open-innovations / yff-data

Source of the Youth Futures Foundation data dashboard
MIT License
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Automate NEET Factors pipelines to pull raw data #301

Open taz-chiles opened 6 months ago

gilesdring commented 4 months ago

email sent to YFF 11th Jan

Just created this summary report of the differences between the spreadsheet you shared with us and the ‘live’ source data. It’s more or less all there, with the following exceptions:

There are minor variances in, which may be down to adjustments published by ONS. There are some omissions from the schools data, which I’ll look into.

  • Qualification below level 2 (all)
  • Unpaid carer (age 16-24)
  • School Exclusions / Suspensions (both are missing some derived data)
  • Pupils with SEN Support
  • Fertility Rates (2 datasets)

There is something pretty odd happening with - Economic inactivity (NEET). I shall have to look at this again, but if you have an description of the logic that went into coming up with that number, it would help!