open-learning-exchange / BeLL-Apps

This is the third iteration of the BeLL software. It's a Backbone.js app that caches itself in the browser that is backed by CouchDB when a server is available and PouchDB in the browser when a server is not available. Initial support for PDFs is currently implemented, support for Videos and single HTML5 Apps coming next. Tracking bugs and new features in the Wiki at the moment.
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go over Text.json and work in removing spelling errors in the variable names #649

Open dogi opened 7 years ago

dogi commented 7 years ago

... and also brainstorm about standard / best practice

this issue assumes that issue was done ...

dogi commented 7 years ago


GeneralMeow commented 7 years ago

Hi there, I would like to work on this. It's my first attempt to contribute to an OSS project. Would you mind giving me a little more clarity on what is expected?

dogi commented 7 years ago

hi @GeneralMeow

this is a very good question you are asking ;) the normal answer would be fork our code, then improve it and last send us your pull request ...

since that for newbies is difficult we at OLE have a system how to successfully ramp on virtual interns and virtual volunteers very fast:

GeneralMeow commented 7 years ago

Is there a certain format that these variables should be in?

dogi commented 7 years ago

Is there a certain format that these variables should be in?

Good question ;) except that the format has to be json there is no restriction

PS: @GeneralMeow please join our chat channel at