open-mmlab / mmdeploy

OpenMMLab Model Deployment Framework
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[Bug] rtmdetection and rtmpose onnx to dlc model failed. #1914

Open lelechen63 opened 1 year ago

lelechen63 commented 1 year ago


Describe the bug

I followed the instruction from And. I can transfer the .pt model to onnx with following command:

convert the rtmdet_tiny model

python tools/ \ configs/mmdet/detection/ \ ../codebase/models/\ ../codebase/models/rtmdet_tiny_8xb32-300e_coco_20220902_112414-78e30dcc.pth \ ./25742375907_cam3.png \ --work-dir ./rtm_onnx \ --device cpu \ --show

convert the rtmpose-tiny model

python tools/ \ configs/mmpose/ \ ../codebase/models/rtmpose/rtmpose/body_2d_keypoint/\ ../codebase/models/rtmpose/rtmpose/body_2d_keypoint/rtmpose-tiny_simcc-aic-coco_pt-aic-coco_420e-256x192-cfc8f33d_20230126.pth \ ./25742375907_cam3.png \ --work-dir ./rtm_onnx \ --device cpu \ --show

However, I can not convert them into snpe (dlc) models with your function. Could you look into it?

I have attached my onnx models (step1:rtmdet_tiny, step2: rtmpose-tiny ). Thanks for your great work! Cheers!

I also tried pth2snpe command: python tools/ \ configs/mmpose/ \ ../codebase/models/rtmpose/rtmpose/body_2d_keypoint/\ ../codebase/models/rtmpose/rtmpose/body_2d_keypoint/rtmpose-tiny_simcc-aic-coco_pt-aic-coco_420e-256x192-cfc8f33d_20230126.pth \ ./25742375907_cam3.png \ --work-dir ./rtm_onnx \ --device cpu \ --show And I also failed at this step.


convert the rtmdet_tiny model

python tools/ \ configs/mmdet/detection/ \ ../codebase/models/\ ../codebase/models/rtmdet_tiny_8xb32-300e_coco_20220902_112414-78e30dcc.pth \ ./25742375907_cam3.png \ --work-dir ./rtm_onnx \ --device cpu \ --show

convert the rtmpose-tiny model

python tools/ \ configs/mmpose/ \ ../codebase/models/rtmpose/rtmpose/body_2d_keypoint/\ ../codebase/models/rtmpose/rtmpose/body_2d_keypoint/rtmpose-tiny_simcc-aic-coco_pt-aic-coco_420e-256x192-cfc8f33d_20230126.pth \ ./25742375907_cam3.png \

--work-dir ./rtm_onnx \
--device cpu \


same environment as required.

Error traceback

spne does not support hardsigmoid in step 1. There could be some other problems after fixing this problem.
tpoisonooo commented 1 year ago
  1. Use mmpose stable branch (for example v1.0.0rc1) instead of 1.x
  2. Please give the error log, if spne does not support hardsigmoid is all of them
lelechen63 commented 1 year ago
  1. Use mmpose stable branch (for example v1.0.0rc1) instead of 1.x
  2. Please give the error log, if spne does not support hardsigmoid is all of them

It seems like you already implement the hard sigmoid at How can I get the new onnx model without the hardsigmoid? Do I need to retrain the model without the hardsigmoid activation? Or is there any cheap way to replace it in pth2onnx step? Thanks