In MMCV 1.7.1 / docs/zh_cn/deployment/onnxruntime_op. The md,Developers can learn that after exporting onnx, custom operators can use ort.InferenceSession for normal inference. However, there is no corresponding explanation in the latest version, after exporting according to the existing documentation, onnx inference tests will appear similar to Fatal error: MMCV: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d (1) is not a registered function/op.
What is the feature?
In MMCV 1.7.1 / docs/zh_cn/deployment/onnxruntime_op. The md,Developers can learn that after exporting onnx, custom operators can use ort.InferenceSession for normal inference. However, there is no corresponding explanation in the latest version, after exporting according to the existing documentation, onnx inference tests will appear similar to Fatal error: MMCV: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d (1) is not a registered function/op.
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