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Citizens’ daily problem solving by engaging multidisciplinary scientific communities: “Science For All” (Sci4All) #6

Open tlaguna opened 3 years ago

tlaguna commented 3 years ago

Science For All - Sci4All

Project Lead: Teresa Laguna @tlaguna

Project team: Laura Marcos @laurichi13

Mentor: Katharina Lauer @klauer2207

Welcome to OLS-2! This issue will be used to track your project and progress during the program. Please use this checklist over the next few weeks as you start Open Life Science program :tada:.

Week 1 (31 August - 4 September 2020): Meet your mentor!

Before Week 2 (7 - 11 September 2020): Cohort Call (Welcome to Open Life Science!)

Before Week 3 (14 - 18 September 2020): Meet your mentor!

Before Week 4 (21 - 25 September 2020): Cohort Call (Tooling and roadmapping for Open projects)

Week 5 and later

This issue is here to help you keep track of work as you start Open Life Science program. Please refer to the OLS-2 Syllabus for more detailed weekly notes and assignments past week 4.

tlaguna commented 3 years ago

Vision statement

We will work with other scientists in generating scientific solutions to daily life problems related to Food and Nutrition for the general public in Madrid area. We aim to help citizens feel connected with Science in a way they can find it useful and let them acquire a more scientific mentality. We are working open because transparency is key to make the public engage with Science and scientists and viceversa.

Up-Goer Five text editor

This is the first input: upGoer

After trying to simplify it: upGoer_after Still a few not-allowed words but I think I cannot avoid them

This is the simplified vision statement We will work with other scientists to fix common food problems for people in the Madrid area. We want to help them with their problems with food and to understand better the world based on facts to make it better. We are working open because we think this will make the people work better with scientists and we will get better and faster solutions to their food problems.

Hemingway Editor




FINAL VERSION (AS OF 02/10/2020)

We will work with other scientists to fix common food problems for people in Madrid. We will provide tools to connect people with scientists, where citizens will expose their issues with food and nutrition. Scientists will create specific open projects and will work in collaboration to help solve these problems. We are working open because we think transparency is the key to connect Science with society.

EKaroune commented 3 years ago

Your project sounds really interesting and I can't wait to hear more about how you are going to engage the public with science. Can I suggest that you break up your first sentence into two shorter sentences as I think it will read better. Something like - 'We will work with other scientists in generating scientific solutions to daily life problems for the general public in the Madrid area. This will help them to feel connected with Science in a useful way and let them acquire a more scientific mentality.'

koudyk commented 3 years ago

Hi @tlaguna, I'm excited to see how this turns out! A few notes about the vision statement:

tlaguna commented 3 years ago

Your project sounds really interesting and I can't wait to hear more about how you are going to engage the public with science. Can I suggest that you break up your first sentence into two shorter sentences as I think it will read better. Something like - 'We will work with other scientists in generating scientific solutions to daily life problems for the general public in the Madrid area. This will help them to feel connected with Science in a useful way and let them acquire a more scientific mentality.'

Thank you @EKaroune for your comments, indeed the first sentence was too long!

tlaguna commented 3 years ago

Hi @tlaguna, I'm excited to see how this turns out! A few notes about the vision statement:

* I agree with EKaroune, the first sentence is a bit long.

* 'scientific solutions to daily life problems' seems vague to me. What's the scope of the problems you'll be working on? i.e., are you working to solve problems at the level of individuals, neighbourhoods, or the entire city? or is your goal to set up a general framework that can connect a the public with scientists who work on their particular problem? Whatever your focus is, it sounds exciting :)

Hi @koudyk! After some counseling (mentors and other contacts) we decided to narrow the scope of "daily life problems" to problems focused in the Food & Nutrition area, where my collaborator and me develop our research.

Glad that sounds exciting for you! Keep posted ;-)

tlaguna commented 3 years ago

Open Canvas

koudyk commented 3 years ago

Hi @koudyk! After some counseling (mentors and other contacts) we decided to narrow the scope of "daily life problems" to problems focused in the Food & Nutrition area, where my collaborator and me develop our research.

Focusing on your research area sounds like a great way to start! Nutrition would be a great topic to engage the public. It seems like many people are concerned about eating well, but so many people fall for diet fads that aren't backed up by science. Looking forward to seeing this project evolve :)

BTW, it looks like the link to your Open Canvas doesn't go where you want it to. It works when I copy & paste it, but not when I click it.

tlaguna commented 3 years ago

BTW, it looks like the link to your Open Canvas doesn't go where you want it to. It works when I copy & paste it, but not when I click it.

Solved! ;-)

tlaguna commented 3 years ago

Github Repo

tlaguna commented 3 years ago

tlaguna commented 3 years ago


malvikasharan commented 3 years ago

@all-contributors please add @tlaguna for content and idea.

allcontributors[bot] commented 3 years ago


I've put up a pull request to add @tlaguna! :tada:

malvikasharan commented 3 years ago

@all-contributors please add @koudyk for review.

allcontributors[bot] commented 3 years ago


I've put up a pull request to add @koudyk! :tada:

malvikasharan commented 3 years ago

@all-contributors please add @EKaroune for review.

allcontributors[bot] commented 3 years ago


I've put up a pull request to add @EKaroune! :tada: