open-learning-exchange / BeLL-Apps

This is the third iteration of the BeLL software. It's a Backbone.js app that caches itself in the browser that is backed by CouchDB when a server is available and PouchDB in the browser when a server is not available. Initial support for PDFs is currently implemented, support for Videos and single HTML5 Apps coming next. Tracking bugs and new features in the Wiki at the moment.
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Create MUI supporting Urdu #103

Closed SabaBaig closed 8 years ago

SabaBaig commented 8 years ago

As an initial step, it is suggested to render bell-Apps in Urdu language.

--Collected the data required to create a one-on-one mapping between phrases on DashBoard and their corresponding exact matches in Urdu.

SabaBaig commented 8 years ago

As per the strategy discussed in Created a map for Urdu Language languages_doc_urdu Then, finally tokenized all the terms in HTML and also worked on the elements being appended from server-side So, as an initial effort came up with something as follows poc_mui_ole_2

SabaBaig commented 8 years ago

--Gathered dataset and then added them in the map, in the most appropriate format. (with the help of Google Translate) --Worked on rendering date in Urdu, on dashboard. --Worked on enabling current language to be selected from the available languages on the configurations page. (Realted to Issue#104) --Still working on using different CSS for each Language. (Styling for urdu is also in progress) p4 poc_mui_ole_3

SabaBaig commented 8 years ago

--Created separate styling sheet for both Urdu and English Language. --Deciding at run-time which css to load, as per the current Language set in Configurations page. --Made the Language to be selected from the drop-down in Set Configurations page of community. --Formatted all the elements on page, as per the rules of Urdu Language. --Working on a dashboard of Nation, that requires few changes. poc_mui_4

SabaBaig commented 8 years ago

Issue#103 (Creating MUI supporting Urdu) --Adjusted the suggested Allignment on page for Urdu Language, while preserving the formatting for other languages. --Completed and tested the code for multi-lingual interface on Dashboard at nation-level as well. --Separate out the document for each language and adjusted the code accordingly. --Re-structured the map, as per need. --Removed the redundant piece of work.

SabaBaig commented 8 years ago

--Gathered the data set required for Login and Library Page and then updated the map. -- Completed the Login Page. login_page

--Library Page is still in progress. library_page

SabaBaig commented 8 years ago

--Library page is modified now, but still some changes are yet to do. resource_page

SabaBaig commented 8 years ago

git hub commit link

SabaBaig commented 8 years ago

Courses page is also supporting Urdu Language now, for its live-working you can refer to The github commit link for this is,

SabaBaig commented 8 years ago

--Today i had a session with Shahab Rashid (Graphic Designer) , it was found out that the Urdu-Layout has jerks in it, the structure needs to be revised. It is doubted that perhaps media queries of browser are causing it. --Current application is not fully responsive for all device resolutions; the reason its causing issue it that JS list order is not right or CSS conflict with other css files --A proposed solution is to centrally align your page, and then align the text within it according to the language. This will help to avoid any jerks and cuttings in UI. center

Caution: if this application is intended to support all the screen resolutions for web/mobile tablet etc...then this application is not ready for that. --Here are few questions.. What is the minimum and maximum device resolution that you want this web-application to support? Do you want Responsive/Liquid UI? ==>Useful link to grasp Layouts

In today's session, scrolling along x-axis was removed. Tried to remove jerks but they still appear. Works perfect in Landscape mode of tablets but not on portrait. Also, the most prominent thing was, since this page is supporting left-side, so when we change it direction to right, we impose it. That causes jerks. It requires changes to be done with CSS-Structure, for both English and Urdu.

SadiaRasheed commented 8 years ago

We had a meeting with our design experts here at NBS and here is the recap

 - Center-alignment of Bell-Apps
    -- Need to center-align the Bell-Apps and which is User friendly. Please see the links below for other MUI sites as they all have centrally aligned UI
   - Zoom-In Zoom-Out will cause scrolling and UI elements will be distorted
   we can work on this in other iteration
   - Have tested Bell-Apps on mini tablets and its working fine
   -  Direction (right, left) change ( after selecting language ) is not a solution as it should be centrally aligned.
   - Tested it on 1024 (minimum resolution for devices ) resolution and it seems fine
  -  Content of the containers should be right aligned and the page should be centrally aligned
SadiaRasheed commented 8 years ago

Arabic translation is needed. please check this link

SabaBaig commented 8 years ago

Arabic translation for following words is required,

SabaBaig commented 8 years ago

You can check the working of MUI in English, Urdu and Arabic on (Login, Dashboard, e-Readers, Library, Courses) for now on Please run the file install_windows.js to have documents of Languages into your newly created community. Command: (For example) node install_windows http://[IdOfYourLocalDb] : [passwordOfYourLocalDb] @[URLofCommuntity] andto update databases on nation, please run the file push_nation_design_Docs.js located in update_nation folder... Same goes for nation node push_nation_design_docs http://[IdOfYourDb] : [passwordOfYourDb] @[URLofNation] You can find the latest, of these files in the following commit

SabaBaig commented 8 years ago

-There is a suggestion from our side, that the messages displayed in the form of alerts to notify user about the current status of their task should also be in the language selected by the user, it is not yet part of this application. But there is a suggestion to compensate this as well, if desired. Following is a demo alert

SabaBaig commented 8 years ago

Members page is now providing Multi-Lingual support now. Here is, how it looks, members you can find this, with all relevant changes on the following commit link,

SabaBaig commented 8 years ago

Reports and Feedback pages along-with all updated languages documents can be found on following Github commit links,

Reports Page


Feedback Page


SabaBaig commented 8 years ago

Follwoing pages are provided MUI now, which are available on given commit links --Add New Collection Page, --Add Resource Page --Request Resourcce/Course/Meetup page

SabaBaig commented 8 years ago

Search page is now providing MUI and is available on the following commit link,

SabaBaig commented 8 years ago

Following advancement in this issue can be found on provided github commit links,

SabaBaig commented 8 years ago

Edit Collection page is now in MUI and can be found on following Github Commit Link,

SabaBaig commented 8 years ago

Add Course page is provided in MUI along-with updated language Documents, which is available on following Commit link

SabaBaig commented 8 years ago

--Issue#103(Manage Course page in MUI) --Issue#103(Add Course Step Form in MUI) --Issue#103(Update Languages Docs and removed margin issue on Add Step)

SabaBaig commented 8 years ago

Following advancement is made on MUI in BeLL-Apps, [[under Courses Module]] --Added Custom Validator Message in Add Course Step --LevelRow view is now in MUI --Add Resource/Search page is now in MUI) --Courses/CourseStep/AddResource/SearchResults in MUI) --Updated Labels on LevelView File) --Corrected styling for Edit/Add Course Step page)Issue#103(Create Quiz page in MUI) --Create Quiz page in MUI) --Updated Languages docs for Arabic, Urdu and English)

SabaBaig commented 8 years ago

-Manage Course/ Progress in MUI -Invite Members for Course partially in MUI -Updated languages docs for Urdu, Arabic and English

SabaBaig commented 8 years ago

--Invite Members for Course completed --Manage Course/Members page in MUI with updated language docs --Corrected the eventHandling on course/Members page --Send Email to Members of Course in MUI with updated languages docs.

SabaBaig commented 8 years ago

--Resolved the workflow of InviteMembers for all languages --CourseInfo in MUI --Resolved onChange event for Level and Member does not fire up --Course/Resign in MUI --selectAllMembers corrected for Courses

SabaBaig commented 8 years ago

--UserCourse Details page in MUI

--UserCourse Details/Feedback in MUI

--Take Quiz page in MUI

--Take Quiz Result page in MUI with update language docs)

--Resolved : Undefined OutComes in UserCourse details

SabaBaig commented 8 years ago

--Lables on COurse/Report corrected on graphs)

--View Course Details page in MUI

--Courses/barchart in MUI

--Courses/Admission in MUI

SabaBaig commented 8 years ago

--Corrected label on Course/Details page

SabaBaig commented 8 years ago

Allignment corrected for Text on mail for RequestAdmin

SabaBaig commented 8 years ago
SabaBaig commented 8 years ago
SabaBaig commented 8 years ago
SabaBaig commented 8 years ago
SabaBaig commented 8 years ago

Delete existing availableLanguages attributes from Configurations on update Correction in dropdown of Languages on Configurations page

SabaBaig commented 8 years ago

@dogi I have a question here, if we are fetching the list of available languages in BeLL-Apps each time from languages database instead of configurations so that they can be displayed on all dropdowns that offer user to select language, then there are two dropdowns that need our attention the most.

Similarly, all those resources which are in other languages (whose corresponding languages documents are not in database) would not be searched by their specific language.

So, in these cases, we are left with 2 solutions as per current observations 1) Hard-Code the all possible languages (in model of Resource only) a user can choose for these two dropdowns. 2) Let the user be displayed only those languages which are available in our database and we assume that from now onwards no user will be able enough to add a resource in a language which is not in our database.

Please share your thoughts with us, so that we may proceed accordingly on this issue.

SabaBaig commented 8 years ago
SabaBaig commented 8 years ago

SabaBaig commented 8 years ago
umarWaris commented 8 years ago