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The reference points in the Deformable DETR #8656

Closed JCZ404 closed 1 year ago

JCZ404 commented 2 years ago

I can't understand the way of the reference point generation. In the DeformableDetrTransformer class, the get_reference_points is used to calculate the initial reference point in the encode stage, but the calculation seems strange: (1) the reference points' coordinate is normalized with the valid H, W, and will this cause the padding pixels to have the normalized coordinate greater than 1? (2) after the normalization operation, why there need to multiply these normalized coordinates with the valid ratios again?


After get these reference points, in the Multi-Scale-Deformable-Attention, you calculate the sampling location which will be used in the deformable attention, do these locations' coordinate need to have the range of [0, 1]? If this is true, in the calculation, it seems a little strange, cause the calculation can't guarantee the range is [0, 1] for the sampling offset is unbounded. image

Hope to get your reply. Thanks!

Czm369 commented 2 years ago


Czm369 commented 2 years ago

This implementation does look a bit strange, but our model accuracies are all aligned

jshilong commented 2 years ago

This may need you familiar with the original algorithm @Li-Qingyun Would you mind sharing the explanation we discussed before

Li-Qingyun commented 1 year ago

非常感谢您对mmdetection的关注! @Zhangjiacheng144

我在阅读和学习Deformable DETR源码期间,有过和您相同的困惑。甚至在该issue提出时,我认为自己有点难顺利地回答您的问题(主要也是没整理,给忘了)。所以做了一些探究工作,在此分享我个人浅显的认识,希望能解答这些疑惑。最近事情比较多,拖到周末才回复。


DETR允许输入的 batch 中的图片具有不同的尺寸,如下图,我们选择coco train中的000000000009.jpg(640x480) 和 000000000078.jpg(612x612) 两张图像作为输入 DETR特制的 collate_fn 会在两张图的右侧和下侧 padding (padding到640x612),来对齐两张图的尺寸,相关逻辑在此

但是 padding 的部分毕竟不是图像部分,且DETR需要对图像进行位置编码,如果不知道哪里是padding的部分可能会影响位置编码。在计算attention的时候,Transformer也不应该关注这些padding的部分

所以 DETR 用 掩码 mask 记录了 padding 的位置,并设计了 NestedTensor 让每个 tensor 都附带着自己对应的 padding mask。在 mmdet 的实现(目前仍在refactor-detr分支中)中,我们没有沿用 NestedTensor 的设计,而是在 pre_encoder() 中根据 batch_data_samples 的信息构建了这个 mask。

要注意,不光输入的images是有对应的mask的,每层特征也是有对应mask的。DETR在 backbone 中直接对特征图用F.interpolate 进行下采样,相关逻辑在此。所以backbone的每个特征都具有对应的mask,也就是代码里的 mlvl_masks。mask中的每个值与特征图的像素点(也是sequence的一个token)一一对应,True就表明这里是padding的部分,不应该参与attention的计算,False就表明这里是图像的部分,应当被用于计算attention。


valid_ratio 的 定义:

                |---> valid_H <---|
              A |                 |     | A
              | |                 |     | |
              | |                 |     | |
        valid_W |                 |     | |
              | |                 |     | W
              | |                 |     | |
              V |                 |     | |
             ---+-----------------+     | |
                |                       | V
                |---------> H <---------|

      The valid_ratios are defined as:
            r_h = valid_H / H,  r_w = valid_W / W

这里这张图可以是 batch_input,也可以是任意一个 level 的 feature。如果用 real_feat 表示没有被 padding 的部分,用 padded_feat 表示整个padding后的图。那么valid_ratio 可以理解为 real_feat 的宽高比 padded_feat 的宽高。

例如上述的图像中(480, 640 & 612, 612 ---- padding ----> 612, 640):

假设用backbone后 3 层 feature map,两张图在各个level的padded_feat的尺寸都分别为 : (77, 80), (39, 40), (20, 20)。这三层的下采样倍率一般是 8x, 16x, 32x,因为无法整除,所以真实的下采样倍率是要看卷积过程的。

(480, 640) 图中,各个level的 real_feat 的尺寸实际是 (61, 80), (31, 40), (16, 20);

计算后 valid_ratios 分别为: [1.0000, 0.7922], [1.0000, 0.7949], [1.0000, 0.8000]],

(612, 612) 图中,各个level的 real_feat 的尺寸实际是 (77, 77), (39, 39), (20, 20);

计算后 valid_ratios 分别为: [0.9625, 1.0000], [0.9750, 1.0000], [1.0000, 1.0000]

可以看到 不同 level 的 feature 的 valid_ratios 是不同的,这是 两个real_feat_shape 和 一个padded_feat_shape的下采样过程不完全同步造成的。你会发现,在大多数情况下,所有的valid_ratio的值中会有一半是1,因为padded_feat总是贴合某个real_feat的长或者某个real_feat的宽。

所以,一定要注意,valid_ratio 一定是某个level和某个样本所特有的。

Deformable DETR 对于 reference points 的先验认识 的 讨论(个人理解):

  1. Deformable DETR 预测的box坐标是相对坐标的格式!其取值范围通常为0~1。

    预测的 boxes 应当是相对 real_feat 归一化的,因为之后这些bboxes会与 相对 real_feat 归一化的gt_bboxes对比计算loss。

    decoder 所输入的和输出的 reference_points 直接对应于预测的boxes (with_box_refine=True时,inter_reference_points本身和预测的box是等值的,只是计算图可能不同)。

    所以这部分的 reference_points 是相对于 real_feat 归一化的

  2. MSDeformAttn 所需要输入的 sampling location 应当是相对于 padding_feat 的

  3. MSDeformAttn 需要从不同level找到同一个位置,来实现多尺度特征融合。这里的“同一个位置”代表它们对应在原图上应当具有相同的相对坐标,因此它们相对 real_feat 的相对坐标 应当是对齐的,而不是相对于 padded_feat。

Decoder 的 reference points 过程

decoder 输入的 reference points 是对应于每个 object query 的,可以理解为每个query预测的目标的一个anchor。

注意:它在 as_two_stage 为 True 的时候是 4d 的框,反之为 2d的点。

而中间层输出的 reference points 在 with_box_refine 为 Ture 的时候为 4d 的 框,反之为 2d 的点。

if reference_points.shape[-1] == 4:
    reference_points_input = \
    reference_points[:, :, None] * \[valid_ratios, valid_ratios], -1)[:, None]
    assert reference_points.shape[-1] == 2
    reference_points_input = reference_points[:, :, None] * valid_ratios[:, None]

reference_points 为 decoder 的输入,是相对 real_feat 归一化的。reference_points_input 是输入给 layer 里的 attention 的,它应当是相对于 padded_feat 归一化的。所以乘了对应的 valid_ratio。即 absolute_coord / valid_H_or_W * valid_H_or_W / H_or_W,就变成了相对 padded_feat 初始化的啦!~

注意,这里这个归一化 factor 转换的过程是在 decoder_layer 的 for 循环中进行的,每层之间可能进行着的 box_refine,也一定是以 real_feat 为 factor 归一化的,所以每次送进 layer 的 attention 之前,都要进行 归一化因子的转换

Encoder 的 reference points 过程

encoder 输入的 reference_points 是对应于每个特征像素点的,每个特征本身就是图上的一点,因此其横纵坐标就是其参考点。

注意:encoder 的 reference_points 一直是 2d 的 点。


def get_encoder_reference_points(
        spatial_shapes: Tensor, valid_ratios: Tensor,
        device: Union[torch.device, str]) -> Tensor:
    spatial_shapes has shape (num_level, 2).
    valid_ratios has shape (batch_size, num_level, 2).
    reference_points_list = []
    for lvl, (H_lvl, W_lvl) in enumerate(spatial_shapes):
        # STEP 1
        ref_y, ref_x = torch.meshgrid(torch.linspace(0.5, H_lvl - 0.5, H_lvl, dtype=torch.float32, device=device),
                                      torch.linspace(0.5, W_lvl - 0.5, W_lvl, dtype=torch.float32, device=device))
        # STEP 2
        ref = normalize_reference_points(ref_x, ref_y, valid_ratios[:, lvl, :], spatial_shapes[lvl, :])
    reference_points =, 1)

    reference_points = reference_points[:, :, None] * valid_ratios[:, None]  # (bs, sum(HW_lvl), num_level, 2)
    return reference_points

def normalize_reference_points(ref_x, ref_y, lvl_valid_ratios, lvl_spatial_shape):
    H_lvl, W_lvl = lvl_spatial_shape
    # valid_ratios: (bs, 2)  (newaxis, num_ref) / (bs, newaxis) -> (bs, num_ref), num_ref = HW_lvl
    ref_y = ref_y.reshape(-1)[None] / (lvl_valid_ratios[:, None, 1] * H_lvl)
    ref_x = ref_x.reshape(-1)[None] / (lvl_valid_ratios[:, None, 0] * W_lvl)
    ref = torch.stack((ref_x, ref_y), -1)
    return ref

我们把 get_encoder_reference_points 分成两部分,把 SECTION A 又分成了 两个步骤。

SECTION A 中,是在每个 level 下的特征图上,生成每个像素对应的位置的相对坐标。STEP 1 中生成绝对坐标,即 0.5, 1.5, 2.5, ......。STEP 2 中将它们归一化,这次归一化的 factor 是它们对应的当前level的 valid_H_or_W * H_or_W,也就是该特征图的 real_feat 的宽高

有趣的是,对于超出 real_feat 的 zero_padding 的点,该归一化坐标值是 大于 1 的,这对应着您的第一个问题。我认为,大于1意味着该点对应着 zero_padding 的,本身是没有意义的,因此不需要考虑。而所有有意义的特征值都是小于1的。

SECTION A 获得了和 decoder_reference_point 一样被 real_feat 归一化的坐标。因此在 SECTION B 中,用 和 decoder 中对2d坐标相同的处理方式(encoder一定是2d)将 reference_points 转换成 以 padded_feat 为 factor 归一化的坐标。

这里看起来容易误解成,在 step 2 中 先除以valid_ratios,又在 SECTION B中乘 valid_ratios,好像是一乘一除会抵消一样,聪明的我们似乎能做的比作者更高效。(我之前也在和同伴的讨论中,问出一模一样的问题。)

实际上你在SECTION B下面这句话前后打断点就能发现,它们并不是能抵消掉的一乘和一除。前者除的 valid_H_or_W 一定是与参考点对应的哪个 valid_ratio,因为要获取相对坐标,是同 level 相除。但是后者是将获得的位置转化为各个 level 上的归一化坐标,大部分是跨 level 相乘,只有在对角线位置(在当前 level 上)是可以抵消的。所以其实作者在这里的实现非常合理且高效。


fundamentalvision/Deformable-DETR#38 中提到,对 sampling_offset 进行了特殊的初始化和调制,使 sampling_location 有比较特殊的初始位置。但在训练期间确实如你所说,我没找到它对[0, 1] range的限制。这部分如果您在之后有更合理的解释,希望您也能与我们分享。


我在编写回答的过程中编写了一些有关该问题的代码,调试和观察,来帮助我整理思绪进行回答。 这边把代码分享给您,您可以在自己的环境中尝试进行理解。

# By Li-Qingyun (  2022/10/29
from typing import List, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import torch
from torch import Tensor, nn
import torchvision.transforms as T
from torchvision.transforms.functional import to_pil_image
import torch.nn.functional as F

from mmcv import imread, imshow
from mmdet.models import build_backbone

def main():
    img1 = imread('000000000009.jpg', channel_order='rgb')
    img2 = imread('000000000078.jpg', channel_order='rgb')
    backbone = MMDetResNet50BackboneWrapper()

    batch_input_tensor, batch_input_mask = get_batch_input([img1, img2])
    show_one_tensor(batch_input_tensor[0], 'The first figure', 'The_first_figure.png')
    show_one_tensor(batch_input_tensor[1], 'The second figure', 'The_second_figure.png')
    show_one_mask(batch_input_mask[0], 'The first mask', 'The_first_mask.png')
    show_one_mask(batch_input_mask[1], 'The second mask', 'The_second_mask.png')

    feat, feat_mask = backbone(batch_input_tensor, batch_input_mask)

    # (bs, num_level, 2)
    valid_ratios = torch.stack([get_valid_ratio(m) for m in feat_mask], 1)
    # (num_level, 2)
    spatial_shapes = torch.stack([torch.as_tensor(f.shape[2:]) for f in feat], dim=0)
    print(f'Feat spatial shapes: {spatial_shapes}')
    print(f'Valid ratios: {valid_ratios}')

    # (bs, num_reference_points, num_level, 2)
    encoder_reference_points = get_encoder_reference_points(
        spatial_shapes, valid_ratios, device=feat[0].device)

    # DECODER  (300 queries)
    refpoint_embed = nn.Embedding(300, 2).weight
    refpoint_embed = refpoint_embed.unsqueeze(0).repeat(len(batch_input_tensor), 1, 1)
    decoder_input_reference_points = refpoint_embed.sigmoid()
    decoder_reference_points = decoder_process_reference_points(decoder_input_reference_points, valid_ratios)


def get_encoder_reference_points(
        spatial_shapes: Tensor, valid_ratios: Tensor,
        device: Union[torch.device, str]) -> Tensor:
    """Get reference point for the Deformable Detr Transformer encoder.
    Modified from mmdet/models/layers/transformers/
    of OpenMMLab 2.0.

    spatial_shapes has shape (num_level, 2).
    valid_ratios has shape (batch_size, num_level, 2).
    # 获取各层特征图中每个像素点相对于Valid值的相对坐标作为reference_points
    reference_points_list = []
    for lvl, (H_lvl, W_lvl) in enumerate(spatial_shapes):
        # Each has shape (H_lvl, W_lvl).
        ref_y, ref_x = torch.meshgrid(
                0.5, H_lvl - 0.5, H_lvl, dtype=torch.float32, device=device),
                0.5, W_lvl - 0.5, W_lvl, dtype=torch.float32, device=device))
        ref = normalize_reference_points(
            ref_x, ref_y, valid_ratios[:, lvl, :], spatial_shapes[lvl, :])
    reference_points =, 1)

    # 在各个level将上面获得的valid归一化的坐标转化为相对于当前level的padded feature的相对坐标
    # 默认认为,各个level的valid部分是aligned。
    # (bs, sum(HW_lvl), num_level, 2)
    reference_points = reference_points[:, :, None] * valid_ratios[:, None]
    return reference_points

def normalize_reference_points(ref_x, ref_y, lvl_valid_ratios, lvl_spatial_shape):
    H_lvl, W_lvl = lvl_spatial_shape
    # The ref_xy of
    # valid_ratios: (bs, num_level, 2)
    # (newaxis, num_ref) / (bs, newaxis) -> (bs, num_ref), num_ref = HW_lvl
    ref_y = ref_y.reshape(-1)[None] / (
            lvl_valid_ratios[:, None, 1] * H_lvl)
    ref_x = ref_x.reshape(-1)[None] / (
            lvl_valid_ratios[:, None, 0] * W_lvl)
    ref = torch.stack((ref_x, ref_y), -1)
    return ref

def decoder_process_reference_points(reference_points, valid_ratios):
    # reference_points 是相对于valid图的特征
    if reference_points.shape[-1] == 4:
        reference_points_input = \
            reference_points[:, :, None] * \
  [valid_ratios, valid_ratios], -1)[:, None]
        assert reference_points.shape[-1] == 2
        reference_points_input = reference_points[:, :, None] * valid_ratios[:, None]

    return reference_points_input

def get_batch_input(imgs: List[np.ndarray]):
    pre_process = T.Compose([
        T.Normalize([0.485, 0.456, 0.406], [0.229, 0.224, 0.225])])
    imgs = [pre_process(img) for img in imgs]  # List[Tensor]
    batch_input_tensor, batch_input_mask = nested_tensor_from_tensor_list(imgs)
    img_shape_list = [img.shape[1:] for img in imgs]
    batch_input_shape = batch_input_tensor.shape[:2]
    return batch_input_tensor, batch_input_mask

def nested_tensor_from_tensor_list(tensor_list: List[Tensor]):
    # Modified from
    for tensor in tensor_list:
        assert tensor.ndim == 3

    def _max_by_axis(the_list: List[List[int]]) -> List[int]:
        maxes = the_list[0]
        for sublist in the_list[1:]:
            for index, item in enumerate(sublist):
                maxes[index] = max(maxes[index], item)
        return maxes

    max_size = _max_by_axis([list(img.shape) for img in tensor_list])
    batch_shape = [len(tensor_list)] + max_size
    b, c, h, w = batch_shape
    dtype = tensor_list[0].dtype
    device = tensor_list[0].device
    tensor = torch.zeros(batch_shape, dtype=dtype, device=device)
    mask = torch.ones((b, h, w), dtype=torch.bool, device=device)
    for img, pad_img, m in zip(tensor_list, tensor, mask):
        pad_img[: img.shape[0], : img.shape[1], : img.shape[2]].copy_(img)
        m[: img.shape[1], :img.shape[2]] = False
    return tensor, mask

class MMDetResNet50BackboneWrapper(nn.Module):

    def __init__(self) -> None:
        config = dict(
            out_indices=(1, 2, 3),
            norm_cfg=dict(type='BN', requires_grad=False),
        self.backbone = build_backbone(config)

    def forward(self, batch_input_tensor: Tensor,
                batch_input_mask: Tensor) -> Tuple[List[Tensor], List[Tensor]]:
        mlvl_feats = self.backbone(batch_input_tensor)
        mlvl_masks = [
            for feat in mlvl_feats]
        return mlvl_feats, mlvl_masks

def show_one_mask(bool_mask: Tensor, title: str = None,
                  save_path: str = None) -> None:
    assert bool_mask.ndim == 2
    color_map = np.array([[255, 244, 210], [244, 239, 255]])
    float_mask_ndarray = bool_mask.numpy().astype(np.float64)
    float_inv_mask_ndarray = (~bool_mask).numpy().astype(np.float64)
    colorful_mask = np.matmul(float_mask_ndarray[..., None], color_map[0][None]) + \
                    np.matmul(float_inv_mask_ndarray[..., None], color_map[1][None])
    colorful_mask = colorful_mask.astype(np.uint8)
    if title is not None:
    if save_path is not None:

def show_one_tensor(normed_tensor: Tensor, title: str = None,
                    save_path: str = None) -> None:
    normed_tensor = normed_tensor.clone()

    def _inv_normalize(tensor: Tensor, mean:List[float] = [0.485, 0.456, 0.406],
                       std: List[float] = [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]) -> Tensor:
        assert len(mean) == 3 and len(std) == 3
        dtype = tensor.dtype
        mean = torch.as_tensor(mean, dtype=dtype, device=tensor.device)
        std = torch.as_tensor(std, dtype=dtype, device=tensor.device)
        if mean.ndim == 1:
            mean = mean.view(-1, 1, 1)
        if std.ndim == 1:
            std = std.view(-1, 1, 1)
        return tensor.mul_(std).add_(mean)

    img_tensor = _inv_normalize(normed_tensor)
    img = to_pil_image(img_tensor)
    if title is not None:
    if save_path is not None:

def get_valid_ratio(mask: Tensor) -> Tensor:
    Copied from mmdet/models/detectors/ of OpenMMLab 2.0.

    Get the valid radios of feature map in a level.

    .. code:: text

                |---> valid_H <---|
              A |                 |     | A
              | |                 |     | |
              | |                 |     | |
        valid_W |                 |     | |
              | |                 |     | W
              | |                 |     | |
              V |                 |     | |
             ---+-----------------+     | |
                |                       | V
                |---------> H <---------|

      The valid_ratios are defined as:
            r_h = valid_H / H,  r_w = valid_W / W
      They are the factors to re-normalize the relative coordinates of the
      image to the relative coordinates of the current level feature map.

        mask (Tensor): Binary mask of a feature map, has shape (bs, H, W).

        Tensor: valid ratios [r_w, r_h] of a feature map, has shape (1, 2).
    _, H, W = mask.shape
    valid_H = torch.sum(~mask[:, :, 0], 1)
    valid_W = torch.sum(~mask[:, 0, :], 1)
    valid_ratio_h = valid_H.float() / H
    valid_ratio_w = valid_W.float() / W
    valid_ratio = torch.stack([valid_ratio_w, valid_ratio_h], -1)
    print(f"Valid_H & H & Valid_W & W: {valid_H} {H} {valid_W} {W}")
    return valid_ratio

if __name__ == '__main__':
Li-Qingyun commented 1 year ago




It indeed causes some of the normalized coordinates to be greater than 1, but I think that the coordinates greater than 1 are actually the padding zeros, and they will be ignored in the attention computation, so it does not matter.


注意,前面除 valid_ratio 是为了获得相对于非padding的特征图尺寸进行归一化,所除的 valid_ratio 和 各个 reference point 一定属于同一个level;但 后面乘的 valid_ratio 是为了将每个reference point转化成输入MSDeformAttn的形式(应当为相对于各level的batch_input_shape的归一化),所乘的valid_ratio和 reference point 不一定是同一个level的。

Note that the first valid_ratio is normalized with respect to the non-padding feature map size, and the valid_ratio and each reference point must belong to the same level; However, the later valid_ratio is to transform each reference point for feeding them into MSDeformAttn (which should be normalized with respect to the feature_shape of each level), the valid_ratio and the reference point are not necessarily of the same level.



It seems that it might go beyond.

JCZ404 commented 1 year ago

Ok, I got it, thanks for your excellent explanation!