[ ] Identify and email speakers (cc Coordinator and Assistant)
[ ] Send reminders to speakers before the call (cc Coordinator and Assistant)
[ ] Prepare the etherpad notes
[ ] Confirm facilitators for the week (2, one for the video processing and the other for the cohort call) (involve the Coordinator in this conversation)
[ ] Send etherpad to the cohort call facilitator
[ ] Review the week's plan including assignments, update as needed and share any questions/feedback with the team
The day before the call:
[ ] Update the call etherpad: correct dates, and times, add links to presentations, add names
[ ] Add the etherpad to the calendar invite in the OLS public calendar
Before the call:
The day before the call:
After the call:
Cohort Planning Sheet
[ ] Add the link to the recording
[ ] Add names of Call lead and facilitators
[ ] Add speaker names in "Confirmed speaker"
[ ] Add person detail to people.yaml if needed
Weekly CiviCRM mailings