implementation. As far as I know, the equations are now again consistent with the old implementation.

The way I see it, the external column is now integrated into the door model but I did not look into the model equations in full detail to verify their correctness. Since the implementation is the same as before, it should be equally correct as before and the validation should point out whether or not that the results match contam and thus whether the implementation is correct.

Mathadon commented 11 months ago

@jelgerjansen the CVal/COpe should be correct since commit aad7465.

Perhaps the remaining differences are because the new implementation effectively disables the cracks when a door is open. In the old implementation both equations would be present at the same time. The underlying assumption was that the crack flow rate is negligible to the flow rate of an open door. Looking at the values of CClo=5e-5 and COpe=0.388 this should indeed be the case. The differences seem larger than that. So probably it's something else.

@jelgerjansen would it be possible to send me those two .mat files such that I can compare further?

Mathadon commented 10 months ago

At least part of the reason seems to be that the q50 values are not the same. E.g. for W1 q50=0.910208 vs q50=0.883414. This is the same ratio as the mass flow rate mismatch.

The cause of this change is probably:

+    setArea(A=A*nWin),
-    setArea(A=A_glass*nWin),

in the Window model, for which the new implementation is the more accurate computation as far as I am concerned.

So I think we can accept these changes and move ahead..! @kldjonge @jelgerjansen do you agree?

jelgerjansen commented 10 months ago

Is the difference in ratio A/A_glass the same as the ratio of both q50 values? But probably this does not have to be like this because the q50 value is a combination of all wall components connected to that zone? Before moving on, I would like to merge this PR and redo all unit tests to make sure that nothing else broke while fixing the issue of the TwinHouses example.

Mathadon commented 10 months ago

@jelgerjansen Indeed, the results are affected by all surfaces so the q50 value does not scale proportionally.

Mathadon commented 10 months ago

I would propose to update the reference results of the current PR and then run unit tests again for to look for new changes.

jelgerjansen commented 10 months ago

@Mathadon I'll update the reference results of the current PR, but I'll compare them to those of the stack airflow branch (#1322) to do one last check of this PR.

jelgerjansen commented 10 months ago

I've included an overview of the reference results that show significant changes compared to those of commit . The reference results are those from #1322.

IDEAS.Buildings.Components IDEAS_Buildings_Components_Examples_CavityInternalWall IDEAS_Buildings_Components_Vallidations_WindowEN673 There is a large change in U_default, which is caused by a higher heat flow. Not sure if this can be attributed to the changes made in the last couple of commits.

IDEAS.Examples.TwinHouses IDEAS.Examples.TwinHouses.BuildingO5_Exp1_1Port still shows a relatively high difference between W40[1]/W37[1] and W40[1]_ref/W37[1]_ref (so compared to the reference results of #1322). Maybe this should be looked into before continuing. IDEAS_Examples_TwinHouses_BuildingO5_Exp1_1Port IDEAS_Examples_TwinHouses_BuildingO5_Exp1_1Port_1

IDEAS.Examples.TwinHouses.BuildingO5_Exp1_2Port now has the same reference results as #1322, which seems good. However, we must not forget to include the airflow throug wall W40 once the validation data of the 2-port configuration using CONTAM is availabe @kldjonge. IDEAS_Examples_TwinHouses_BuildingO5_Exp1_2Port

Mathadon commented 10 months ago

@jelgerjansen commit 07c74e447e5cfc27424184b6e11371b41c636d70 fixes a parameter bug that is a possible cause for the remaining changes. I pushed it on branch project_itz_fixes_v2.

jelgerjansen commented 10 months ago

@Mathadon I ran the branch project_itz_fixes_v2, but I ran into an error which I solved in commit 33e525ce6 (see branch origin/project_itz_fixes_v2). Unfortunately, I get the same 'problems': a large deviation of U_default for IDEAS.Buildings.Components.Validations.WindowEN673 and comparison_w40[1] for IDEAS.Examples.TwinHouses.BuildingO5_Exp1_1Port

jelgerjansen commented 10 months ago

The deviation of U_default in IDEAS.Buildings.Components.Validations.WindowEN673 is due to a change of the window fraction (and therefore A_glass): the default value of 0.15 for the component window was used previously, but is now changed to 0. This new value seems more appropriate since it is also used in the other window component windowEN673. Therefore, the updated the reference results (commit 69d307eab) are the 'correct' ones.

Mathadon commented 10 months ago

For clarity, we still have to cover the comments here: