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Oxford Neuroscience Open Science Co-ordinator: Changing Culture #15

Open cassgvp opened 4 years ago

cassgvp commented 4 years ago

Project Lead: @cassgvp

Mentor: @npscience

Welcome to OLS-1! This issue will be used to track your project and progress during the program. Please use this checklist over the next few weeks as you start Open Life Science program :tada:.

Before Week 1 (Jan 20): Meet your mentor!

Before Week 2 (Jan 27): Cohort Call (Welcome to Open Life Science!)

Before Week 3 (Feb 3): Meet your mentor!

Before Week 4 (Feb 10): Cohort Call (Tooling and roadmapping for Open projects)

Week 5 and more

This issue is here to help you keep track of work as you start Open Life Science program. Please refer to the OLS-1 Syllabus for more detailed weekly notes and assignments past week 4.

cassgvp commented 4 years ago

I’m working with 225 research groups across Oxford Neuroscience to create a community of open and inclusive researchers who will develop the policies, governance and structures we would like in place to support us in practicing open science.

I’m working open because I believe this is the most effective way to deliver justice oriented science.

ChiaraBertipaglia commented 4 years ago

Your project sounds so interesting, I think we are moved by the same vision! I'd love to see how you're mapping stakeholders to obtain necessary buy-in (or perhaps you are already past that point?)

It would be great if you had time to take a look at my roadmap, so we could exchange ideas. Thanks!

It also looks like you might be involved in community management tasks? Do you know the community of community managers that Lou Woodley has put together You are welcome to join our slack channel

cassgvp commented 4 years ago

Hi @ChiaraBertipaglia! Yes, I was thinking exactly the same! It would be great to stay close to each other though this program to share ideas/experience 🙌. Will definitely look at your roadmap!

Many thanks for the links!

cassgvp commented 4 years ago

My open canvas: Policies for establishing behaviour change toward the adoption of open science practices in OxN. Developed by the community, for the community.

cassgvp commented 4 years ago

11 #16 #6 #4 #9: Is this all of us doing work our establishing community? Did I miss anyone? Would you all be interested in making some kind of mechanisms for us to exchange ideas (in addition to the normal cohort calls)? I can't think of how just yet, but I'm sure we will be researching and generating resources we can all make use of!

ChiaraBertipaglia commented 4 years ago

Yes, I am super interested in this. Perhaps at this early stage we can take some time to look at each other's material and then we can set up some space to exchange thoughts cohesively? Ex.: could we create a channel in Gitter? Looking at other people's open canvases has already been helpful as it made me realize some blind spots in my thinking

bonetcarne commented 4 years ago

Yes, we should exchange info and tips and stay communicated. Maybe the easiest would be to meet in a room during the next group call next week?

Karvovskaya commented 4 years ago

Hi @cassgvp ! I am super interested in your project. It would be great to share experience and support each other. I am very curious about how to get started. Do I understand it right that there is already some commitment from the researchers to be part of the community?

cassgvp commented 4 years ago

Hi @cassgvp ! I am super interested in your project. It would be great to share experience and support each other. I am very curious about how to get started. Do I understand it right that there is already some commitment from the researchers to be part of the community?

There are some/many people who are already doing the work "for free" (i.e. in addition to their research load), so in that way they are already committed. What is missing is a formal "community" so they can communicate with each other, have their views represented in management meetings, and receive recognition for their work.

SamGuay commented 4 years ago

Hi Cass!

Feels great to see another OHBM fellow in the cohort! I love your mission, and I'm eager to spy on your roadmad :eyes:.

Would you all be interested in making some kind of mechanisms for us to exchange ideas (in addition to the normal cohort calls)? I can't think of how just yet, but I'm sure we will be researching and generating resources we can all make use of!

For our future platform, Zulip (an open source alternative to Slack) sponsored us a free hosted instance where we can chat, have conference call, etc. We haven't publicized it yet, but feel free to join :arrow_right:

Other option could be having a private chat on Gitter? But we might loose some useful discussion since it's a single linear thread.

As of now, it's hard to follow the multiple convos we have throughout all the issues :dizzy_face:

billbrod commented 4 years ago

Your Open Canvas looks great! Looks like you have a good idea of what you want to create and what you need to get there. From your canvas, it's not clear to me if/how your users differ from your contributors; are they a subset of the contributors (only people at Oxford and not the research and innovation committee), or are they a different group of people within that category (as in, your users are a different bunch of engaged ECRs and PIs than those that are your contributors)? Or are are they the same people?

Building a culture of open science is so important (and difficult! Everywhere I've been, it's been very piecemeal, with a handful of labs and people interested in it, but nothing connecting them) -- I'm excited to watch all the groups that want to do this moving forward!

cassgvp commented 4 years ago

Hi Cass!

Feels great to see another OHBM fellow in the cohort! I love your mission, and I'm eager to spy on your roadmad 👀.

Would you all be interested in making some kind of mechanisms for us to exchange ideas (in addition to the normal cohort calls)? I can't think of how just yet, but I'm sure we will be researching and generating resources we can all make use of!

For our future platform, Zulip (an open source alternative to Slack) sponsored us a free hosted instance where we can chat, have conference call, etc. We haven't publicized it yet, but feel free to join ➡️

Other option could be having a private chat on Gitter? But we might loose some useful discussion since it's a single linear thread.

As of now, it's hard to follow the multiple convos we have throughout all the issues 😵

Totally agree on getting lost in the threads, and very happy to join you on Zulip! The link didn't take me through to what I expected!?! Is it running yet?

I totally recognise you from OHBM now! Rome was pretty hectic for me, and this year is going to be even busier! Are you involved in any of the local organising committee stuff? What to help out in the Open Science Room?! 😁

cassgvp commented 4 years ago

Your Open Canvas looks great! Looks like you have a good idea of what you want to create and what you need to get there. From your canvas, it's not clear to me if/how your users differ from your contributors; are they a subset of the contributors (only people at Oxford and not the research and innovation committee), or are they a different group of people within that category (as in, your users are a different bunch of engaged ECRs and PIs than those that are your contributors)? Or are are they the same people?

Building a culture of open science is so important (and difficult! Everywhere I've been, it's been very piecemeal, with a handful of labs and people interested in it, but nothing connecting them) -- I'm excited to watch all the groups that want to do this moving forward!

Thank you for the feedback! I think I was struggling a bit to understand if/how my users are different from contributors. I'm probably still not sure! I do want the contributors to be users, and the users to be contributors... Still a lot to work out it seems! Thank you for highlighting!

cassgvp commented 4 years ago

My compare and contrast assignment about current and desired community interactions and value exchanges.

malvikasharan commented 4 years ago

Hi Project Lead,

This is your project report file: Please start working on it for the final presentation. We will send more info in the weekly email.

OLS team