open-mmlab / mmaction2

OpenMMLab's Next Generation Video Understanding Toolbox and Benchmark
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IndexError: invalid index to scalar variable. #2133

Closed Better369 closed 1 year ago

Better369 commented 1 year ago

Hello, when I use mmaction2-master\mmaction2-master\tools\data\skeleton\ to extract key points, an index error occurs. 1670854972047 1670855213671

I don't know why this sentence is reporting an error, I try to modify this sentence, but unfortunately, I will have a new problem. But when I use the statement circled in the figure below to modify the previous statement, my generated kp only has key point data of one person, and the rest are 0. I guess it is caused by the existence of multiple d values. 1670855432868

HSPDuncan commented 1 year ago

Yes, I had the same problem when dealing with my own data set

HSPDuncan commented 1 year ago

@hukkai Hello, can you help me with this question

Better369 commented 1 year ago

Hello, can you please answer this question?Below is the detailed code I used:

import abc import argparse import os import os.path as osp import random as rd import shutil import string from collections import defaultdict

import cv2 import mmcv import numpy as np

try: from mmdet.apis import inference_detector, init_detector except (ImportError, ModuleNotFoundError): raise ImportError('Failed to import inference_detector and ' 'init_detector form mmdet.apis. These apis are ' 'required in this script! ')

try: from mmpose.apis import inference_top_down_pose_model, init_pose_model except (ImportError, ModuleNotFoundError): raise ImportError('Failed to import inference_top_down_pose_model and ' 'init_pose_model form mmpose.apis. These apis are ' 'required in this script! ')

mmdet_root = 'D:\Engineer\mmaction2-master\mmaction2-master\mmdetection-master\mmdetection-master' mmpose_root = 'D:\Engineer\mmaction2-master\mmaction2-master\mmpose-master\mmpose-master'

args = abc.abstractproperty() args.det_config = f'{mmdet_root}/configs/faster_rcnn/' # noqa: E501

args.det_checkpoint = '' # noqa: E501

args.det_checkpoint = 'D:\Engineer\mmaction2-master\mmaction2-master\weight\faster_rcnn_r50_fpn_1x_coco-person_20201216_175929-d022e227.pth' args.det_score_thr = 0.5 args.pose_config = f'{mmpose_root}/configs/body/2d_kpt_sview_rgb_img/topdown_heatmap/coco/' # noqa: E501

args.pose_checkpoint = '' # noqa: E501

args.pose_checkpoint = 'D:\Engineer\mmaction2-master\mmaction2-master\weight\hrnet_w32_coco_256x192-c78dce93_20200708.pth'

def gen_id(size=8): chars = string.asciiuppercase + string.digits return ''.join(rd.choice(chars) for in range(size))

def extract_frame(video_path): dname = gen_id() os.makedirs(dname, exist_ok=True) frametmpl = osp.join(dname, 'img{:05d}.jpg') vid = cv2.VideoCapture(video_path) frame_paths = [] flag, frame = cnt = 0 while flag: frame_path = frame_tmpl.format(cnt + 1) frame_paths.append(frame_path)

    cv2.imwrite(frame_path, frame)
    cnt += 1
    flag, frame =

return frame_paths

def detection_inference(args, frame_paths): model = init_detector(args.det_config, args.det_checkpoint, args.device) assert model.CLASSES[0] == 'person', ('We require you to use a detector ' 'trained on COCO') results = [] print('Performing Human Detection for each frame') prog_bar = mmcv.ProgressBar(len(frame_paths)) for frame_path in frame_paths: result = inference_detector(model, frame_path)

We only keep human detections with score larger than det_score_thr

    result = result[0][result[0][:, 4] >= args.det_score_thr]
return results

def intersection(b0, b1): l, r = max(b0[0], b1[0]), min(b0[2], b1[2]) u, d = max(b0[1], b1[1]), min(b0[3], b1[3]) return max(0, r - l) * max(0, d - u)

def iou(b0, b1): i = intersection(b0, b1) u = area(b0) + area(b1) - i return i / u

def area(b): return (b[2] - b[0]) * (b[3] - b[1])

def removedup(bbox):

def inside(box0, box1, thre=0.8):
    return intersection(box0, box1) / area(box0) > thre

num_bboxes = bbox.shape[0]
if num_bboxes == 1 or num_bboxes == 0:
    return bbox
valid = []
for i in range(num_bboxes):
    flag = True
    for j in range(num_bboxes):
        if i != j and inside(bbox[i],
                             bbox[j]) and bbox[i][4] <= bbox[j][4]:
            flag = False
    if flag:
return bbox[valid]

def is_easy_example(det_results, num_person): threshold = 0.95

def thre_bbox(bboxes, thre=threshold):
    shape = [sum(bbox[:, -1] > thre) for bbox in bboxes]
    ret = np.all(np.array(shape) == shape[0])
    return shape[0] if ret else -1

if thre_bbox(det_results) == num_person:
    det_results = [x[x[..., -1] > 0.95] for x in det_results]
    return True, np.stack(det_results)
return False, thre_bbox(det_results)

def bbox2tracklet(bbox): iou_thre = 0.6 tracklet_id = -1 tracklet_st_frame = {} tracklets = defaultdict(list) for t, box in enumerate(bbox): for idx in range(box.shape[0]): matched = False for tlet_id in range(tracklet_id, -1, -1): cond1 = iou(tracklets[tlet_id][-1][-1], box[idx]) >= iou_thre cond2 = ( t - tracklet_st_frame[tlet_id] - len(tracklets[tlet_id]) < 10) cond3 = tracklets[tlet_id][-1][0] != t if cond1 and cond2 and cond3: matched = True tracklets[tlet_id].append((t, box[idx])) break if not matched: tracklet_id += 1 tracklet_st_frame[tracklet_id] = t tracklets[tracklet_id].append((t, box[idx])) return tracklets

def drop_tracklet(tracklet): tracklet = {k: v for k, v in tracklet.items() if len(v) > 5}

def meanarea(track):
    boxes = np.stack([x[1] for x in track]).astype(np.float32)
    areas = (boxes[..., 2] - boxes[..., 0]) * (
        boxes[..., 3] - boxes[..., 1])
    return np.mean(areas)

tracklet = {k: v for k, v in tracklet.items() if meanarea(v) > 5000}
return tracklet

def distance_tracklet(tracklet): dists = {} for k, v in tracklet.items(): bboxes = np.stack([x[1] for x in v]) c_x = (bboxes[..., 2] + bboxes[..., 0]) / 2. c_y = (bboxes[..., 3] + bboxes[..., 1]) / 2. c_x -= 480 c_y -= 270 c = np.concatenate([c_x[..., None], c_y[..., None]], axis=1) dist = np.linalg.norm(c, axis=1) dists[k] = np.mean(dist) return dists

def tracklet2bbox(track, num_frame):


bbox = np.zeros((num_frame, 5))
trackd = {}
for k, v in track:
    bbox[k] = v
    trackd[k] = v
for i in range(num_frame):
    if bbox[i][-1] <= 0.5:
        mind = np.Inf
        for k in trackd:
            if np.abs(k - i) < mind:
                mind = np.abs(k - i)
        bbox[i] = bbox[k]
return bbox

def tracklets2bbox(tracklet, num_frame): dists = distance_tracklet(tracklet) sorted_inds = sorted(dists, key=lambda x: dists[x]) dist_thre = np.Inf for i in sorted_inds: if len(tracklet[i]) >= num_frame / 2: dist_thre = 2 * dists[i] break

dist_thre = max(50, dist_thre)

bbox = np.zeros((num_frame, 5))
bboxd = {}
for idx in sorted_inds:
    if dists[idx] < dist_thre:
        for k, v in tracklet[idx]:
            if bbox[k][-1] < 0.01:
                bbox[k] = v
                bboxd[k] = v
bad = 0
for idx in range(num_frame):
    if bbox[idx][-1] < 0.01:
        bad += 1
        mind = np.Inf
        mink = None
        for k in bboxd:
            if np.abs(k - idx) < mind:
                mind = np.abs(k - idx)
                mink = k
        bbox[idx] = bboxd[mink]
return bad, bbox

def bboxes2bbox(bbox, num_frame): ret = np.zeros((num_frame, 2, 5)) for t, item in enumerate(bbox): if item.shape[0] <= 2: ret[t, :item.shape[0]] = item else: inds = sorted( list(range(item.shape[0])), key=lambda x: -item[x, -1]) ret[t] = item[inds[:2]] for t in range(num_frame): if ret[t, 0, -1] <= 0.01: ret[t] = ret[t - 1] elif ret[t, 1, -1] <= 0.01: if t: if ret[t - 1, 0, -1] > 0.01 and ret[t - 1, 1, -1] > 0.01: if iou(ret[t, 0], ret[t - 1, 0]) > iou( ret[t, 0], ret[t - 1, 1]): ret[t, 1] = ret[t - 1, 1] else: ret[t, 1] = ret[t - 1, 0] return ret

def ntu_det_postproc(vid, det_results): det_results = [removedup(x) for x in det_results] label = int(vid.split('/')[-1].split('A')[1][:3]) mpaction = list(range(50, 61)) + list(range(106, 121)) n_person = 2 if label in mpaction else 1 is_easy, bboxes = is_easy_example(det_results, n_person) if is_easy: print('\nEasy Example') return bboxes

tracklets = bbox2tracklet(det_results)
tracklets = drop_tracklet(tracklets)

print(f'\nHard {n_person}-person Example, found {len(tracklets)} tracklet')
if n_person == 1:
    if len(tracklets) == 1:
        tracklet = list(tracklets.values())[0]
        det_results = tracklet2bbox(tracklet, len(det_results))
        return np.stack(det_results)
        bad, det_results = tracklets2bbox(tracklets, len(det_results))
        return det_results
# n_person is 2
if len(tracklets) <= 2:
    tracklets = list(tracklets.values())
    bboxes = []
    for tracklet in tracklets:
        bboxes.append(tracklet2bbox(tracklet, len(det_results))[:, None])
    bbox = np.concatenate(bboxes, axis=1)
    return bbox
    return bboxes2bbox(det_results, len(det_results))

def pose_inference(args, frame_paths, det_results): model = init_pose_model(args.pose_config, args.pose_checkpoint, args.device) print('Performing Human Pose Estimation for each frame') prog_bar = mmcv.ProgressBar(len(frame_paths))

num_frame = len(det_results)
num_person = max([len(x) for x in det_results])
#kp = np.zeros((num_person, num_frame, 17, 3), dtype=np.float32)
kp = np.zeros((num_person, num_frame, 17, 3), dtype=np.float32)

for i, (f, d) in enumerate(zip(frame_paths, det_results)):
    # Align input format
    d = [dict(bbox=x) for x in list(d) if x[-1] > 0.5]
    #if d[-1] > 0.5:
     #   ddd = [dict(bbox=d)]
    pose = inference_top_down_pose_model(model, f, d, format='xyxy')[0]
    for j, item in enumerate(pose):
        kp[j, i] = item['keypoints']
return kp

def ntu_pose_extraction(vid, skip_postproc=False): frame_paths = extract_frame(vid) det_results = detection_inference(args, frame_paths) if not skip_postproc: det_results = ntu_det_postproc(vid, det_results) pose_results = pose_inference(args, frame_paths, det_results) anno = dict() anno['keypoint'] = pose_results[..., :2] anno['keypoint_score'] = pose_results[..., 2] anno['frame_dir'] = osp.splitext(osp.basename(vid))[0] anno['img_shape'] = (1080, 1920) anno['original_shape'] = (1080, 1920) anno['total_frames'] = pose_results.shape[1] anno['label'] = int(osp.basename(vid).split('A')[1][:3]) - 1 shutil.rmtree(osp.dirname(frame_paths[0]))

return anno

def parse_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Generate Pose Annotation for a single NTURGB-D video') parser.add_argument('video',


                    type=str, help='source video')
                    type=str, help='output pickle name')
parser.add_argument('--device', type=str, default='cuda:0')
parser.add_argument('--skip-postproc', action='store_true')
args = parser.parse_args()
return args

if name == 'main': global_args = parse_args() args.device = global_args.device = args.output = global_args.output args.skip_postproc = global_args.skip_postproc anno = ntu_pose_extraction(, args.skip_postproc) mmcv.dump(anno, args.output)

Better369 commented 1 year ago

@hukkai Hello, can you help us take a look at this problem?

hukkai commented 1 year ago

@Better369 @HSPDuncan I just talked with the colleague who wrote the codes. The is only used for extract 2D poses for NTU dataset. If you have questions regarding pose extraction, you can refer to mmpose.

Better369 commented 1 year ago

Ok thanks。