open-iut / website

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Project scopes #5

Open afm-sayem opened 7 years ago

afm-sayem commented 7 years ago

In this ticket, we will discuss the core features that are needed to be built for IUT's website. Please add your suggestions.

Ysajid commented 7 years ago

Will it be a static website for IUT informations? Can't we make it a LMS also like Edomodo , Schoology

Features including

meftasadat commented 7 years ago

Very good idea. However, we have to differentiate two things,

Ysajid commented 7 years ago

for the core part we need to

afm-sayem commented 7 years ago

For inspiration, we can start looking into some other established universities:

Webby awards best sites in terms of usability and content each year and has a school/university category. We can draw inspiration from those as well.

fahad-hasan commented 7 years ago

Starting with the basics, we need a front page with articles, news, notices, achievements and typical cms stuff. Then each department would need their individual sites (preferably subdomains) with their own content. Then we would need an admin panel to manage the contents.

Once the basics are sorted, we can keep on adding modules (i.e e-learning, student forum etc).

Ysajid commented 7 years ago
Ysajid commented 7 years ago

So, please create some easy panel for the non-technical IUT personals, so that they need less interaction to update any day-to-day content. We may give them some How-To tutorial Habib Kabir vai

afm-sayem commented 7 years ago

@Ysajid Since we are using Django, it comes with a pre-built admin interface which should cover a lot of ground by itself. It'd be great if you could ask existing maintainers of the site about what they want to see in the end product. Those feedbacks will prove crucial in determining the set of features we want to implement in v1.

Ysajid commented 7 years ago

@afm-sayem vai, i'll try to get feedbacks inshaAllah.

afm-sayem commented 7 years ago

Since we will work iteratively and it'll be a continuous effort, we only need to find out the minimum set of features that are required to improve over the current site. I have looked into some university portals from North America and comparing them to our current site yields that we need to focus and implement the following features before we work on fancier stuff.


At a Glance, Leadership, Vice Chancellors Message, Administrative Offices, Contact


Undergrad/Masters/Individual Courses/Diploma > Procedure, Admission requirements, Important dates, Announcements, Results, Scholarships


Individual Departments > About, Faculties, Stuff, Research, News, Curriculum, Announcements


News, Events, Notices, Jobs

Life at IUT

Student Life, Accommodation, Cafeteria, Library, Sports, Clubs, Tour

Does this seem good for us to get started? Do you think the core features need any other inclusion or exclusion?

meftasadat commented 7 years ago

Well summarized, I would just add IUT Smart Card and Information for Prospective students (i.e. international/domestic)

afm-sayem commented 7 years ago

Great. I'll get some draft mockups up to get discussions around design going in another ticket. Meanwhile, let's keep this ticket open for further discussions.