Open yogurtbuddy opened 1 year ago
i figure out where is wrong but still not know how to fix it
if i delete the code"delete=True,",it would be like this:
I also encountered this problem. Have you solved it now?
@yogurtbuddy @zhongyas 我在CO-DETR时,也遇到了同样的错误。如果您已经解决,敬请赐教是如何解决的。
@yogurtbuddy @zhongyas 我发现当要继承的是list, 就会继承不全,下例的roi_head和bbox_head,在生成的最终config文件里除了num_classes以外,其他信息都被屏蔽掉了。 而直接的dict()就能继承全部信息,下例的query_head,除了num_classes其他信息都还保留。
my_config model = dict( query_head=dict(num_classes=1,), roi_head=[dict(bbox_head=dict(num_classes=1,),),], bbox_head=[dict(num_classes=1,),])
final config bbox_head=[ dict(num_classes=1), ],
I also encountered this problem. Have you solved it now?
@2315455002 I could not solve it, and give up.
how to fix it? here are my code ps(my dataset just have one jpg and the num-classes just only one)
base = 'E:\github\mmdetection-main\mmdetection-main\configs\cascade_rcnn/'
我们还需要更改 head 中的 num_classes 以匹配数据集中的类别数
model = dict( delete=True, roi_head=dict( bbox_head=dict(num_classes=1), mask_head=dict(num_classes=1)))
data_root = 'E:\github\VOC2007/' metainfo = { 'classes': ('wk', ), 'palette': [ (220, 20, 60), ] } train_dataloader = dict( batch_size=1, dataset=dict( data_root=data_root, metainfo=metainfo, ann_file='train/final.json', data_prefix=dict(img='train/'))) val_dataloader = dict( dataset=dict( data_root=data_root, metainfo=metainfo, ann_file='val/final3.json', data_prefix=dict(img='val/'))) test_dataloader = val_dataloader
val_evaluator = dict(ann_file=data_root + 'val/final3.json') test_evaluator = val_evaluator
使用预训练的 Mask R-CNN 模型权重来做初始化,可以提高模型性能
load_from = 'E:/github/dataset/cascade_mask_rcnn_r50_fpn_mstrain_3x_coco_20210628_164719-5bdc3824.pth'