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The Environmental AI Book #9

Open acocac opened 2 years ago

acocac commented 2 years ago

Project Lead: Alejandro Coca-Castro @acocac

Mentor: Delphine Larivière @Delphine-L

Welcome to OLS-4! This issue will be used to track your project and progress during the program. Please use this checklist over the next few weeks as you start Open Life Science program :tada:.

Week 1 (week starting 13 September 2021): Meet your mentor!

Before Week 2 (week starting 20 September 2021): Cohort Call (Welcome to Open Life Science!)

Before Week 3 (week starting 27 September 2021): Meet your mentor!

Before Week 4: Cohort Call (Tooling and roadmapping for Open projects)

Week 5 and later

This issue is here to help you keep track of work as you start Open Life Science program. Please refer to the OLS-4 Syllabus for more detailed weekly notes and assignments past week 4.

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8

Week 9

Week 10

Week 11

Week 12

Week 13

Week 14

Week 15

acocac commented 2 years ago

W1 & W2 :blue_book:

Vision statement: I’m working with environmental, other natural and data scientists to create a community-driven resource, named the Environmental AI book, compiling state-of-art research in the application of AI and Data Science for monitoring and modelling a wide diversity of settings of the natural and urban environments. We expect to evolve as an inclusive, diverse and active community dedicated to making collaborative, reusable and transparent research in Environmental science.

wykhuh commented 2 years ago

AI and Data Science is an ever evolving field that can be applied to many different fields. How will your group keep track of all the new developments? How often will be the book be updated?

One of the issues with AI is making the results of AI algorithms transparent and reproducible. Will your group deal with this topic?

acocac commented 2 years ago

@wykhuh, thank for your great comments. Here are some thoughts for each of them:

Hope the above answers correctly addressed your comments.

nadinespy commented 2 years ago

Hi @wykhuh, I was wondering what you exactly mean by "compiling" - are you thinking of a mere enumeration of AI and Datascience applications, with rather short descriptions, or do you plan to go into each of these in more detail? How comprehensively do you want to outline the different methods?

Also, another question I had was whether you could specify a bit more who can contribute & collaborate in that project.

acocac commented 2 years ago

@nadinespy thanks for your questions.

By compiling I mean to provide demonstrators of the most of AI & DS applications for Environmental Science. Is still compiling too confusing? May I replace it by demonstrating?

Regarding the contribution/collaboration roles, the e-book will serve as a reference to connect the following players in Environmental science:

Would you suggest wrapping the above roles in a short sentence and add it to the vision statement?

acocac commented 2 years ago

Link to the GitHub repository for the Environmental Data Science book, formerly know as the Environmental AI book ⛰ 🌳 🏙️ ❄️ 🔥 🌊 project:

acocac commented 2 years ago

W3 - Open Canvas :clipboard: Link