We could use the opportunity to draft a first guide as a turing way chapter. We would be able to count on Santosh as a local organiser to help Esther.
The open make project could even bring some money to pay for some participants (Werkvertrtag). Julieta will already be working on this in our project, and could take some of the org.
Robert will ask Julieta to prepare a spreadsheet about the content of a OSH guide, taking the hackmd as a base https://hackmd.io/usKW61JnRv6J8nShGjiXIg. We will list different topics, then decide to include them or not in the guide + add a column with direct links to existing content.
We will prepare this, final decisions to be taken during the book dash itself.
20-21 Mai is the turing way book dash planned, a hub is foreseen in Delft. GOSH and our project want to create some guide for open hardware: https://forum.openhardware.science/t/looking-for-various-osch-mentorship-and-or-training-materials-and-programs/4458
We could use the opportunity to draft a first guide as a turing way chapter. We would be able to count on Santosh as a local organiser to help Esther.
The open make project could even bring some money to pay for some participants (Werkvertrtag). Julieta will already be working on this in our project, and could take some of the org.
We are doing that: https://forum.openhardware.science/t/writing-an-open-hardware-handbook/4778/6
here the to do list: