Open ruihan0495 opened 3 years ago
As a complementary, this is how my looks like:
import os
import cv2
import random
import numpy as np
import albumentations as A
from copy import deepcopy
from skimage.filters import gaussian
from ..builder import PIPELINES
def image_copy_paste(img, paste_img, alpha, blend=True, sigma=1):
if alpha is not None:
if blend:
alpha = gaussian(alpha, sigma=sigma, preserve_range=True)
img_dtype = img.dtype
alpha = alpha[..., None]
img = paste_img * alpha + img * (1 - alpha)
img = img.astype(img_dtype)
return img
def mask_copy_paste(mask, paste_mask, alpha):
raise NotImplementedError
def masks_copy_paste(masks, paste_masks, alpha):
if alpha is not None:
#eliminate pixels that will be pasted over
masks = [
np.logical_and(mask, np.logical_xor(mask, alpha)).astype(np.uint8) for mask in masks
return masks
def extract_bboxes(masks):
bboxes = []
h, w = masks[0].shape
for mask in masks:
yindices = np.where(np.any(mask, axis=0))[0]
xindices = np.where(np.any(mask, axis=1))[0]
if yindices.shape[0]:
y1, y2 = yindices[[0, -1]]
x1, x2 = xindices[[0, -1]]
y2 += 1
x2 += 1
y1 /= w
y2 /= w
x1 /= h
x2 /= h
y1, x1, y2, x2 = 0, 0, 0, 0
bboxes.append((y1, x1, y2, x2))
return bboxes
def bboxes_copy_paste(bboxes, paste_bboxes, masks, paste_masks, alpha, key):
if key == 'paste_bboxes':
return bboxes
elif paste_bboxes is not None:
masks = masks_copy_paste(masks, paste_masks=[], alpha=alpha)
adjusted_bboxes = extract_bboxes(masks)
#only keep the bounding boxes for objects listed in bboxes
mask_indices = [box[-1] for box in bboxes]
adjusted_bboxes = [adjusted_bboxes[idx] for idx in mask_indices]
#append bbox tails (classes, etc.)
adjusted_bboxes = [bbox + tail[4:] for bbox, tail in zip(adjusted_bboxes, bboxes)]
#adjust paste_bboxes mask indices to avoid overlap
if len(masks) > 0:
max_mask_index = len(masks)
max_mask_index = 0
paste_mask_indices = [max_mask_index + ix for ix in range(len(paste_bboxes))]
paste_bboxes = [pbox[:-1] + (pmi,) for pbox, pmi in zip(paste_bboxes, paste_mask_indices)]
adjusted_paste_bboxes = extract_bboxes(paste_masks)
adjusted_paste_bboxes = [apbox + tail[4:] for apbox, tail in zip(adjusted_paste_bboxes, paste_bboxes)]
bboxes = adjusted_bboxes + adjusted_paste_bboxes
return bboxes
def keypoints_copy_paste(keypoints, paste_keypoints, alpha):
#remove occluded keypoints
if alpha is not None:
visible_keypoints = []
for kp in keypoints:
x, y = kp[:2]
tail = kp[2:]
if alpha[int(y), int(x)] == 0:
keypoints = visible_keypoints + paste_keypoints
return keypoints
class CopyPaste(A.DualTransform):
def __init__(
super(CopyPaste, self).__init__(always_apply, p)
self.blend = blend
self.sigma = sigma
self.pct_objects_paste = pct_objects_paste
self.max_paste_objects = max_paste_objects
self.p = p
self.always_apply = always_apply
self.bbox_params = bbox_params
def get_class_fullname():
return 'copypaste.CopyPaste'
def targets_as_params(self):
return [
def get_params_dependent_on_targets(self, params):
image = params["paste_image"]
masks = None
if "paste_mask" in params:
#handle a single segmentation mask with
#multiple targets
#nothing for now.
raise NotImplementedError
elif "paste_masks" in params:
masks = params["paste_masks"]
assert(masks is not None), "Masks cannot be None!"
bboxes = params.get("paste_bboxes", None)
keypoints = params.get("paste_keypoints", None)
#number of objects: n_bboxes <= n_masks because of automatic removal
n_objects = len(bboxes) if bboxes is not None else len(masks)
#paste all objects if no restrictions
n_select = n_objects
if self.pct_objects_paste:
n_select = int(n_select * self.pct_objects_paste)
if self.max_paste_objects:
n_select = min(n_select, self.max_paste_objects)
#no objects condition
if n_select == 0:
return {
"param_masks": params["masks"],
"paste_img": None,
"alpha": None,
"paste_mask": None,
"paste_masks": None,
"paste_bboxes": None,
"paste_keypoints": None,
"objs_to_paste": []
#select objects
objs_to_paste = np.random.choice(
range(0, n_objects), size=n_select, replace=False
#take the bboxes
if bboxes:
bboxes = [bboxes[idx] for idx in objs_to_paste]
#the last label in bboxes is the index of corresponding mask
mask_indices = [bbox[-1] for bbox in bboxes]
#create alpha by combining all the objects into
#a single binary mask
masks = [masks[idx] for idx in mask_indices]
alpha = masks[0] > 0
for mask in masks[1:]:
alpha += mask > 0
return {
"param_masks": params["masks"],
"paste_img": image,
"alpha": alpha,
"paste_mask": None,
"paste_masks": masks,
"paste_bboxes": bboxes,
"paste_keypoints": keypoints
def ignore_kwargs(self):
return [
def apply_with_params(self, params, force_apply=False, **kwargs): # skipcq: PYL-W0613
if params is None:
return kwargs
params = self.update_params(params, **kwargs)
res = {}
for key, arg in kwargs.items():
if arg is not None and key not in self.ignore_kwargs:
target_function = self._get_target_function(key)
target_dependencies = {k: kwargs[k] for k in self.target_dependence.get(key, [])}
target_dependencies['key'] = key
res[key] = target_function(arg, **dict(params, **target_dependencies))
res[key] = None
return res
def apply(self, img, paste_img, alpha, **params):
return image_copy_paste(
img, paste_img, alpha, blend=self.blend, sigma=self.sigma
def apply_to_mask(self, mask, paste_mask, alpha, **params):
return mask_copy_paste(mask, paste_mask, alpha)
def apply_to_masks(self, masks, paste_masks, alpha, **params):
return masks_copy_paste(masks, paste_masks, alpha)
def apply_to_bboxes(self, bboxes, paste_bboxes, param_masks, paste_masks, alpha, key, **params):
return bboxes_copy_paste(bboxes, paste_bboxes, param_masks, paste_masks, alpha, key)
def apply_to_keypoints(self, keypoints, paste_keypoints, alpha, **params):
raise NotImplementedError
#return keypoints_copy_paste(keypoints, paste_keypoints, alpha)
def get_transform_init_args_names(self):
return (
) ```
Hello, I have the same issue, I think there should be 2 ways of adding copy_paste.
I went like you did for the second option, but I encounter this error:
AttributeError: CocoDataset: Albu: module 'albumentations' has no attribute 'CopyPaste'
Doesn't anyone know how to add this custom Transform as a recognizable albumentations transform ? Thank you.
@ruihan0495 Hi I met the same issue when implementing copy paste. Have you solved it?
In case you haven’t, I can’t find any resource related to this issue, could you give us some help? @jshilong
I am trying to incorporate the copy and paste effect with mmdetection based on, which is implemented as a subclass of albumentation's DualTransform class. I basically copied under mmdet/datasets/pipelines and followed the sample albu config to set up my config file, this is how my config file looks like: (only the data transform part)
from mmdet.datasets.pipelines import CopyPaste
..... .....where CopyPaste is the customized data augmentation. At first I set type='CopyPaste', it gave me error as 'CopyPaste' is not a built-in attribute of albumentations. Then I set type=CopyPaste so that it's a class type. Since given in the source code (albu_builder function in
, it should add the customized augmentation effect to the pipeline. But , but I always get a parsing error. Can you help me with this? Really appreciated!