Closed Jeba-create closed 2 years ago
I have couple of question to ask
I am working on my own dataset. I have build the dataset separately using the following lines for both the pathways cfg_pose = Config.fromfile('open-mmlab/mmaction2-master/configs/skeleton/posec3d/') datasets_pose = [build_dataset(]
cfg_vid= Config.fromfile('open-mmlab/mmaction2-master/configs/recognition/slowfast/') datasets_vid = [build_dataset(]
Also, I have modified the slowfast network according to my requirements.
Is it enough to build the dataset separately or it should be build unitedly before fed into the model for training?
Thanks in advance
I have used your slowposeC3D model and its working good. Now I want to extend to multi-domain. Also, I have to complete the project in two weeks. So ,I have started implementing the code using your toolbox. I have few clarification that helps me a lot. There is a separate pipeline called video loader in case of a RGB input and pose loader for skeletal joints (heat maps). We have separate config file for both the modalities. Is it make sense or whether the data loader works if I integrate both the thing into a single config file and place the data in the form of list or dictionary.
Hi, Jeba-create, if you want to implement the RGBPoseSlowFast in the PoseC3D paper on ur own:
Implementing RGBPoseSlowFast requires some effort, if you just need RGB+Pose-based predictions, you can fuse predictions of two individual streams directly.
Thank you so much for your response.
Do you have a rough timeline for when RGBPoseSlowFast will be released?
Do you have a rough timeline for when RGBPoseSlowFast will be released?
Sorry, we do not have a plan for releasing it now (until December I guess). We may release it in December or early next year.
Hardly, I have coded the RGBPoseSlowFast network and started training the network. The datas from both the modalities are arranged in the same order to ensure same file is being accessed. The code is given below
`cfg_pose = Config.fromfile('open-mmlab/configs/skeleton/posec3d/') datasets_pose_trn = [build_dataset(] datasets_pose_val = [build_dataset(]
cfg_vid= Config.fromfile('open-mmlab/configs/recognition/slowfast/') datasets_vid_trn = [build_dataset(] datasets_vid_val = [build_dataset(]
train_loader_pose =[0],shuffle = False, batch_size =2) train_loader_vid =[0],shuffle = False, batch_size = 2)
val_loader_pose =[0],shuffle = False, batch_size = 1) val_loader_vid =[0],shuffle = False, batch_size = 1) print("val_loader_pose",len(val_loader_pose),val_loader_pose)
device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") net = RgbPoseSlowFastResNet50().to(device) criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() optimizer = optim.SGD(net.parameters(), lr=0.0002, momentum=0.9,weight_decay=0.0003) scheduler = optim.lr_scheduler.StepLR(optimizer, step_size=10, gamma=0.1) min_val_loss = np.inf for epoch in range(500): # loop over the dataset multiple times
train_loss = 0.0 total_trn,correct_trn=0,0 for input1, input2 in zip(train_loader_vid,train_loader_pose): data1,label1,data2,label2=torch.squeeze(input1['imgs'], 1).to(device), torch.squeeze(input1['label']).to(device),torch.squeeze(input2['imgs'], 1).to(device),torch.squeeze(input2['label']).to(device)
# zero the parameter gradients
# forward + backward + optimize
outputs =net(data1,data2)
loss = criterion(outputs, label1)
# Calculate Loss
train_loss += loss.item()
#compute accuracy
_, predicted = torch.max(outputs, 1)
total_trn += label1.size(0)
correct_trn += (predicted == label1).sum().item()
val_loss = 0.0 total_val,correct_val=0,0 for input1, input2 in zip(val_loader_vid,val_loader_pose): data1,label1,data2,label2=torch.squeeze(input1['imgs'], 1).to(device), input1['label'].to(device),torch.squeeze(input2['imgs'], 1).to(device),input2['label'].to(device)
# forward
outputs =net(data1,data2)
loss = criterion(outputs, label1)
val_loss += loss.item()
#compute accuracy
_, predicted = torch.max(outputs, 1)
total_val += label1.size(0)
correct_val += (predicted == label1).sum().item()
print(f'Epoch {epoch+1} \t\t Train Loss: {train_loss / len(train_loader_vid)} \t\t Val Loss: {val_loss / len(val_loader_vid)} \t\t Train acc: {correct_trn /total_trn} \t\t Val acc: {correct_val /total_val}') if min_val_loss > val_loss: print(f'Validation Loss Decreased({min_val_loss:.6f}--->{val_loss:.6f}) \t Saving The Model') min_val_loss = val_loss filewrt='savedmodel' +str(epoch)+'.pth',filewrt)`
##################### When I use slowposeC3D model, I could see there is a consistent decrease in training loss for every epochs. But, when I train my model, the training loss is bouncing back and forth and is not decreasing consistently as shown below.
Could you please help me to improve the performance of the model?
Hi, Jeba, In the paper, it says you need to first train two streams seperately, and jointly finetune them to achieve better performance. Training RGBPoseSlowFast from scratch may not lead to good results.
Ok thank you so much for this suggestion. I have a question please, since I have already trained the slowposeC3D model, Is it possible to use that weights in the pose pathway?
Yes, you should use the weight of slowposeC3D to initialize the Pose Pathway.
Sorry, we do not have a plan for releasing it now (until December I guess). We may release it in December or early next year.
Hello, I want to use the RGBPose-SlowFast part,but I didn’t find it anywhere else. I tried to build it but failed. Do you have a rough timeline for when RGBPoseSlowFast will be released?. Thank you
When I use slowposeC3D model, I could see there is a consistent decrease in training loss for every epochs. But, when I train my model, the training loss is bouncing back and forth and is not decreasing consistently as shown below.
Hello, I want to use the RGBPose-SlowFast part,but I didn’t find it anywhere else. I tried to build it but failed. Can I refer to how you built the RgbPoseSlowFastResNet50 network? Thank you
When I use slowposeC3D model, I could see there is a consistent decrease in training loss for every epochs. But, when I train my model, the training loss is bouncing back and forth and is not decreasing consistently as shown below.
Hello, I want to use the RGBPose-SlowFast part,but I didn’t find it anywhere else. I tried to build it but failed. Can I refer to how you built the RgbPoseSlowFastResNet50 network? Thank you
Hi, the rest part of the PoseC3D project (RGBPose-SlowFast & PoseC3D + Kinetics) will be released after the paper gets published.
When I use slowposeC3D model, I could see there is a consistent decrease in training loss for every epochs. But, when I train my model, the training loss is bouncing back and forth and is not decreasing consistently as shown below.
Hello, I want to use the RGBPose-SlowFast part,but I didn’t find it anywhere else. I tried to build it but failed. Can I refer to how you built the RgbPoseSlowFastResNet50 network? Thank you
Hi, the rest part of the PoseC3D project (RGBPose-SlowFast & PoseC3D + Kinetics) will be released after the paper gets published.
Thank you very much for your reply, I will continue to try to build the RGBPose-SlowFast model refer to your paper. Thank you
Hi, did you try to use ntu-rgbd dataset to train the model with rgb and skeleton key points data?
When I use slowposeC3D model, I could see there is a consistent decrease in training loss for every epochs. But, when I train my model, the training loss is bouncing back and forth and is not decreasing consistently as shown below.
Hello, I want to use the RGBPose-SlowFast part,but I didn’t find it anywhere else. I tried to build it but failed. Can I refer to how you built the RgbPoseSlowFastResNet50 network? Thank you
Hi have you got any luck in implementing the model with rgb and skeleton data
Sorry for the late response. I haven't tried it with the NTU-RGB-D dataset. But, I've replicated the model of my own. Luckily, I got a good performance. Thank you
Now you can find the official implementation of RGBPoseConv3D in PYSKL:
Hi, Jeba-create, the implementation of poseC3D considering both RGB and pose input has not been released for now.