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OLS-8 Planning Long Checklist #3

Open pazbc opened 1 year ago

pazbc commented 1 year ago

This is a cohort checklist that covers tasks before, during and after the cohorts.

Note: each cohort week (the entire cohort has a total of 16 weeks) has a number of related tasks. Each week has a GitHub related issue: Week 1: #6
Week 2: #7 Week 3: #8 Week 4: #9 Week 5: #10 Week 6: #11 Week 7: #12 Week 8: #13 Week 9: #14 Week 10: #15 Week 11: #16 Week 12: #17 Week 13: #18 Week 14: #19 Week 15: #20 Week 16: #21

On-boarding and training sessions for cohort participants (mentors, facilitators)

Tutorials related to this list (to be added)

Relevant documents/forms

Pre-cohort tasks

  1. Designate Cohort Call Leads among OLS team members

  1. Recruit reviewers

    Reviewers are those who read the upcoming project applications. Those who sign up as mentors are expected to act as reviewers, but not all reviewers will be mentors. Some people just volunteer to be reviewers.

    • [x] Post on slack to see who wants to be a reviewer (explaining that even if you do not want to be a mentor, you can be a reviewer). Add a link to the CiviCRM form so they register their interest there.
    • [x] Check Civi to see who signed up as reviewers only, and invite them to review via Open Review.
    • [x] Check Civi to see who signed up as mentors, and invite them to review via Open Review.
    • [x] Invite people to accept the reviewers invitation via an Open Review email (see tutorial about how to do that in XX).
    • [x] Create a Slack channel for the cohort reviewers, to use it to communicate updates and if needed, to ask for extra reviewers (for tricky applications).
  2. Recruit mentors (well ahead of the start of the cohort)

  1. Recruit facilitators

    There are 2 types of facilitators: one joins the cohort call and the other does the post call, video editing and uploading to youtube. The one that helps run the cohort call must also make sure the call’s etherpad is in order before the call starts, and after the calls ends must make sure the etherpad is completed and uploaded into Github. A detailed description of what this role entails can be found here.

  1. Manage facilitators

    • [x] 2 weeks before the cohort starts, ask those who registered on Civi to add their names in one or two (not more than 2) cohort calls, in the Call facilitator sign-up sheet. Two facilitators are needed for each cohort call, one that joins the call, and one that does the transcript check and uploading. Remember some calls don’t use facilitation.
  2. Organise onboarding for facilitators

    • [x] Organise one or two onboarding sessions for all the registered facilitators, before the cohort starts, to go through each step of the processes (add here links to the role description and tutorials found in the policies and procedures repo)
  3. Organise mentor training & onboarding

    Onboarding calls for mentors are aimed to solve any doubts mentors might have and let them know what they could do in certain cases (example: mentees not responding, mentees being rude). Mentor training is a 3 hour session in which a lot more details are covered. Those who have already attended the training in previous cohorts, don’t need to re-attend (but they can, if they want and there is space).

    • [x] Find potential dates (2 or 3) for the training together with 360 org.
    • [ ] Ask 360 how many people we should expect per training and if the live translation (into Spanish) would be ok for them. Propose them the selected dates.
    • [ ] Invite all new mentors to all the mentor training sessions (same training, repeated in different day/time), via calendar invite. Tell them via email and Slack to accept the training session that suits them better. Remind them these sessions aren’t recorded.
    • [ ] Find dates for two or three onboarding sessions on the week starting the 18th of September 2023. These on-boarding sessions are hosted by OLS staff.
    • [ ] Invite all mentors to these onboarding sessions, whether they are new mentors or experienced mentors.
    • [ ] Check the onboarding materials are up to date, engaging, clear and concise, for example, the mentors-mentee meetings templates and assignments doc:
  4. Inform successful applicants they have been selected - add them on Slack

    • [x] Send OpenReview messages
    • [x] Send acceptance emails to successful applicants and ask them to confirm they will participate in the program before matching them to mentors and before informing them who their mentors are. Tell them to register on Civi and do so as "project leads". Explain we ask them to do this in part so they can start receiving the cohort mailings (which are sent weekly).
    • [ ] After they register on CiviCRM send them an email informing them who their mentors are (copying the mentor). Do not match them unless they reply to the email and confirm their participation.
    • [ ] Add all the confirmed people to Slack - add then to the ols-8-cohort and the general channel, send them a tutorial about slack for those who haven't used it/don't know Slack.
    • [ ] Email all registered mentees asking them if they signed up on Slack and reminding them a lot of the communications happens there
  5. Match projects + mentors

    This project-mentor matching occurs after the reviewing process has been completed.

    • [ ] Create an excel spreadsheet with all confirmed cohort projects and use it to do the mentors matching. (This excel spreadsheet can later be used to upload this information -project-mentor matches- onto the website).
    • [ ] Inform projects and mentors who they’ve been paired with via email. In that email include key information: what to expect and what not to expect from mentors, that they should be the first to contact their mentors directly, calendar link, assignments link, how to join the cohort calls (link on the etherpad which is found in the calendar invite in OLS public calendar), where to look for information, who to contact in case of questions (office hours of cohort organisers).
  6. Set up CiviCRM mailing for the cohort - and create management email address

    • [ ] Coordinator: Post on slack and send an email to all participants warning them they should start receiving CiviCRM mailings, that if they don’t, they should check their spam folder.
    • [ ] Coordinator: Set up smart groups on CiviCRM (using SearchKit)
    • [ ] Coordinator: Check if all mentees and mentors are getting the Civi mailings - check individually with each person via email or Slack.
    • [ ] Create an email address equivalent to this one
  7. Add mentors and mentees on Slack

    • [ ] Add new mentors to Slack (#general #ols-8-cohort)
    • [ ] Add new mentees to Slack
    • [ ] Coordinator: Message each mentee individually on slack - remind them there about your timezone and working hours
    • [ ] Post on slack the OLS team working days/hours/office hours.

At the start of the cohort

  1. Getting ready for the cohort calls

    • [ ] Assistant or Coordinator: Check if the cohort weekly GH issues are set up and correct
    • [ ] Assistant or Coordinator: Check with the call lead of week 1 if the etherpad is ready and the facilitators are confirmed.
    • [ ] Call leads/hosts should check the Call Facilitator sign-up sheet and make sure their assigned call has the required facilitators. Some calls do not require facilitators (like week 13 on self help) so if that is the case, it should be clearly shown in the sign up sheet to avoid facilitators signing up and then not being able to participate.
  2. Getting the cohort communication channels ready

Three weeks before each cohort call

  1. Checking if the communication channels are actually reaching people

    • [ ] After sending the first week’s mailing, ask mentees and mentors one by one if they received the mailing. Doing this is time consuming, but will save your problems and a lot of your time later on in the cohort.
  2. Double check cohort call roles are being fulfilled & documentation is ready

    • [ ] Executive assistant: Find who are the call leads in OLS-8 Planning Spreadsheet (the person from the team that leads each cohort call)
    • [ ] Executive assistant: Confirm the call-lead/host can actually be there at the call. If yes, send the calendar invite and expect a quick calendar confirmation. If the call lead cannot attend, ask the Coordinator to find another call lead.
    • [ ] Call lead/host: Nominate speakers. Note: please double check if the nominated speakers did not do the same call in previous cohorts. The idea is not to repeat speakers from previous cohorts. Check this info in the OLS8 Planning Spreadsheet.
    • [ ] Executive assistant: Invite speakers by email using email templates (cc Call lead/host)
    • [ ] Executive assistant: Confirm speaker/send information w email templates (cc Call lead/host)
    • [ ] Executive assistant: Invite speakers with calendar event (cc Call lead/host)
    • [ ] Executive assistant: Confirm Facilitators Link to facilitator sign up
    • [ ] Executive assistant: Add facilitators to calendar invite (OLS Public calendar)
    • [ ] Call lead/host: Add the names of the confirmed speakers to the OLS8 Planning Spreadsheet (columns T to Y).
    • [ ] Call lead/host: Prepare Etherpad. This includes creating the etherpad link by entering here: (add/use this format: ols-8-week-01) and adding this pad link to the OLS8 Planning Spreadsheet. (Check tutorial on how to create the link in the policies and procedures repo.)
    • [ ] Call lead/host + Executive assistant: Double check Etherpad is ok. Make sure to add Host, Facilitator, Speakers and links to the power points presentations if speakers have already sent them.
    • [ ] Call lead/host + Executive assistant: Double check dates and time: Copy/paste from OLS public calendar. DO NOT CALCULATE MANUALLY

One week before each call

Note: Call leads/hosts should answer questions from speakers or facilitators when they have specific questions about the subjects of the call, or about the presentation (topics to be covered, to not cover, emphasis, etc).

  1. Setting up reminders

    • [ ] Executive assistant: Send call lead/host a reminder of the call. Check if the etherpad, speakers and facilitators are ready. (Executive assistant)
    • [ ] Executive assistant: Send speakers a reminder of the call with the login info using email templates. (Executive assistant)

48 hours before the cohort call

  1. Conducting final confirmations

    • [ ] Call lead/host: Double check with speakers and facilitators will be present at the call.
    • [ ] Call lead/host: Check if calendar invite coincides with the timing shown in the website, on, and on the weekly mailing sent that week.
    • [ ] Call lead/host: Check if is set up right for the call: that the connection to zoom is enabled.
    • [ ] Call lead/host: Post on Slack inviting people to the call.

During the cohort

  1. General during-cohort tasks

    • [ ] Coordinator: check if surveys have the right info on them - read them carefully before sending them.
    • [ ] Coordinator: send weekly CiviCRM mailings
    • [ ] Coordinator: set up the mentors mid-term check
    • [ ] Coordinator: send community members the speaker nomination form
    • [ ] Coordinator: inform mentors a feedback about their mentees is expected towards the end of the cohort. This feedback is needed in order to better assess if the mentees are ready to graduate or not.
    • [ ] Coordinator: create an assessment form for mentors to assess their mentees in detail. Completing this form should be mandatory.
    • [ ] Coordinator: create an assessment form for mentees to assess their mentors (this would be a new form for OLS-8).
    • [ ] Coordinator: communicate via Slack and in some mailings, that in order to graduate, there are some minimum requirements that need to be completed, and send them the graduation guide.
    • [ ] Coordinator: communicate/remind people at least 3 times via CiviCRM mailings and slack, that people can nominate speakers for future cohorts.
    • [ ] Coordinator: communicate via slack and mailing the ways in which people can engage with the community, during or after their cohort participation
  2. Tasks after each call

    • [ ] Executive assistant: Email speakers using email templates inviting them to join slack (if they are not there yet) and asking them to complete the honorarium form.
    • [ ] Facilitators: make sure the etherpad is completed (as much as possible), if there is something important missing, inform the Call lead/host so the Call lead can get that info (e.g a speakers presentation).
  3. Tasks ahead of graduations

    • [ ] Coordinator: send all cohort participants the graduation guide, reminding them there are some basic requirements.
    • [ ] Coordinator: send all cohort participants a reminder to attend the graduation rehearsals (make it mandatory?)
    • [ ] Coordinator: Check which mentors have given favourable feedback about their mentees’ readiness to graduate - and which haven’t.
    • [ ] Coordinator: remind mentors to fill the mentees assessment form and send by a certain date.
    • [ ] Coordinator: set up restream
    • [ ] Coordinator: decide whether translation is needed
    • [ ] Coordinator: set up zoom registration (no eventbrite anymore)
    • [ ] Coordinator: sent out invites to all cohort members

After graduation

Slack management (To be completed - TBC)

CiviCRM management (TBC)

Useful templates (TBC)

Engaging cohort participants (TBC)