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Redundant Steps on Step 5 when making a new repo, syncing it and such #3328

Open Squints84 opened 1 month ago

Squints84 commented 1 month ago

Please verify the following:

URL to the MDwiki page containing the problem!./pages/mi/


Here on step 5, I feel that the steps to sync a repository take away from the later parts of the page where it goes into more in-depth. It may be good as a quick intro to the later sections that go into more detail, but I think it really just ends up undermining the detailed explanations.

Screenshots (when necessary)


Proposed solution(s)

I think moving this set of steps to the 'Summary of Steps' section would be a good idea in order to highlight the detailed sections mores.

xyb994 commented 1 month ago

I actually noticed this issue last week. It was introduced by a prospective mobile intern meant to simplifying something but ended up creating a summary. We did not catch this issue because we did not read the whole page when reviewing the changes.

I believe the content in 2.1 are pretty much already in the summary of steps. Go ahead and create a pull request to adopt what's in 2.1 into the summary then remove it altogether. I will work on cleaning up section 3 and 4 a little bit and ask you to take a look later :)