Closed LZYmixiu closed 2 years ago
What's the version of MMCV? Actually, we have added Sequential
in MMCV which has init_weights
What's the version of MMCV? Actually, we have added
in MMCV which hasinit_weights Version: mmcv-full 1.4.0
mmdet 2.11.0
mmpycocotools 12.0.3
mmdet 2.11.0
is not compatible with MMCV 1.4.0
, please update your mmdetection to latest version or degrad your mmcv to ~ 1.2.4
It still would be torch.nn.modules.module.ModuleAttributeError: 'Sequential' object has no attribute 'init_weights'
after I downgrade mmcv-full to 1.2.4
And new error TypeError: MaskRCNN: SwinTransformer: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'embed_dim'
be encouraged after I upgrade mmde to 2.19.1 (In this situation mmcv is 1.4.0)
I found it's a mistake form my config file And the version I used is: mmcv-full 1.4.0 pypi_0 pypi mmdet 2.11.0 pypi_0 pypi mmpycocotools 12.0.3 pypi_0 pypi Thanks every replier under this issue!
When I training the model which type is maskrcnn, the error likes title was encouraged, dose anyone knows what's going on? or have met this erro before? The problem seems like in mmcv. The Traceback is:
ps: I haven't modified the test_cfg in my own config.