open-innovations / true-north

Repo for the True North Data Microsite
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Does having roles focused on "sustainability" lead to greater growth? #16

Open luke-strange opened 1 month ago

luke-strange commented 1 month ago

Need better definition.

It's impossible to answer this in one fell swoop. We would need to define what it means to have "sustainability" roles, what our metric for growth is, and what our independent variables are to see if the hypothesis is correct.

Perhaps on the data city platform we can explore sustainability as an RTIC / keyword and look at those companies' growth statistics.

luke-strange commented 3 weeks ago

@ChristianSpence might need a bit of help defining this one.

ChristianSpence commented 1 week ago

It's a hard one. Would put this in the long grass. Only obvious way as you suggest, is a comparison of the RTIC growth rates from TDC platform