Closed MatthewCodes closed 2 years ago
All of the bbox format in MMDetection is [x1, y1, x2, y2]. But when using COCO API, you need to convert the boxes to [x1, y1, W, H] format.
So, when running I can have the bbox format in my annotation files as [x1, y1, x2, y2]. But in this situation when I am doing manual testing my 'custom_gt.json' and 'custom_predictions.json' files should be [x1, y1, W, H]?
If you are using CocoDataset format, your annotation file should be COCO format(x1, y1, W, H), after the file is loaded, it will be converted to [x1, y1, x2, y2].
So the annotation file of coco dataset should all be [x1, y1, W, H] format both in training and testing.
Hello I want to test my models from this framework against models from another framework using a script very similar to the evaluate method in the file:
What is the bounding box format I should use for my cocoGt (ground truth) and for the cocoDt (my results). I tried to have them as [x1, y1, W, H] and the results were mostly 0.0 but when I switched the bbox format to [x1, y1, x2, y2] it improved my results to .70. And just to confirm the training bbox format should be [x1, y1, W, H]?