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How to train model with BEVFusion on Kitti Dataset instead of nuScenes dataset? #2617

Open schatur2 opened 1 year ago

schatur2 commented 1 year ago

Model/Dataset/Scheduler description

Hello Everyone,

I am training mvxnet model with the default config file available in the repository, which is for the point_fusion and kitti dataset. I wanted to try other fusion methods with mvxnet model.

I see BEVFusion code added in the repository with the nuScenes dataset. What config settings I would need to change for adapting BEVFusion for Camera Lidar3d fusion with the Kitti dataset?

Thank you so much for your help! Regards, Saket

Open source status

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sunjiahao1999 commented 1 year ago

We haven't tried these, so you can try it yourself. But note that unlike nuScenes, which has six surround-view images, KITTI only has two foreground images, which may make it difficult for BEVFusion.

schatur2 commented 1 year ago

Okay. Thank you @sunjiahao1999 for responding. If possible can you please check the following BEVFusion config for Kitti Dataset to see if everything looks good to you? When I am doing training using the following Kitti dataset config, I am getting the error "File "/data2/saket/tp_mmdetection3d-master/mmdetection3d/projects/BEVFusion/bevfusion/", line 135, in transform filename.append(cam_item['img_path']) KeyError: 'img_path'"

The above error is connected with def transform(self, results: dict) -> Optional[dict]: ("Call function to load multi-view image from files"). It does not have results dict. Is this problem connected with multi-view image? How can I solve the problem?

Thank you so much! Regards, Saket

Config: base = ['../../../configs/base/'] custom_imports = dict( imports=['projects.BEVFusion.bevfusion'], allow_failed_imports=False)

voxel_size = [0.05, 0.05, 0.1] point_cloud_range = [0, -40, -3, 70.4, 40, 1] class_names = ['Pedestrian', 'Cyclist', 'Car']

metainfo = dict(classes=class_names) dataset_type = 'KittiDataset' data_root = '/data2/saket/KITTI/' data_prefix = dict(pts='training/velodyne_reduced', img='training/image_2') input_modality = dict(use_lidar=True, use_camera=True) backend_args = None

model = dict( type='BEVFusion', data_preprocessor=dict( type='Det3DDataPreprocessor', mean=[123.675, 116.28, 103.53], std=[58.395, 57.12, 57.375], bgr_to_rgb=False), img_backbone=dict( type='mmdet.SwinTransformer', embed_dims=96, depths=[2, 2, 6, 2], num_heads=[3, 6, 12, 24], window_size=7, mlp_ratio=4, qkv_bias=True, qk_scale=None, drop_rate=0.0, attn_drop_rate=0.0, drop_path_rate=0.2, patch_norm=True, out_indices=[1, 2, 3], with_cp=False, convert_weights=True, init_cfg=dict( type='Pretrained', checkpoint= # noqa: E251 '' # noqa: E501 )), img_neck=dict( type='GeneralizedLSSFPN', in_channels=[192, 384, 768], out_channels=256, start_level=0, num_outs=3, norm_cfg=dict(type='BN2d', requires_grad=True), act_cfg=dict(type='ReLU', inplace=True), upsample_cfg=dict(mode='bilinear', align_corners=False)), view_transform=dict( type='DepthLSSTransform', in_channels=256, out_channels=80, image_size=[256, 704], feature_size=[32, 88], xbound=[-54.0, 54.0, 0.3], ybound=[-54.0, 54.0, 0.3], zbound=[-10.0, 10.0, 20.0], dbound=[1.0, 60.0, 0.5], downsample=2), fusion_layer=dict( type='ConvFuser', in_channels=[80, 256], out_channels=256))

train_pipeline = [ dict( type='BEVLoadMultiViewImageFromFiles', to_float32=True, color_type='color', backend_args=backend_args), dict( type='LoadPointsFromFile', coord_type='LIDAR', load_dim=5, use_dim=5, backend_args=backend_args), dict( type='LoadPointsFromMultiSweeps', sweeps_num=9, load_dim=5, use_dim=5, pad_empty_sweeps=True, remove_close=True, backend_args=backend_args), dict( type='LoadAnnotations3D', with_bbox_3d=True, with_label_3d=True, with_attr_label=False), dict( type='ImageAug3D', final_dim=[256, 704], resize_lim=[0.38, 0.55], bot_pct_lim=[0.0, 0.0], rot_lim=[-5.4, 5.4], rand_flip=True, is_train=True), dict( type='BEVFusionGlobalRotScaleTrans', scale_ratio_range=[0.9, 1.1], rot_range=[-0.78539816, 0.78539816], translation_std=0.5), dict(type='BEVFusionRandomFlip3D'), dict(type='PointsRangeFilter', point_cloud_range=point_cloud_range), dict(type='ObjectRangeFilter', point_cloud_range=point_cloud_range), dict( type='ObjectNameFilter', classes=['Pedestrian', 'Cyclist', 'Car']),

Actually, 'GridMask' is not used here

        'points', 'img', 'gt_bboxes_3d', 'gt_labels_3d', 'gt_bboxes',
        'cam2img', 'ori_cam2img', 'lidar2cam', 'lidar2img', 'cam2lidar',
        'ori_lidar2img', 'img_aug_matrix', 'box_type_3d', 'sample_idx',
        'lidar_path', 'img_path', 'transformation_3d_flow', 'pcd_rotation',
        'pcd_scale_factor', 'pcd_trans', 'img_aug_matrix',


test_pipeline = [ dict( type='BEVLoadMultiViewImageFromFiles', to_float32=True, color_type='color', backend_args=backend_args), dict( type='LoadPointsFromFile', coord_type='LIDAR', load_dim=5, use_dim=5, backend_args=backend_args), dict( type='LoadPointsFromMultiSweeps', sweeps_num=9, load_dim=5, use_dim=5, pad_empty_sweeps=True, remove_close=True, backend_args=backend_args), dict( type='ImageAug3D', final_dim=[256, 704], resize_lim=[0.48, 0.48], bot_pct_lim=[0.0, 0.0], rot_lim=[0.0, 0.0], rand_flip=False, is_train=False), dict( type='PointsRangeFilter', point_cloud_range=[-54.0, -54.0, -5.0, 54.0, 54.0, 3.0]), dict( type='Pack3DDetInputs', keys=['img', 'points', 'gt_bboxes_3d', 'gt_labels_3d'], meta_keys=[ 'cam2img', 'ori_cam2img', 'lidar2cam', 'lidar2img', 'cam2lidar', 'ori_lidar2img', 'img_aug_matrix', 'box_type_3d', 'sample_idx', 'lidar_path', 'img_path' ]) ]

train_dataloader = dict( batch_size=2, num_workers=2, persistent_workers=True, sampler=dict(type='DefaultSampler', shuffle=True), dataset=dict( type='RepeatDataset', times=2, dataset=dict( type=dataset_type, data_root=data_root, ann_file='kitti_infos_train.pkl', pipeline=train_pipeline, metainfo=metainfo, modality=input_modality, test_mode=False, data_prefix=data_prefix, filter_empty_gt=False,#use_valid_flag=True,

we use box_type_3d='LiDAR' in kitti and nuscenes dataset

        # and box_type_3d='Depth' in sunrgbd and scannet dataset.

val_dataloader = dict( batch_size=1, num_workers=1, persistent_workers=True, drop_last=False, sampler=dict(type='DefaultSampler', shuffle=False), dataset=dict( type=dataset_type, data_root=data_root, ann_file='kitti_infos_val.pkl', pipeline=test_pipeline, metainfo=metainfo, modality=input_modality, data_prefix=data_prefix, test_mode=True, box_type_3d='LiDAR', backend_args=backend_args)) test_dataloader = val_dataloader

param_scheduler = [ dict( type='LinearLR', start_factor=0.33333333, by_epoch=False, begin=0, end=500), dict( type='CosineAnnealingLR', begin=0, T_max=6, end=6, by_epoch=True, eta_min_ratio=1e-4, convert_to_iter_based=True),

momentum scheduler

# During the first 8 epochs, momentum increases from 1 to 0.85 / 0.95
# during the next 12 epochs, momentum increases from 0.85 / 0.95 to 1
    eta_min=0.85 / 0.95,


db_sampler = dict( data_root=data_root, info_path=data_root + 'kitti_dbinfos_train.pkl', rate=1.0, prepare=dict( filter_by_difficulty=[-1], filter_by_min_points=dict( car=5, truck=5, bus=5, trailer=5, construction_vehicle=5, traffic_cone=5, barrier=5, motorcycle=5, bicycle=5, pedestrian=5)), classes=class_names, sample_groups=dict( car=2, truck=3, construction_vehicle=7, bus=4, trailer=6, barrier=2, motorcycle=6, bicycle=6, pedestrian=2, traffic_cone=2), points_loader=dict( type='LoadPointsFromFile', coord_type='LIDAR', load_dim=5, use_dim=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4], backend_args=backend_args))

runtime settings

val_evaluator = dict( type='KittiMetric', ann_file=data_root + 'kitti_infos_val.pkl') test_evaluator = val_evaluator vis_backends = [dict(type='LocalVisBackend')] visualizer = dict( type='Det3DLocalVisualizer', vis_backends=vis_backends, name='visualizer') train_cfg = dict(by_epoch=True, max_epochs=6, val_interval=1) val_cfg = dict() test_cfg = dict()

optim_wrapper = dict( type='OptimWrapper', optimizer=dict(type='AdamW', lr=0.0002, weight_decay=0.01), clip_grad=dict(max_norm=35, norm_type=2))

Default setting for scaling LR automatically

- enable means enable scaling LR automatically

or not by default.

- base_batch_size = (8 GPUs) x (4 samples per GPU).

auto_scale_lr = dict(enable=False, base_batch_size=32)

default_hooks = dict( logger=dict(type='LoggerHook', interval=50), checkpoint=dict(type='CheckpointHook', interval=1)) del base.custom_hooks

sunjiahao1999 commented 1 year ago

@schatur2 maybe you're using an older version of infos.pkl. Generate new infos.pkl with tools/ or download new infos.pkl in here

schatur2 commented 1 year ago

@sunjiahao1999, I was earlier using an older version of infos.pkl and was getting error "TypeError: The annotations loaded from annotation file should be a dict, but got <class 'list'>!". I updated the infos.pkl with new versions then the problem was solved. Do you still think this could be because of the older version of infos.pkl or it can be because of a changed dataset in config?

Thank you so much! Regards, Saket

lehnasamia commented 1 year ago

@sunjiahao1999, I was earlier using an older version of infos.pkl and was getting error "TypeError: The annotations loaded from annotation file should be a dict, but got <class 'list'>!". I updated the infos.pkl with new versions then the problem was solved. Do you still think this could be because of the older version of infos.pkl or it can be because of a changed dataset in config?

Thank you so much! Regards, Saket

@schatur2 Hello, did you succeed to train BEVFusion with this config ? Will you share your trained model ? If not, could you please tell me how much time takes to train the model on kitti

Thank you Lehna

schatur2 commented 1 year ago

@lehnasamia, I am trying to train BEVFusion model with the kitti_config config by solving the above key_cam problem.

liyih commented 11 months ago

I think it is a quite heavy work to transfer bevfusion to kitti. The structure of kitti_infos_train.pkl and nuscenes_infos_train.pkl are quite different, such as info[‘instances’] and info[‘images’]. So, in my opinion, to successfully train bevfusion on kitti, you should not only rewrite but also the transformation function in And now I am trying to do that.

schatur2 commented 11 months ago

Okay @liyih. Please let me know once you have things setup on kitti dataset.

Thank you so much! Regards, Saket

liyih commented 10 months ago

@schatur2 I have rewriten and and now the problem you mention before filename.append(cam_item['img_path']) KeyError: 'img_path'" has be solved. However, I meet the new problem as follow: File "mmdetection3d/projects/BEVFusion/bevfusion/", line 299, in forward cur_coords = cur_img_aug_matrix[:, :3, :3].matmul(cur_coords) IndexError: too many indices for tensor of dimension 2 It looks like a normal question. But I don't want to do some changes in the model codes. By the way, I don't know if use nuScenes will meet the same question. Whether if the bug for the model code or I should rewrite the model. the are as follows:

Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.

import copy from typing import Optional

import mmcv import numpy as np from mmengine.fileio import get

from mmdet3d.datasets.transforms import LoadMultiViewImageFromFiles from mmdet3d.registry import TRANSFORMS

@TRANSFORMS.register_module() class BEVLoadKittiImageFromFiles(LoadMultiViewImageFromFiles): """Load multi channel images from a list of separate channel files.

``BEVLoadMultiViewImageFromFiles`` adds the following keys for the
convenience of view transforms in the forward:
    - 'cam2lidar'
    - 'lidar2img'

    to_float32 (bool): Whether to convert the img to float32.
        Defaults to False.
    color_type (str): Color type of the file. Defaults to 'unchanged'.
    backend_args (dict, optional): Arguments to instantiate the
        corresponding backend. Defaults to None.
    num_views (int): Number of view in a frame. Defaults to 5.
    num_ref_frames (int): Number of frame in loading. Defaults to -1.
    test_mode (bool): Whether is test mode in loading. Defaults to False.
    set_default_scale (bool): Whether to set default scale.
        Defaults to True.

def transform(self, results: dict) -> Optional[dict]:
    """Call function to load multi-view image from files.

        results (dict): Result dict containing multi-view image filenames.

        dict: The result dict containing the multi-view image data.
        Added keys and values are described below.

            - filename (str): Multi-view image filenames.
            - img (np.ndarray): Multi-view image arrays.
            - img_shape (tuple[int]): Shape of multi-view image arrays.
            - ori_shape (tuple[int]): Shape of original image arrays.
            - pad_shape (tuple[int]): Shape of padded image arrays.
            - scale_factor (float): Scale factor.
            - img_norm_cfg (dict): Normalization configuration of images.
    # TODO: consider split the multi-sweep part out of this pipeline
    # Derive the mask and transform for loading of multi-sweep data
    # Support multi-view images with different shapes
    # TODO: record the origin shape and padded shape

    filename, cam2img, lidar2cam, cam2lidar, lidar2img = [], [], [], [], []
    lidar2cam_array = np.array(results['images']['CAM2']['lidar2cam']).astype(
    lidar2cam_rot = lidar2cam_array[:3, :3]
    lidar2cam_trans = lidar2cam_array[:3, 3:4]
    camera2lidar = np.eye(4)
    camera2lidar[:3, :3] = lidar2cam_rot.T
    camera2lidar[:3, 3:4] = -1 * np.matmul(
        lidar2cam_rot.T, lidar2cam_trans.reshape(3, 1))
    cam2img_array = np.eye(4).astype(np.float32)
    cam2img_array[:3, :3] = np.array(results['images']['CAM2']['cam2img'])[:3, :3].astype(np.float32)
    lidar2img.append(cam2img_array @ lidar2cam_array)

    results['img_path'] = filename
    results['cam2img'] = np.stack(cam2img, axis=0)
    results['lidar2cam'] = np.stack(lidar2cam, axis=0)
    results['cam2lidar'] = np.stack(cam2lidar, axis=0)
    results['lidar2img'] = np.stack(lidar2img, axis=0)

    results['ori_cam2img'] = copy.deepcopy(results['cam2img'])

    # img is of shape (h, w, c, num_views)
    # h and w can be different for different views
    img_bytes = [
        get(name, backend_args=self.backend_args) for name in filename
    imgs = [
            channel_order='rgb') for img_byte in img_bytes
    # handle the image with different shape
    img_shapes = np.stack([img.shape for img in imgs], axis=0)
    img_shape_max = np.max(img_shapes, axis=0)
    img_shape_min = np.min(img_shapes, axis=0)
    assert img_shape_min[-1] == img_shape_max[-1]
    if not np.all(img_shape_max == img_shape_min):
        pad_shape = img_shape_max[:2]
        pad_shape = None
    if pad_shape is not None:
        imgs = [
            mmcv.impad(img, shape=pad_shape, pad_val=0) for img in imgs
    img = np.stack(imgs, axis=-1)
    if self.to_float32:
        img = img.astype(np.float32)

    results['filename'] = filename
    # unravel to list, see `DefaultFormatBundle` in
    # which will transpose each image separately and then stack into array
    results['img'] = [img[..., i] for i in range(img.shape[-1])]
    results['img_shape'] = img.shape[:2]
    results['ori_shape'] = img.shape[:2]
    # Set initial values for default meta_keys
    results['pad_shape'] = img.shape[:2]
    if self.set_default_scale:
        results['scale_factor'] = 1.0
    num_channels = 1 if len(img.shape) < 3 else img.shape[2]
    results['img_norm_cfg'] = dict(
        mean=np.zeros(num_channels, dtype=np.float32),
        std=np.ones(num_channels, dtype=np.float32),
    results['num_views'] = self.num_views
    results['num_ref_frames'] = self.num_ref_frames
    return results

The are as follows: base = ['../../../configs/base/schedules/', '../../../configs/base/']

custom_imports = dict( imports=['projects.BEVFusion.bevfusion'], allow_failed_imports=False)

voxel_size = [0.05, 0.05, 0.1] point_cloud_range = [0, -40, -3, 70.4, 40, 1]

model = dict( type='BEVFusion', data_preprocessor=dict( type='Det3DDataPreprocessor', pad_size_divisor=32, voxelize_cfg=dict( max_num_points=10, point_cloud_range=[0, -40, -3, 70.4, 40, 1], voxel_size=[0.05, 0.05, 0.1], max_voxels=[120000, 160000], voxelize_reduce=True), mean=[102.9801, 115.9465, 122.7717], std=[1.0, 1.0, 1.0], bgr_to_rgb=False), pts_voxel_encoder=dict(type='HardSimpleVFE', num_features=5), pts_middle_encoder=dict( type='BEVFusionSparseEncoder', in_channels=5, sparse_shape=[1440, 1440, 41], order=('conv', 'norm', 'act'), norm_cfg=dict(type='BN1d', eps=0.001, momentum=0.01), encoder_channels=((16, 16, 32), (32, 32, 64), (64, 64, 128), (128, 128)), encoder_paddings=((0, 0, 1), (0, 0, 1), (0, 0, (1, 1, 0)), (0, 0)), block_type='basicblock'), pts_backbone=dict( type='SECOND', in_channels=256, out_channels=[128, 256], layer_nums=[5, 5], layer_strides=[1, 2], norm_cfg=dict(type='BN', eps=0.001, momentum=0.01), conv_cfg=dict(type='Conv2d', bias=False)), pts_neck=dict( type='SECONDFPN', in_channels=[128, 256], out_channels=[256, 256], upsample_strides=[1, 2], norm_cfg=dict(type='BN', eps=0.001, momentum=0.01), upsample_cfg=dict(type='deconv', bias=False), use_conv_for_no_stride=True), bbox_head=dict( type='TransFusionHead', num_proposals=200, auxiliary=True, in_channels=512, hidden_channel=128, num_classes=10, nms_kernel_size=3, bn_momentum=0.1, num_decoder_layers=1, decoder_layer=dict( type='TransformerDecoderLayer', self_attn_cfg=dict(embed_dims=128, num_heads=8, dropout=0.1), cross_attn_cfg=dict(embed_dims=128, num_heads=8, dropout=0.1), ffn_cfg=dict( embed_dims=128, feedforward_channels=256, num_fcs=2, ffn_drop=0.1, act_cfg=dict(type='ReLU', inplace=True), ), norm_cfg=dict(type='LN'), pos_encoding_cfg=dict(input_channel=2, num_pos_feats=128)), train_cfg=dict( dataset='KittiDataset', point_cloud_range=[-54.0, -54.0, -5.0, 54.0, 54.0, 3.0], grid_size=[1440, 1440, 41], voxel_size=[0.075, 0.075, 0.2], out_size_factor=8, gaussian_overlap=0.1, min_radius=2, pos_weight=-1, code_weights=[1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.2, 0.2], assigner=dict( type='HungarianAssigner3D', iou_calculator=dict(type='BboxOverlaps3D', coordinate='lidar'), cls_cost=dict( type='mmdet.FocalLossCost', gamma=2.0, alpha=0.25, weight=0.15), reg_cost=dict(type='BBoxBEVL1Cost', weight=0.25), iou_cost=dict(type='IoU3DCost', weight=0.25))), test_cfg=dict( dataset='KittiDataset', grid_size=[1440, 1440, 41], out_size_factor=8, voxel_size=[0.075, 0.075], pc_range=[-54.0, -54.0], nms_type=None), common_heads=dict( center=[2, 2], height=[1, 2], dim=[3, 2], rot=[2, 2], vel=[2, 2]), bbox_coder=dict( type='TransFusionBBoxCoder', pc_range=[-54.0, -54.0], post_center_range=[-61.2, -61.2, -10.0, 61.2, 61.2, 10.0], score_threshold=0.0, out_size_factor=8, voxel_size=[0.075, 0.075], code_size=10), loss_cls=dict( type='mmdet.FocalLoss', use_sigmoid=True, gamma=2.0, alpha=0.25, reduction='mean', loss_weight=1.0), loss_heatmap=dict( type='mmdet.GaussianFocalLoss', reduction='mean', loss_weight=1.0), loss_bbox=dict( type='mmdet.L1Loss', reduction='mean', loss_weight=0.25)), img_backbone=dict( type='mmdet.SwinTransformer', embed_dims=96, depths=[2, 2, 6, 2], num_heads=[3, 6, 12, 24], window_size=7, mlp_ratio=4, qkv_bias=True, qk_scale=None, drop_rate=0.0, attn_drop_rate=0.0, drop_path_rate=0.2, patch_norm=True, out_indices=[1, 2, 3], with_cp=False, convert_weights=True, init_cfg=dict( type='Pretrained', checkpoint= # noqa: E251 '' # noqa: E501 )), img_neck=dict( type='GeneralizedLSSFPN', in_channels=[192, 384, 768], out_channels=256, start_level=0, num_outs=3, norm_cfg=dict(type='BN2d', requires_grad=True), act_cfg=dict(type='ReLU', inplace=True), upsample_cfg=dict(mode='bilinear', align_corners=False)), view_transform=dict( type='DepthLSSTransform', in_channels=256, out_channels=80, image_size=[256, 704], feature_size=[32, 88], xbound=[-54.0, 54.0, 0.3], ybound=[-54.0, 54.0, 0.3], zbound=[-10.0, 10.0, 20.0], dbound=[1.0, 60.0, 0.5], downsample=2), fusion_layer=dict( type='ConvFuser', in_channels=[80, 256], out_channels=256))

dataset settings

dataset_type = 'KittiDataset' data_root = 'data/kitti/' class_names = ['Pedestrian', 'Cyclist', 'Car'] metainfo = dict(classes=class_names) input_modality = dict(use_lidar=True, use_camera=True) backend_args = None

train_pipeline = [

dict(type='LoadAnnotations3D', with_bbox_3d=True, with_label_3d=True),
# 少一个ImageAug3D的数据增强。
    rot_range=[-0.78539816, 0.78539816],
    scale_ratio_range=[0.95, 1.05],
    translation_std=[0.2, 0.2, 0.2]),
dict(type='PointsRangeFilter', point_cloud_range=point_cloud_range),
dict(type='ObjectRangeFilter', point_cloud_range=point_cloud_range),
    classes=['Pedestrian', 'Cyclist', 'Car']),
    'points', 'img', 'gt_bboxes_3d', 'gt_labels_3d', 'gt_bboxes',
    'cam2img', 'ori_cam2img', 'lidar2cam', 'lidar2img', 'cam2lidar',
    'ori_lidar2img', 'img_aug_matrix', 'box_type_3d', 'sample_idx',
    'lidar_path', 'img_path', 'transformation_3d_flow', 'pcd_rotation',
    'pcd_scale_factor', 'pcd_trans', 'img_aug_matrix',


test_pipeline = [ dict( type='BEVLoadKittiImageFromFiles', to_float32=True, color_type='color', backend_args=backend_args), dict( type='LoadPointsFromFile', coord_type='LIDAR', load_dim=4, use_dim=4, backend_args=backend_args),


    point_cloud_range=[0, -40, -3, 70.4, 40, 1]),
    keys=['img', 'points', 'gt_bboxes_3d', 'gt_labels_3d'],
    'cam2img', 'ori_cam2img', 'lidar2cam', 'lidar2img', 'cam2lidar',
    'ori_lidar2img', 'img_aug_matrix', 'box_type_3d', 'sample_idx',
    'lidar_path', 'img_path'


modality = dict(use_lidar=True, use_camera=True) train_dataloader = dict( batch_size=2, num_workers=2, sampler=dict(type='DefaultSampler', shuffle=True), dataset=dict( type='RepeatDataset', times=2, dataset=dict( type=dataset_type, data_root=data_root, modality=modality, ann_file='kitti_infos_train.pkl', data_prefix=dict( pts='training/velodyne_reduced', img='training/image_2'), pipeline=train_pipeline, filter_empty_gt=False, metainfo=metainfo,

we use box_type_3d='LiDAR' in kitti and nuscenes dataset

        # and box_type_3d='Depth' in sunrgbd and scannet dataset.

val_dataloader = dict( batch_size=1, num_workers=1, sampler=dict(type='DefaultSampler', shuffle=False), dataset=dict( type=dataset_type, data_root=data_root, modality=modality, ann_file='kitti_infos_val.pkl', data_prefix=dict( pts='training/velodyne_reduced', img='training/image_2'), pipeline=test_pipeline, metainfo=metainfo, test_mode=True, box_type_3d='LiDAR', backend_args=backend_args)) test_dataloader = dict( batch_size=1, num_workers=1, sampler=dict(type='DefaultSampler', shuffle=False), dataset=dict( type=dataset_type, data_root=data_root, ann_file='kitti_infos_val.pkl', modality=modality, data_prefix=dict( pts='training/velodyne_reduced', img='training/image_2'), pipeline=test_pipeline, metainfo=metainfo, test_mode=True, box_type_3d='LiDAR', backend_args=backend_args))

optim_wrapper = dict( optimizer=dict(weight_decay=0.01), clip_grad=dict(max_norm=35, norm_type=2), ) val_evaluator = dict( type='KittiMetric', ann_file='data/kitti/kitti_infos_val.pkl') test_evaluator = val_evaluator

vis_backends = [dict(type='LocalVisBackend')] visualizer = dict( type='Det3DLocalVisualizer', vis_backends=vis_backends, name='visualizer')

And you should add 'BEVLoadKittiImageFromFiles' into 'projects/BEVFusion/bevfusion/' If you know how to solve my question, please contact me as soon. Best

schatur2 commented 10 months ago

Hi @liyih,

Great. Thank you. Looking at your errors it seems to me that this might be connected to the num_views in kitti dataset?

Regards, Saket

Lcl159 commented 9 months ago

@schatur2 I have rewriten and and now the problem you mention before filename.append(cam_item['img_path']) KeyError: 'img_path'" has be solved. However, I meet the new problem as follow: File "mmdetection3d/projects/BEVFusion/bevfusion/", line 299, in forward cur_coords = cur_img_aug_matrix[:, :3, :3].matmul(cur_coords) IndexError: too many indices for tensor of dimension 2 It looks like a normal question. But I don't want to do some changes in the model codes. By the way, I don't know if use nuScenes will meet the same question. Whether if the bug for the model code or I should rewrite the model. the are as follows:

Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.

import copy from typing import Optional

import mmcv import numpy as np from mmengine.fileio import get

from mmdet3d.datasets.transforms import LoadMultiViewImageFromFiles from mmdet3d.registry import TRANSFORMS

@TRANSFORMS.register_module() class BEVLoadKittiImageFromFiles(LoadMultiViewImageFromFiles): """Load multi channel images from a list of separate channel files.

``BEVLoadMultiViewImageFromFiles`` adds the following keys for the
convenience of view transforms in the forward:
    - 'cam2lidar'
    - 'lidar2img'

    to_float32 (bool): Whether to convert the img to float32.
        Defaults to False.
    color_type (str): Color type of the file. Defaults to 'unchanged'.
    backend_args (dict, optional): Arguments to instantiate the
        corresponding backend. Defaults to None.
    num_views (int): Number of view in a frame. Defaults to 5.
    num_ref_frames (int): Number of frame in loading. Defaults to -1.
    test_mode (bool): Whether is test mode in loading. Defaults to False.
    set_default_scale (bool): Whether to set default scale.
        Defaults to True.

def transform(self, results: dict) -> Optional[dict]:
    """Call function to load multi-view image from files.

        results (dict): Result dict containing multi-view image filenames.

        dict: The result dict containing the multi-view image data.
        Added keys and values are described below.

            - filename (str): Multi-view image filenames.
            - img (np.ndarray): Multi-view image arrays.
            - img_shape (tuple[int]): Shape of multi-view image arrays.
            - ori_shape (tuple[int]): Shape of original image arrays.
            - pad_shape (tuple[int]): Shape of padded image arrays.
            - scale_factor (float): Scale factor.
            - img_norm_cfg (dict): Normalization configuration of images.
    # TODO: consider split the multi-sweep part out of this pipeline
    # Derive the mask and transform for loading of multi-sweep data
    # Support multi-view images with different shapes
    # TODO: record the origin shape and padded shape

    filename, cam2img, lidar2cam, cam2lidar, lidar2img = [], [], [], [], []
    lidar2cam_array = np.array(results['images']['CAM2']['lidar2cam']).astype(
    lidar2cam_rot = lidar2cam_array[:3, :3]
    lidar2cam_trans = lidar2cam_array[:3, 3:4]
    camera2lidar = np.eye(4)
    camera2lidar[:3, :3] = lidar2cam_rot.T
    camera2lidar[:3, 3:4] = -1 * np.matmul(
        lidar2cam_rot.T, lidar2cam_trans.reshape(3, 1))
    cam2img_array = np.eye(4).astype(np.float32)
    cam2img_array[:3, :3] = np.array(results['images']['CAM2']['cam2img'])[:3, :3].astype(np.float32)
    lidar2img.append(cam2img_array @ lidar2cam_array)

    results['img_path'] = filename
    results['cam2img'] = np.stack(cam2img, axis=0)
    results['lidar2cam'] = np.stack(lidar2cam, axis=0)
    results['cam2lidar'] = np.stack(cam2lidar, axis=0)
    results['lidar2img'] = np.stack(lidar2img, axis=0)

    results['ori_cam2img'] = copy.deepcopy(results['cam2img'])

    # img is of shape (h, w, c, num_views)
    # h and w can be different for different views
    img_bytes = [
        get(name, backend_args=self.backend_args) for name in filename
    imgs = [
            channel_order='rgb') for img_byte in img_bytes
    # handle the image with different shape
    img_shapes = np.stack([img.shape for img in imgs], axis=0)
    img_shape_max = np.max(img_shapes, axis=0)
    img_shape_min = np.min(img_shapes, axis=0)
    assert img_shape_min[-1] == img_shape_max[-1]
    if not np.all(img_shape_max == img_shape_min):
        pad_shape = img_shape_max[:2]
        pad_shape = None
    if pad_shape is not None:
        imgs = [
            mmcv.impad(img, shape=pad_shape, pad_val=0) for img in imgs
    img = np.stack(imgs, axis=-1)
    if self.to_float32:
        img = img.astype(np.float32)

    results['filename'] = filename
    # unravel to list, see `DefaultFormatBundle` in
    # which will transpose each image separately and then stack into array
    results['img'] = [img[..., i] for i in range(img.shape[-1])]
    results['img_shape'] = img.shape[:2]
    results['ori_shape'] = img.shape[:2]
    # Set initial values for default meta_keys
    results['pad_shape'] = img.shape[:2]
    if self.set_default_scale:
        results['scale_factor'] = 1.0
    num_channels = 1 if len(img.shape) < 3 else img.shape[2]
    results['img_norm_cfg'] = dict(
        mean=np.zeros(num_channels, dtype=np.float32),
        std=np.ones(num_channels, dtype=np.float32),
    results['num_views'] = self.num_views
    results['num_ref_frames'] = self.num_ref_frames
    return results

The are as follows: base = ['../../../configs/base/schedules/', '../../../configs/base/']

custom_imports = dict( imports=['projects.BEVFusion.bevfusion'], allow_failed_imports=False)

voxel_size = [0.05, 0.05, 0.1] point_cloud_range = [0, -40, -3, 70.4, 40, 1]

model = dict( type='BEVFusion', data_preprocessor=dict( type='Det3DDataPreprocessor', pad_size_divisor=32, voxelize_cfg=dict( max_num_points=10, point_cloud_range=[0, -40, -3, 70.4, 40, 1], voxel_size=[0.05, 0.05, 0.1], max_voxels=[120000, 160000], voxelize_reduce=True), mean=[102.9801, 115.9465, 122.7717], std=[1.0, 1.0, 1.0], bgr_to_rgb=False), pts_voxel_encoder=dict(type='HardSimpleVFE', num_features=5), pts_middle_encoder=dict( type='BEVFusionSparseEncoder', in_channels=5, sparse_shape=[1440, 1440, 41], order=('conv', 'norm', 'act'), norm_cfg=dict(type='BN1d', eps=0.001, momentum=0.01), encoder_channels=((16, 16, 32), (32, 32, 64), (64, 64, 128), (128, 128)), encoder_paddings=((0, 0, 1), (0, 0, 1), (0, 0, (1, 1, 0)), (0, 0)), block_type='basicblock'), pts_backbone=dict( type='SECOND', in_channels=256, out_channels=[128, 256], layer_nums=[5, 5], layer_strides=[1, 2], norm_cfg=dict(type='BN', eps=0.001, momentum=0.01), conv_cfg=dict(type='Conv2d', bias=False)), pts_neck=dict( type='SECONDFPN', in_channels=[128, 256], out_channels=[256, 256], upsample_strides=[1, 2], norm_cfg=dict(type='BN', eps=0.001, momentum=0.01), upsample_cfg=dict(type='deconv', bias=False), use_conv_for_no_stride=True), bbox_head=dict( type='TransFusionHead', num_proposals=200, auxiliary=True, in_channels=512, hidden_channel=128, num_classes=10, nms_kernel_size=3, bn_momentum=0.1, num_decoder_layers=1, decoder_layer=dict( type='TransformerDecoderLayer', self_attn_cfg=dict(embed_dims=128, num_heads=8, dropout=0.1), cross_attn_cfg=dict(embed_dims=128, num_heads=8, dropout=0.1), ffn_cfg=dict( embed_dims=128, feedforward_channels=256, num_fcs=2, ffn_drop=0.1, act_cfg=dict(type='ReLU', inplace=True), ), norm_cfg=dict(type='LN'), pos_encoding_cfg=dict(input_channel=2, num_pos_feats=128)), train_cfg=dict( dataset='KittiDataset', point_cloud_range=[-54.0, -54.0, -5.0, 54.0, 54.0, 3.0], grid_size=[1440, 1440, 41], voxel_size=[0.075, 0.075, 0.2], out_size_factor=8, gaussian_overlap=0.1, min_radius=2, pos_weight=-1, code_weights=[1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.2, 0.2], assigner=dict( type='HungarianAssigner3D', iou_calculator=dict(type='BboxOverlaps3D', coordinate='lidar'), cls_cost=dict( type='mmdet.FocalLossCost', gamma=2.0, alpha=0.25, weight=0.15), reg_cost=dict(type='BBoxBEVL1Cost', weight=0.25), iou_cost=dict(type='IoU3DCost', weight=0.25))), test_cfg=dict( dataset='KittiDataset', grid_size=[1440, 1440, 41], out_size_factor=8, voxel_size=[0.075, 0.075], pc_range=[-54.0, -54.0], nms_type=None), common_heads=dict( center=[2, 2], height=[1, 2], dim=[3, 2], rot=[2, 2], vel=[2, 2]), bbox_coder=dict( type='TransFusionBBoxCoder', pc_range=[-54.0, -54.0], post_center_range=[-61.2, -61.2, -10.0, 61.2, 61.2, 10.0], score_threshold=0.0, out_size_factor=8, voxel_size=[0.075, 0.075], code_size=10), loss_cls=dict( type='mmdet.FocalLoss', use_sigmoid=True, gamma=2.0, alpha=0.25, reduction='mean', loss_weight=1.0), loss_heatmap=dict( type='mmdet.GaussianFocalLoss', reduction='mean', loss_weight=1.0), loss_bbox=dict( type='mmdet.L1Loss', reduction='mean', loss_weight=0.25)), img_backbone=dict( type='mmdet.SwinTransformer', embed_dims=96, depths=[2, 2, 6, 2], num_heads=[3, 6, 12, 24], window_size=7, mlp_ratio=4, qkv_bias=True, qk_scale=None, drop_rate=0.0, attn_drop_rate=0.0, drop_path_rate=0.2, patch_norm=True, out_indices=[1, 2, 3], with_cp=False, convert_weights=True, init_cfg=dict( type='Pretrained', checkpoint= # noqa: E251 '' # noqa: E501 )), img_neck=dict( type='GeneralizedLSSFPN', in_channels=[192, 384, 768], out_channels=256, start_level=0, num_outs=3, norm_cfg=dict(type='BN2d', requires_grad=True), act_cfg=dict(type='ReLU', inplace=True), upsample_cfg=dict(mode='bilinear', align_corners=False)), view_transform=dict( type='DepthLSSTransform', in_channels=256, out_channels=80, image_size=[256, 704], feature_size=[32, 88], xbound=[-54.0, 54.0, 0.3], ybound=[-54.0, 54.0, 0.3], zbound=[-10.0, 10.0, 20.0], dbound=[1.0, 60.0, 0.5], downsample=2), fusion_layer=dict( type='ConvFuser', in_channels=[80, 256], out_channels=256))

dataset settings

dataset_type = 'KittiDataset' data_root = 'data/kitti/' class_names = ['Pedestrian', 'Cyclist', 'Car'] metainfo = dict(classes=class_names) input_modality = dict(use_lidar=True, use_camera=True) backend_args = None

train_pipeline = [

dict(type='LoadAnnotations3D', with_bbox_3d=True, with_label_3d=True),
# 少一个ImageAug3D的数据增强。
    rot_range=[-0.78539816, 0.78539816],
    scale_ratio_range=[0.95, 1.05],
    translation_std=[0.2, 0.2, 0.2]),
dict(type='PointsRangeFilter', point_cloud_range=point_cloud_range),
dict(type='ObjectRangeFilter', point_cloud_range=point_cloud_range),
    classes=['Pedestrian', 'Cyclist', 'Car']),
    'points', 'img', 'gt_bboxes_3d', 'gt_labels_3d', 'gt_bboxes',
    'cam2img', 'ori_cam2img', 'lidar2cam', 'lidar2img', 'cam2lidar',
    'ori_lidar2img', 'img_aug_matrix', 'box_type_3d', 'sample_idx',
    'lidar_path', 'img_path', 'transformation_3d_flow', 'pcd_rotation',
    'pcd_scale_factor', 'pcd_trans', 'img_aug_matrix',


test_pipeline = [ dict( type='BEVLoadKittiImageFromFiles', to_float32=True, color_type='color', backend_args=backend_args), dict( type='LoadPointsFromFile', coord_type='LIDAR', load_dim=4, use_dim=4, backend_args=backend_args), # 少一个ImageAug3D的数据增强。 dict( type='PointsRangeFilter', point_cloud_range=[0, -40, -3, 70.4, 40, 1]), dict( type='Pack3DDetInputs', keys=['img', 'points', 'gt_bboxes_3d', 'gt_labels_3d'], meta_keys=[ 'cam2img', 'ori_cam2img', 'lidar2cam', 'lidar2img', 'cam2lidar', 'ori_lidar2img', 'img_aug_matrix', 'box_type_3d', 'sample_idx', 'lidar_path', 'img_path' ]) ]

modality = dict(use_lidar=True, use_camera=True) train_dataloader = dict( batch_size=2, num_workers=2, sampler=dict(type='DefaultSampler', shuffle=True), dataset=dict( type='RepeatDataset', times=2, dataset=dict( type=dataset_type, data_root=data_root, modality=modality, ann_file='kitti_infos_train.pkl', data_prefix=dict( pts='training/velodyne_reduced', img='training/image_2'), pipeline=train_pipeline, filter_empty_gt=False, metainfo=metainfo, # we use box_type_3d='LiDAR' in kitti and nuscenes dataset # and box_type_3d='Depth' in sunrgbd and scannet dataset. box_type_3d='LiDAR', backend_args=backend_args)))

val_dataloader = dict( batch_size=1, num_workers=1, sampler=dict(type='DefaultSampler', shuffle=False), dataset=dict( type=dataset_type, data_root=data_root, modality=modality, ann_file='kitti_infos_val.pkl', data_prefix=dict( pts='training/velodyne_reduced', img='training/image_2'), pipeline=test_pipeline, metainfo=metainfo, test_mode=True, box_type_3d='LiDAR', backend_args=backend_args)) test_dataloader = dict( batch_size=1, num_workers=1, sampler=dict(type='DefaultSampler', shuffle=False), dataset=dict( type=dataset_type, data_root=data_root, ann_file='kitti_infos_val.pkl', modality=modality, data_prefix=dict( pts='training/velodyne_reduced', img='training/image_2'), pipeline=test_pipeline, metainfo=metainfo, test_mode=True, box_type_3d='LiDAR', backend_args=backend_args))

optim_wrapper = dict( optimizer=dict(weight_decay=0.01), clip_grad=dict(max_norm=35, norm_type=2), ) val_evaluator = dict( type='KittiMetric', ann_file='data/kitti/kitti_infos_val.pkl') test_evaluator = val_evaluator

vis_backends = [dict(type='LocalVisBackend')] visualizer = dict( type='Det3DLocalVisualizer', vis_backends=vis_backends, name='visualizer')

And you should add 'BEVLoadKittiImageFromFiles' into 'projects/BEVFusion/bevfusion/' If you know how to solve my question, please contact me as soon. Best

Have you solved it?

liyih commented 9 months ago

@Lcl159 I find there is an easy way to solve this problem. In the class DepthLSSTransform author put the depth as priori to calculate the distribution of LSS, so it needs to inverse the augmenting process to calculate the right depth. However, in the original paper it doesn't add any depth as prior and there is no performance loss. Due to the bug appears in the inverse the augmenting process when using KITTI, I advise to use LSSTransform instead of DepthLSSTransform. You can change it easily in config. Best

Lcl159 commented 9 months ago

I find there is an easy way to solve this problem. In the class DepthLSSTransform author put the depth as priori to calculate the distribution of LSS, so it needs to inverse the augmenting process to calculate the right depth. However, in the original paper it doesn't add any depth as prior and there is no performance loss. Due to the bug appears in the inverse the augmenting process when using KITTI, I advise to use LSSTransform instead of DepthLSSTransform. You can change it easily in config.

Wow, that's great. Can you give me your contact info?

chfyyds commented 7 months ago

Have you implemented bevfusion running on kitti?

liuyuansheng624 commented 7 months ago

@schatur2 I have rewriten and and now the problem you mention before filename.append(cam_item['img_path']) KeyError: 'img_path'" has be solved. However, I meet the new problem as follow: File "mmdetection3d/projects/BEVFusion/bevfusion/", line 299, in forward cur_coords = cur_img_aug_matrix[:, :3, :3].matmul(cur_coords) IndexError: too many indices for tensor of dimension 2 It looks like a normal question. But I don't want to do some changes in the model codes. By the way, I don't know if use nuScenes will meet the same question. Whether if the bug for the model code or I should rewrite the model. the are as follows:

Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.

import copy from typing import Optional

import mmcv import numpy as np from mmengine.fileio import get

from mmdet3d.datasets.transforms import LoadMultiViewImageFromFiles from mmdet3d.registry import TRANSFORMS

@TRANSFORMS.register_module() class BEVLoadKittiImageFromFiles(LoadMultiViewImageFromFiles): """Load multi channel images from a list of separate channel files.

``BEVLoadMultiViewImageFromFiles`` adds the following keys for the
convenience of view transforms in the forward:
    - 'cam2lidar'
    - 'lidar2img'

    to_float32 (bool): Whether to convert the img to float32.
        Defaults to False.
    color_type (str): Color type of the file. Defaults to 'unchanged'.
    backend_args (dict, optional): Arguments to instantiate the
        corresponding backend. Defaults to None.
    num_views (int): Number of view in a frame. Defaults to 5.
    num_ref_frames (int): Number of frame in loading. Defaults to -1.
    test_mode (bool): Whether is test mode in loading. Defaults to False.
    set_default_scale (bool): Whether to set default scale.
        Defaults to True.

def transform(self, results: dict) -> Optional[dict]:
    """Call function to load multi-view image from files.

        results (dict): Result dict containing multi-view image filenames.

        dict: The result dict containing the multi-view image data.
        Added keys and values are described below.

            - filename (str): Multi-view image filenames.
            - img (np.ndarray): Multi-view image arrays.
            - img_shape (tuple[int]): Shape of multi-view image arrays.
            - ori_shape (tuple[int]): Shape of original image arrays.
            - pad_shape (tuple[int]): Shape of padded image arrays.
            - scale_factor (float): Scale factor.
            - img_norm_cfg (dict): Normalization configuration of images.
    # TODO: consider split the multi-sweep part out of this pipeline
    # Derive the mask and transform for loading of multi-sweep data
    # Support multi-view images with different shapes
    # TODO: record the origin shape and padded shape

    filename, cam2img, lidar2cam, cam2lidar, lidar2img = [], [], [], [], []
    lidar2cam_array = np.array(results['images']['CAM2']['lidar2cam']).astype(
    lidar2cam_rot = lidar2cam_array[:3, :3]
    lidar2cam_trans = lidar2cam_array[:3, 3:4]
    camera2lidar = np.eye(4)
    camera2lidar[:3, :3] = lidar2cam_rot.T
    camera2lidar[:3, 3:4] = -1 * np.matmul(
        lidar2cam_rot.T, lidar2cam_trans.reshape(3, 1))
    cam2img_array = np.eye(4).astype(np.float32)
    cam2img_array[:3, :3] = np.array(results['images']['CAM2']['cam2img'])[:3, :3].astype(np.float32)
    lidar2img.append(cam2img_array @ lidar2cam_array)

    results['img_path'] = filename
    results['cam2img'] = np.stack(cam2img, axis=0)
    results['lidar2cam'] = np.stack(lidar2cam, axis=0)
    results['cam2lidar'] = np.stack(cam2lidar, axis=0)
    results['lidar2img'] = np.stack(lidar2img, axis=0)

    results['ori_cam2img'] = copy.deepcopy(results['cam2img'])

    # img is of shape (h, w, c, num_views)
    # h and w can be different for different views
    img_bytes = [
        get(name, backend_args=self.backend_args) for name in filename
    imgs = [
            channel_order='rgb') for img_byte in img_bytes
    # handle the image with different shape
    img_shapes = np.stack([img.shape for img in imgs], axis=0)
    img_shape_max = np.max(img_shapes, axis=0)
    img_shape_min = np.min(img_shapes, axis=0)
    assert img_shape_min[-1] == img_shape_max[-1]
    if not np.all(img_shape_max == img_shape_min):
        pad_shape = img_shape_max[:2]
        pad_shape = None
    if pad_shape is not None:
        imgs = [
            mmcv.impad(img, shape=pad_shape, pad_val=0) for img in imgs
    img = np.stack(imgs, axis=-1)
    if self.to_float32:
        img = img.astype(np.float32)

    results['filename'] = filename
    # unravel to list, see `DefaultFormatBundle` in
    # which will transpose each image separately and then stack into array
    results['img'] = [img[..., i] for i in range(img.shape[-1])]
    results['img_shape'] = img.shape[:2]
    results['ori_shape'] = img.shape[:2]
    # Set initial values for default meta_keys
    results['pad_shape'] = img.shape[:2]
    if self.set_default_scale:
        results['scale_factor'] = 1.0
    num_channels = 1 if len(img.shape) < 3 else img.shape[2]
    results['img_norm_cfg'] = dict(
        mean=np.zeros(num_channels, dtype=np.float32),
        std=np.ones(num_channels, dtype=np.float32),
    results['num_views'] = self.num_views
    results['num_ref_frames'] = self.num_ref_frames
    return results

The are as follows: base = ['../../../configs/base/schedules/', '../../../configs/base/']

custom_imports = dict( imports=['projects.BEVFusion.bevfusion'], allow_failed_imports=False)

voxel_size = [0.05, 0.05, 0.1] point_cloud_range = [0, -40, -3, 70.4, 40, 1]

model = dict( type='BEVFusion', data_preprocessor=dict( type='Det3DDataPreprocessor', pad_size_divisor=32, voxelize_cfg=dict( max_num_points=10, point_cloud_range=[0, -40, -3, 70.4, 40, 1], voxel_size=[0.05, 0.05, 0.1], max_voxels=[120000, 160000], voxelize_reduce=True), mean=[102.9801, 115.9465, 122.7717], std=[1.0, 1.0, 1.0], bgr_to_rgb=False), pts_voxel_encoder=dict(type='HardSimpleVFE', num_features=5), pts_middle_encoder=dict( type='BEVFusionSparseEncoder', in_channels=5, sparse_shape=[1440, 1440, 41], order=('conv', 'norm', 'act'), norm_cfg=dict(type='BN1d', eps=0.001, momentum=0.01), encoder_channels=((16, 16, 32), (32, 32, 64), (64, 64, 128), (128, 128)), encoder_paddings=((0, 0, 1), (0, 0, 1), (0, 0, (1, 1, 0)), (0, 0)), block_type='basicblock'), pts_backbone=dict( type='SECOND', in_channels=256, out_channels=[128, 256], layer_nums=[5, 5], layer_strides=[1, 2], norm_cfg=dict(type='BN', eps=0.001, momentum=0.01), conv_cfg=dict(type='Conv2d', bias=False)), pts_neck=dict( type='SECONDFPN', in_channels=[128, 256], out_channels=[256, 256], upsample_strides=[1, 2], norm_cfg=dict(type='BN', eps=0.001, momentum=0.01), upsample_cfg=dict(type='deconv', bias=False), use_conv_for_no_stride=True), bbox_head=dict( type='TransFusionHead', num_proposals=200, auxiliary=True, in_channels=512, hidden_channel=128, num_classes=10, nms_kernel_size=3, bn_momentum=0.1, num_decoder_layers=1, decoder_layer=dict( type='TransformerDecoderLayer', self_attn_cfg=dict(embed_dims=128, num_heads=8, dropout=0.1), cross_attn_cfg=dict(embed_dims=128, num_heads=8, dropout=0.1), ffn_cfg=dict( embed_dims=128, feedforward_channels=256, num_fcs=2, ffn_drop=0.1, act_cfg=dict(type='ReLU', inplace=True), ), norm_cfg=dict(type='LN'), pos_encoding_cfg=dict(input_channel=2, num_pos_feats=128)), train_cfg=dict( dataset='KittiDataset', point_cloud_range=[-54.0, -54.0, -5.0, 54.0, 54.0, 3.0], grid_size=[1440, 1440, 41], voxel_size=[0.075, 0.075, 0.2], out_size_factor=8, gaussian_overlap=0.1, min_radius=2, pos_weight=-1, code_weights=[1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.2, 0.2], assigner=dict( type='HungarianAssigner3D', iou_calculator=dict(type='BboxOverlaps3D', coordinate='lidar'), cls_cost=dict( type='mmdet.FocalLossCost', gamma=2.0, alpha=0.25, weight=0.15), reg_cost=dict(type='BBoxBEVL1Cost', weight=0.25), iou_cost=dict(type='IoU3DCost', weight=0.25))), test_cfg=dict( dataset='KittiDataset', grid_size=[1440, 1440, 41], out_size_factor=8, voxel_size=[0.075, 0.075], pc_range=[-54.0, -54.0], nms_type=None), common_heads=dict( center=[2, 2], height=[1, 2], dim=[3, 2], rot=[2, 2], vel=[2, 2]), bbox_coder=dict( type='TransFusionBBoxCoder', pc_range=[-54.0, -54.0], post_center_range=[-61.2, -61.2, -10.0, 61.2, 61.2, 10.0], score_threshold=0.0, out_size_factor=8, voxel_size=[0.075, 0.075], code_size=10), loss_cls=dict( type='mmdet.FocalLoss', use_sigmoid=True, gamma=2.0, alpha=0.25, reduction='mean', loss_weight=1.0), loss_heatmap=dict( type='mmdet.GaussianFocalLoss', reduction='mean', loss_weight=1.0), loss_bbox=dict( type='mmdet.L1Loss', reduction='mean', loss_weight=0.25)), img_backbone=dict( type='mmdet.SwinTransformer', embed_dims=96, depths=[2, 2, 6, 2], num_heads=[3, 6, 12, 24], window_size=7, mlp_ratio=4, qkv_bias=True, qk_scale=None, drop_rate=0.0, attn_drop_rate=0.0, drop_path_rate=0.2, patch_norm=True, out_indices=[1, 2, 3], with_cp=False, convert_weights=True, init_cfg=dict( type='Pretrained', checkpoint= # noqa: E251 '' # noqa: E501 )), img_neck=dict( type='GeneralizedLSSFPN', in_channels=[192, 384, 768], out_channels=256, start_level=0, num_outs=3, norm_cfg=dict(type='BN2d', requires_grad=True), act_cfg=dict(type='ReLU', inplace=True), upsample_cfg=dict(mode='bilinear', align_corners=False)), view_transform=dict( type='DepthLSSTransform', in_channels=256, out_channels=80, image_size=[256, 704], feature_size=[32, 88], xbound=[-54.0, 54.0, 0.3], ybound=[-54.0, 54.0, 0.3], zbound=[-10.0, 10.0, 20.0], dbound=[1.0, 60.0, 0.5], downsample=2), fusion_layer=dict( type='ConvFuser', in_channels=[80, 256], out_channels=256))

dataset settings

dataset_type = 'KittiDataset' data_root = 'data/kitti/' class_names = ['Pedestrian', 'Cyclist', 'Car'] metainfo = dict(classes=class_names) input_modality = dict(use_lidar=True, use_camera=True) backend_args = None

train_pipeline = [

dict(type='LoadAnnotations3D', with_bbox_3d=True, with_label_3d=True),
# 少一个ImageAug3D的数据增强。
    rot_range=[-0.78539816, 0.78539816],
    scale_ratio_range=[0.95, 1.05],
    translation_std=[0.2, 0.2, 0.2]),
dict(type='PointsRangeFilter', point_cloud_range=point_cloud_range),
dict(type='ObjectRangeFilter', point_cloud_range=point_cloud_range),
    classes=['Pedestrian', 'Cyclist', 'Car']),
    'points', 'img', 'gt_bboxes_3d', 'gt_labels_3d', 'gt_bboxes',
    'cam2img', 'ori_cam2img', 'lidar2cam', 'lidar2img', 'cam2lidar',
    'ori_lidar2img', 'img_aug_matrix', 'box_type_3d', 'sample_idx',
    'lidar_path', 'img_path', 'transformation_3d_flow', 'pcd_rotation',
    'pcd_scale_factor', 'pcd_trans', 'img_aug_matrix',


test_pipeline = [ dict( type='BEVLoadKittiImageFromFiles', to_float32=True, color_type='color', backend_args=backend_args), dict( type='LoadPointsFromFile', coord_type='LIDAR', load_dim=4, use_dim=4, backend_args=backend_args), # 少一个ImageAug3D的数据增强。 dict( type='PointsRangeFilter', point_cloud_range=[0, -40, -3, 70.4, 40, 1]), dict( type='Pack3DDetInputs', keys=['img', 'points', 'gt_bboxes_3d', 'gt_labels_3d'], meta_keys=[ 'cam2img', 'ori_cam2img', 'lidar2cam', 'lidar2img', 'cam2lidar', 'ori_lidar2img', 'img_aug_matrix', 'box_type_3d', 'sample_idx', 'lidar_path', 'img_path' ]) ]

modality = dict(use_lidar=True, use_camera=True) train_dataloader = dict( batch_size=2, num_workers=2, sampler=dict(type='DefaultSampler', shuffle=True), dataset=dict( type='RepeatDataset', times=2, dataset=dict( type=dataset_type, data_root=data_root, modality=modality, ann_file='kitti_infos_train.pkl', data_prefix=dict( pts='training/velodyne_reduced', img='training/image_2'), pipeline=train_pipeline, filter_empty_gt=False, metainfo=metainfo, # we use box_type_3d='LiDAR' in kitti and nuscenes dataset # and box_type_3d='Depth' in sunrgbd and scannet dataset. box_type_3d='LiDAR', backend_args=backend_args)))

val_dataloader = dict( batch_size=1, num_workers=1, sampler=dict(type='DefaultSampler', shuffle=False), dataset=dict( type=dataset_type, data_root=data_root, modality=modality, ann_file='kitti_infos_val.pkl', data_prefix=dict( pts='training/velodyne_reduced', img='training/image_2'), pipeline=test_pipeline, metainfo=metainfo, test_mode=True, box_type_3d='LiDAR', backend_args=backend_args)) test_dataloader = dict( batch_size=1, num_workers=1, sampler=dict(type='DefaultSampler', shuffle=False), dataset=dict( type=dataset_type, data_root=data_root, ann_file='kitti_infos_val.pkl', modality=modality, data_prefix=dict( pts='training/velodyne_reduced', img='training/image_2'), pipeline=test_pipeline, metainfo=metainfo, test_mode=True, box_type_3d='LiDAR', backend_args=backend_args))

optim_wrapper = dict( optimizer=dict(weight_decay=0.01), clip_grad=dict(max_norm=35, norm_type=2), ) val_evaluator = dict( type='KittiMetric', ann_file='data/kitti/kitti_infos_val.pkl') test_evaluator = val_evaluator

vis_backends = [dict(type='LocalVisBackend')] visualizer = dict( type='Det3DLocalVisualizer', vis_backends=vis_backends, name='visualizer')

And you should add 'BEVLoadKittiImageFromFiles' into 'projects/BEVFusion/bevfusion/' If you know how to solve my question, please contact me as soon. Best

how do you reslove KeyError: 'img_path'"?

liuyuansheng624 commented 7 months ago

@schatur2 I have rewriten and and now the problem you mention before filename.append(cam_item['img_path']) KeyError: 'img_path'" has be solved. However, I meet the new problem as follow: File "mmdetection3d/projects/BEVFusion/bevfusion/", line 299, in forward cur_coords = cur_img_aug_matrix[:, :3, :3].matmul(cur_coords) IndexError: too many indices for tensor of dimension 2 It looks like a normal question. But I don't want to do some changes in the model codes. By the way, I don't know if use nuScenes will meet the same question. Whether if the bug for the model code or I should rewrite the model. the are as follows:

Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.

import copy from typing import Optional import mmcv import numpy as np from mmengine.fileio import get from mmdet3d.datasets.transforms import LoadMultiViewImageFromFiles from mmdet3d.registry import TRANSFORMS @TRANSFORMS.register_module() class BEVLoadKittiImageFromFiles(LoadMultiViewImageFromFiles): """Load multi channel images from a list of separate channel files.

``BEVLoadMultiViewImageFromFiles`` adds the following keys for the
convenience of view transforms in the forward:
    - 'cam2lidar'
    - 'lidar2img'

    to_float32 (bool): Whether to convert the img to float32.
        Defaults to False.
    color_type (str): Color type of the file. Defaults to 'unchanged'.
    backend_args (dict, optional): Arguments to instantiate the
        corresponding backend. Defaults to None.
    num_views (int): Number of view in a frame. Defaults to 5.
    num_ref_frames (int): Number of frame in loading. Defaults to -1.
    test_mode (bool): Whether is test mode in loading. Defaults to False.
    set_default_scale (bool): Whether to set default scale.
        Defaults to True.

def transform(self, results: dict) -> Optional[dict]:
    """Call function to load multi-view image from files.

        results (dict): Result dict containing multi-view image filenames.

        dict: The result dict containing the multi-view image data.
        Added keys and values are described below.

            - filename (str): Multi-view image filenames.
            - img (np.ndarray): Multi-view image arrays.
            - img_shape (tuple[int]): Shape of multi-view image arrays.
            - ori_shape (tuple[int]): Shape of original image arrays.
            - pad_shape (tuple[int]): Shape of padded image arrays.
            - scale_factor (float): Scale factor.
            - img_norm_cfg (dict): Normalization configuration of images.
    # TODO: consider split the multi-sweep part out of this pipeline
    # Derive the mask and transform for loading of multi-sweep data
    # Support multi-view images with different shapes
    # TODO: record the origin shape and padded shape

    filename, cam2img, lidar2cam, cam2lidar, lidar2img = [], [], [], [], []
    lidar2cam_array = np.array(results['images']['CAM2']['lidar2cam']).astype(
    lidar2cam_rot = lidar2cam_array[:3, :3]
    lidar2cam_trans = lidar2cam_array[:3, 3:4]
    camera2lidar = np.eye(4)
    camera2lidar[:3, :3] = lidar2cam_rot.T
    camera2lidar[:3, 3:4] = -1 * np.matmul(
        lidar2cam_rot.T, lidar2cam_trans.reshape(3, 1))
    cam2img_array = np.eye(4).astype(np.float32)
    cam2img_array[:3, :3] = np.array(results['images']['CAM2']['cam2img'])[:3, :3].astype(np.float32)
    lidar2img.append(cam2img_array @ lidar2cam_array)

    results['img_path'] = filename
    results['cam2img'] = np.stack(cam2img, axis=0)
    results['lidar2cam'] = np.stack(lidar2cam, axis=0)
    results['cam2lidar'] = np.stack(cam2lidar, axis=0)
    results['lidar2img'] = np.stack(lidar2img, axis=0)

    results['ori_cam2img'] = copy.deepcopy(results['cam2img'])

    # img is of shape (h, w, c, num_views)
    # h and w can be different for different views
    img_bytes = [
        get(name, backend_args=self.backend_args) for name in filename
    imgs = [
            channel_order='rgb') for img_byte in img_bytes
    # handle the image with different shape
    img_shapes = np.stack([img.shape for img in imgs], axis=0)
    img_shape_max = np.max(img_shapes, axis=0)
    img_shape_min = np.min(img_shapes, axis=0)
    assert img_shape_min[-1] == img_shape_max[-1]
    if not np.all(img_shape_max == img_shape_min):
        pad_shape = img_shape_max[:2]
        pad_shape = None
    if pad_shape is not None:
        imgs = [
            mmcv.impad(img, shape=pad_shape, pad_val=0) for img in imgs
    img = np.stack(imgs, axis=-1)
    if self.to_float32:
        img = img.astype(np.float32)

    results['filename'] = filename
    # unravel to list, see `DefaultFormatBundle` in
    # which will transpose each image separately and then stack into array
    results['img'] = [img[..., i] for i in range(img.shape[-1])]
    results['img_shape'] = img.shape[:2]
    results['ori_shape'] = img.shape[:2]
    # Set initial values for default meta_keys
    results['pad_shape'] = img.shape[:2]
    if self.set_default_scale:
        results['scale_factor'] = 1.0
    num_channels = 1 if len(img.shape) < 3 else img.shape[2]
    results['img_norm_cfg'] = dict(
        mean=np.zeros(num_channels, dtype=np.float32),
        std=np.ones(num_channels, dtype=np.float32),
    results['num_views'] = self.num_views
    results['num_ref_frames'] = self.num_ref_frames
    return results

The are as follows: base = ['../../../configs/base/schedules/', '../../../configs/base/'] custom_imports = dict( imports=['projects.BEVFusion.bevfusion'], allow_failed_imports=False) voxel_size = [0.05, 0.05, 0.1] point_cloud_range = [0, -40, -3, 70.4, 40, 1] model = dict( type='BEVFusion', data_preprocessor=dict( type='Det3DDataPreprocessor', pad_size_divisor=32, voxelize_cfg=dict( max_num_points=10, point_cloud_range=[0, -40, -3, 70.4, 40, 1], voxel_size=[0.05, 0.05, 0.1], max_voxels=[120000, 160000], voxelize_reduce=True), mean=[102.9801, 115.9465, 122.7717], std=[1.0, 1.0, 1.0], bgr_to_rgb=False), pts_voxel_encoder=dict(type='HardSimpleVFE', num_features=5), pts_middle_encoder=dict( type='BEVFusionSparseEncoder', in_channels=5, sparse_shape=[1440, 1440, 41], order=('conv', 'norm', 'act'), norm_cfg=dict(type='BN1d', eps=0.001, momentum=0.01), encoder_channels=((16, 16, 32), (32, 32, 64), (64, 64, 128), (128, 128)), encoder_paddings=((0, 0, 1), (0, 0, 1), (0, 0, (1, 1, 0)), (0, 0)), block_type='basicblock'), pts_backbone=dict( type='SECOND', in_channels=256, out_channels=[128, 256], layer_nums=[5, 5], layer_strides=[1, 2], norm_cfg=dict(type='BN', eps=0.001, momentum=0.01), conv_cfg=dict(type='Conv2d', bias=False)), pts_neck=dict( type='SECONDFPN', in_channels=[128, 256], out_channels=[256, 256], upsample_strides=[1, 2], norm_cfg=dict(type='BN', eps=0.001, momentum=0.01), upsample_cfg=dict(type='deconv', bias=False), use_conv_for_no_stride=True), bbox_head=dict( type='TransFusionHead', num_proposals=200, auxiliary=True, in_channels=512, hidden_channel=128, num_classes=10, nms_kernel_size=3, bn_momentum=0.1, num_decoder_layers=1, decoder_layer=dict( type='TransformerDecoderLayer', self_attn_cfg=dict(embed_dims=128, num_heads=8, dropout=0.1), cross_attn_cfg=dict(embed_dims=128, num_heads=8, dropout=0.1), ffn_cfg=dict( embed_dims=128, feedforward_channels=256, num_fcs=2, ffn_drop=0.1, act_cfg=dict(type='ReLU', inplace=True), ), norm_cfg=dict(type='LN'), pos_encoding_cfg=dict(input_channel=2, num_pos_feats=128)), train_cfg=dict( dataset='KittiDataset', point_cloud_range=[-54.0, -54.0, -5.0, 54.0, 54.0, 3.0], grid_size=[1440, 1440, 41], voxel_size=[0.075, 0.075, 0.2], out_size_factor=8, gaussian_overlap=0.1, min_radius=2, pos_weight=-1, code_weights=[1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.2, 0.2], assigner=dict( type='HungarianAssigner3D', iou_calculator=dict(type='BboxOverlaps3D', coordinate='lidar'), cls_cost=dict( type='mmdet.FocalLossCost', gamma=2.0, alpha=0.25, weight=0.15), reg_cost=dict(type='BBoxBEVL1Cost', weight=0.25), iou_cost=dict(type='IoU3DCost', weight=0.25))), test_cfg=dict( dataset='KittiDataset', grid_size=[1440, 1440, 41], out_size_factor=8, voxel_size=[0.075, 0.075], pc_range=[-54.0, -54.0], nms_type=None), common_heads=dict( center=[2, 2], height=[1, 2], dim=[3, 2], rot=[2, 2], vel=[2, 2]), bbox_coder=dict( type='TransFusionBBoxCoder', pc_range=[-54.0, -54.0], post_center_range=[-61.2, -61.2, -10.0, 61.2, 61.2, 10.0], score_threshold=0.0, out_size_factor=8, voxel_size=[0.075, 0.075], code_size=10), loss_cls=dict( type='mmdet.FocalLoss', use_sigmoid=True, gamma=2.0, alpha=0.25, reduction='mean', loss_weight=1.0), loss_heatmap=dict( type='mmdet.GaussianFocalLoss', reduction='mean', loss_weight=1.0), loss_bbox=dict( type='mmdet.L1Loss', reduction='mean', loss_weight=0.25)), img_backbone=dict( type='mmdet.SwinTransformer', embed_dims=96, depths=[2, 2, 6, 2], num_heads=[3, 6, 12, 24], window_size=7, mlp_ratio=4, qkv_bias=True, qk_scale=None, drop_rate=0.0, attn_drop_rate=0.0, drop_path_rate=0.2, patch_norm=True, out_indices=[1, 2, 3], with_cp=False, convert_weights=True, init_cfg=dict( type='Pretrained', checkpoint= # noqa: E251 '' # noqa: E501 )), img_neck=dict( type='GeneralizedLSSFPN', in_channels=[192, 384, 768], out_channels=256, start_level=0, num_outs=3, norm_cfg=dict(type='BN2d', requires_grad=True), act_cfg=dict(type='ReLU', inplace=True), upsample_cfg=dict(mode='bilinear', align_corners=False)), view_transform=dict( type='DepthLSSTransform', in_channels=256, out_channels=80, image_size=[256, 704], feature_size=[32, 88], xbound=[-54.0, 54.0, 0.3], ybound=[-54.0, 54.0, 0.3], zbound=[-10.0, 10.0, 20.0], dbound=[1.0, 60.0, 0.5], downsample=2), fusion_layer=dict( type='ConvFuser', in_channels=[80, 256], out_channels=256))

dataset settings

dataset_type = 'KittiDataset' data_root = 'data/kitti/' class_names = ['Pedestrian', 'Cyclist', 'Car'] metainfo = dict(classes=class_names) input_modality = dict(use_lidar=True, use_camera=True) backend_args = None train_pipeline = [

dict(type='LoadAnnotations3D', with_bbox_3d=True, with_label_3d=True),
# 少一个ImageAug3D的数据增强。
    rot_range=[-0.78539816, 0.78539816],
    scale_ratio_range=[0.95, 1.05],
    translation_std=[0.2, 0.2, 0.2]),
dict(type='PointsRangeFilter', point_cloud_range=point_cloud_range),
dict(type='ObjectRangeFilter', point_cloud_range=point_cloud_range),
    classes=['Pedestrian', 'Cyclist', 'Car']),
    'points', 'img', 'gt_bboxes_3d', 'gt_labels_3d', 'gt_bboxes',
    'cam2img', 'ori_cam2img', 'lidar2cam', 'lidar2img', 'cam2lidar',
    'ori_lidar2img', 'img_aug_matrix', 'box_type_3d', 'sample_idx',
    'lidar_path', 'img_path', 'transformation_3d_flow', 'pcd_rotation',
    'pcd_scale_factor', 'pcd_trans', 'img_aug_matrix',

] test_pipeline = [ dict( type='BEVLoadKittiImageFromFiles', to_float32=True, color_type='color', backend_args=backend_args), dict( type='LoadPointsFromFile', coord_type='LIDAR', load_dim=4, use_dim=4, backend_args=backend_args), # 少一个ImageAug3D的数据增强。 dict( type='PointsRangeFilter', point_cloud_range=[0, -40, -3, 70.4, 40, 1]), dict( type='Pack3DDetInputs', keys=['img', 'points', 'gt_bboxes_3d', 'gt_labels_3d'], meta_keys=[ 'cam2img', 'ori_cam2img', 'lidar2cam', 'lidar2img', 'cam2lidar', 'ori_lidar2img', 'img_aug_matrix', 'box_type_3d', 'sample_idx', 'lidar_path', 'img_path' ]) ] modality = dict(use_lidar=True, use_camera=True) train_dataloader = dict( batch_size=2, num_workers=2, sampler=dict(type='DefaultSampler', shuffle=True), dataset=dict( type='RepeatDataset', times=2, dataset=dict( type=dataset_type, data_root=data_root, modality=modality, ann_file='kitti_infos_train.pkl', data_prefix=dict( pts='training/velodyne_reduced', img='training/image_2'), pipeline=train_pipeline, filter_empty_gt=False, metainfo=metainfo, # we use box_type_3d='LiDAR' in kitti and nuscenes dataset # and box_type_3d='Depth' in sunrgbd and scannet dataset. box_type_3d='LiDAR', backend_args=backend_args))) val_dataloader = dict( batch_size=1, num_workers=1, sampler=dict(type='DefaultSampler', shuffle=False), dataset=dict( type=dataset_type, data_root=data_root, modality=modality, ann_file='kitti_infos_val.pkl', data_prefix=dict( pts='training/velodyne_reduced', img='training/image_2'), pipeline=test_pipeline, metainfo=metainfo, test_mode=True, box_type_3d='LiDAR', backend_args=backend_args)) test_dataloader = dict( batch_size=1, num_workers=1, sampler=dict(type='DefaultSampler', shuffle=False), dataset=dict( type=dataset_type, data_root=data_root, ann_file='kitti_infos_val.pkl', modality=modality, data_prefix=dict( pts='training/velodyne_reduced', img='training/image_2'), pipeline=test_pipeline, metainfo=metainfo, test_mode=True, box_type_3d='LiDAR', backend_args=backend_args)) optim_wrapper = dict( optimizer=dict(weight_decay=0.01), clip_grad=dict(max_norm=35, norm_type=2), ) val_evaluator = dict( type='KittiMetric', ann_file='data/kitti/kitti_infos_val.pkl') test_evaluator = val_evaluator vis_backends = [dict(type='LocalVisBackend')] visualizer = dict( type='Det3DLocalVisualizer', vis_backends=vis_backends, name='visualizer') And you should add 'BEVLoadKittiImageFromFiles' into 'projects/BEVFusion/bevfusion/' If you know how to solve my question, please contact me as soon. Best

how do you reslove KeyError: 'img_path'"?

ok i have already finished it !

Alranen commented 4 months ago

@liuyuansheng624 你好,你成功在kitti上训练了bevfusion嘛?我没试成功,你能发我一份配置文件到wuhu835@gmail.com嘛? 万分感谢!

liuyuansheng624 commented 4 months ago



------------------ Original ------------------ From: Alranen @.> Date: Mon,Mar 4,2024 11:39 AM To: open-mmlab/mmdetection3d @.> Cc: liuys @.>, Mention @.> Subject: Re: [open-mmlab/mmdetection3d] How to train model with BEVFusion onKitti Dataset instead of nuScenes dataset? (Issue #2617)

liuyuansheng624 commented 4 months ago

yes i can please wechat 13731082126


------------------ Original ------------------ From: Dahjung Chung @.> Date: Thu,Mar 7,2024 3:55 PM To: open-mmlab/mmdetection3d @.> Cc: liuys @.>, Mention @.> Subject: Re: [open-mmlab/mmdetection3d] How to train model with BEVFusion onKitti Dataset instead of nuScenes dataset? (Issue #2617)

thelandord commented 10 hours ago

@schatur2 I have rewriten and and now the problem you mention before filename.append(cam_item['img_path']) KeyError: 'img_path'" has be solved. However, I meet the new problem as follow: File "mmdetection3d/projects/BEVFusion/bevfusion/", line 299, in forward cur_coords = cur_img_aug_matrix[:, :3, :3].matmul(cur_coords) IndexError: too many indices for tensor of dimension 2 It looks like a normal question. But I don't want to do some changes in the model codes. By the way, I don't know if use nuScenes will meet the same question. Whether if the bug for the model code or I should rewrite the model. the are as follows:

Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.

import copy from typing import Optional

import mmcv import numpy as np from mmengine.fileio import get

from mmdet3d.datasets.transforms import LoadMultiViewImageFromFiles from mmdet3d.registry import TRANSFORMS

@TRANSFORMS.register_module() class BEVLoadKittiImageFromFiles(LoadMultiViewImageFromFiles): """Load multi channel images from a list of separate channel files.

``BEVLoadMultiViewImageFromFiles`` adds the following keys for the
convenience of view transforms in the forward:
    - 'cam2lidar'
    - 'lidar2img'

    to_float32 (bool): Whether to convert the img to float32.
        Defaults to False.
    color_type (str): Color type of the file. Defaults to 'unchanged'.
    backend_args (dict, optional): Arguments to instantiate the
        corresponding backend. Defaults to None.
    num_views (int): Number of view in a frame. Defaults to 5.
    num_ref_frames (int): Number of frame in loading. Defaults to -1.
    test_mode (bool): Whether is test mode in loading. Defaults to False.
    set_default_scale (bool): Whether to set default scale.
        Defaults to True.

def transform(self, results: dict) -> Optional[dict]:
    """Call function to load multi-view image from files.

        results (dict): Result dict containing multi-view image filenames.

        dict: The result dict containing the multi-view image data.
        Added keys and values are described below.

            - filename (str): Multi-view image filenames.
            - img (np.ndarray): Multi-view image arrays.
            - img_shape (tuple[int]): Shape of multi-view image arrays.
            - ori_shape (tuple[int]): Shape of original image arrays.
            - pad_shape (tuple[int]): Shape of padded image arrays.
            - scale_factor (float): Scale factor.
            - img_norm_cfg (dict): Normalization configuration of images.
    # TODO: consider split the multi-sweep part out of this pipeline
    # Derive the mask and transform for loading of multi-sweep data
    # Support multi-view images with different shapes
    # TODO: record the origin shape and padded shape

    filename, cam2img, lidar2cam, cam2lidar, lidar2img = [], [], [], [], []
    lidar2cam_array = np.array(results['images']['CAM2']['lidar2cam']).astype(
    lidar2cam_rot = lidar2cam_array[:3, :3]
    lidar2cam_trans = lidar2cam_array[:3, 3:4]
    camera2lidar = np.eye(4)
    camera2lidar[:3, :3] = lidar2cam_rot.T
    camera2lidar[:3, 3:4] = -1 * np.matmul(
        lidar2cam_rot.T, lidar2cam_trans.reshape(3, 1))
    cam2img_array = np.eye(4).astype(np.float32)
    cam2img_array[:3, :3] = np.array(results['images']['CAM2']['cam2img'])[:3, :3].astype(np.float32)
    lidar2img.append(cam2img_array @ lidar2cam_array)

    results['img_path'] = filename
    results['cam2img'] = np.stack(cam2img, axis=0)
    results['lidar2cam'] = np.stack(lidar2cam, axis=0)
    results['cam2lidar'] = np.stack(cam2lidar, axis=0)
    results['lidar2img'] = np.stack(lidar2img, axis=0)

    results['ori_cam2img'] = copy.deepcopy(results['cam2img'])

    # img is of shape (h, w, c, num_views)
    # h and w can be different for different views
    img_bytes = [
        get(name, backend_args=self.backend_args) for name in filename
    imgs = [
            channel_order='rgb') for img_byte in img_bytes
    # handle the image with different shape
    img_shapes = np.stack([img.shape for img in imgs], axis=0)
    img_shape_max = np.max(img_shapes, axis=0)
    img_shape_min = np.min(img_shapes, axis=0)
    assert img_shape_min[-1] == img_shape_max[-1]
    if not np.all(img_shape_max == img_shape_min):
        pad_shape = img_shape_max[:2]
        pad_shape = None
    if pad_shape is not None:
        imgs = [
            mmcv.impad(img, shape=pad_shape, pad_val=0) for img in imgs
    img = np.stack(imgs, axis=-1)
    if self.to_float32:
        img = img.astype(np.float32)

    results['filename'] = filename
    # unravel to list, see `DefaultFormatBundle` in
    # which will transpose each image separately and then stack into array
    results['img'] = [img[..., i] for i in range(img.shape[-1])]
    results['img_shape'] = img.shape[:2]
    results['ori_shape'] = img.shape[:2]
    # Set initial values for default meta_keys
    results['pad_shape'] = img.shape[:2]
    if self.set_default_scale:
        results['scale_factor'] = 1.0
    num_channels = 1 if len(img.shape) < 3 else img.shape[2]
    results['img_norm_cfg'] = dict(
        mean=np.zeros(num_channels, dtype=np.float32),
        std=np.ones(num_channels, dtype=np.float32),
    results['num_views'] = self.num_views
    results['num_ref_frames'] = self.num_ref_frames
    return results

The are as follows: base = ['../../../configs/base/schedules/', '../../../configs/base/']

custom_imports = dict( imports=['projects.BEVFusion.bevfusion'], allow_failed_imports=False)

voxel_size = [0.05, 0.05, 0.1] point_cloud_range = [0, -40, -3, 70.4, 40, 1]

model = dict( type='BEVFusion', data_preprocessor=dict( type='Det3DDataPreprocessor', pad_size_divisor=32, voxelize_cfg=dict( max_num_points=10, point_cloud_range=[0, -40, -3, 70.4, 40, 1], voxel_size=[0.05, 0.05, 0.1], max_voxels=[120000, 160000], voxelize_reduce=True), mean=[102.9801, 115.9465, 122.7717], std=[1.0, 1.0, 1.0], bgr_to_rgb=False), pts_voxel_encoder=dict(type='HardSimpleVFE', num_features=5), pts_middle_encoder=dict( type='BEVFusionSparseEncoder', in_channels=5, sparse_shape=[1440, 1440, 41], order=('conv', 'norm', 'act'), norm_cfg=dict(type='BN1d', eps=0.001, momentum=0.01), encoder_channels=((16, 16, 32), (32, 32, 64), (64, 64, 128), (128, 128)), encoder_paddings=((0, 0, 1), (0, 0, 1), (0, 0, (1, 1, 0)), (0, 0)), block_type='basicblock'), pts_backbone=dict( type='SECOND', in_channels=256, out_channels=[128, 256], layer_nums=[5, 5], layer_strides=[1, 2], norm_cfg=dict(type='BN', eps=0.001, momentum=0.01), conv_cfg=dict(type='Conv2d', bias=False)), pts_neck=dict( type='SECONDFPN', in_channels=[128, 256], out_channels=[256, 256], upsample_strides=[1, 2], norm_cfg=dict(type='BN', eps=0.001, momentum=0.01), upsample_cfg=dict(type='deconv', bias=False), use_conv_for_no_stride=True), bbox_head=dict( type='TransFusionHead', num_proposals=200, auxiliary=True, in_channels=512, hidden_channel=128, num_classes=10, nms_kernel_size=3, bn_momentum=0.1, num_decoder_layers=1, decoder_layer=dict( type='TransformerDecoderLayer', self_attn_cfg=dict(embed_dims=128, num_heads=8, dropout=0.1), cross_attn_cfg=dict(embed_dims=128, num_heads=8, dropout=0.1), ffn_cfg=dict( embed_dims=128, feedforward_channels=256, num_fcs=2, ffn_drop=0.1, act_cfg=dict(type='ReLU', inplace=True), ), norm_cfg=dict(type='LN'), pos_encoding_cfg=dict(input_channel=2, num_pos_feats=128)), train_cfg=dict( dataset='KittiDataset', point_cloud_range=[-54.0, -54.0, -5.0, 54.0, 54.0, 3.0], grid_size=[1440, 1440, 41], voxel_size=[0.075, 0.075, 0.2], out_size_factor=8, gaussian_overlap=0.1, min_radius=2, pos_weight=-1, code_weights=[1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.2, 0.2], assigner=dict( type='HungarianAssigner3D', iou_calculator=dict(type='BboxOverlaps3D', coordinate='lidar'), cls_cost=dict( type='mmdet.FocalLossCost', gamma=2.0, alpha=0.25, weight=0.15), reg_cost=dict(type='BBoxBEVL1Cost', weight=0.25), iou_cost=dict(type='IoU3DCost', weight=0.25))), test_cfg=dict( dataset='KittiDataset', grid_size=[1440, 1440, 41], out_size_factor=8, voxel_size=[0.075, 0.075], pc_range=[-54.0, -54.0], nms_type=None), common_heads=dict( center=[2, 2], height=[1, 2], dim=[3, 2], rot=[2, 2], vel=[2, 2]), bbox_coder=dict( type='TransFusionBBoxCoder', pc_range=[-54.0, -54.0], post_center_range=[-61.2, -61.2, -10.0, 61.2, 61.2, 10.0], score_threshold=0.0, out_size_factor=8, voxel_size=[0.075, 0.075], code_size=10), loss_cls=dict( type='mmdet.FocalLoss', use_sigmoid=True, gamma=2.0, alpha=0.25, reduction='mean', loss_weight=1.0), loss_heatmap=dict( type='mmdet.GaussianFocalLoss', reduction='mean', loss_weight=1.0), loss_bbox=dict( type='mmdet.L1Loss', reduction='mean', loss_weight=0.25)), img_backbone=dict( type='mmdet.SwinTransformer', embed_dims=96, depths=[2, 2, 6, 2], num_heads=[3, 6, 12, 24], window_size=7, mlp_ratio=4, qkv_bias=True, qk_scale=None, drop_rate=0.0, attn_drop_rate=0.0, drop_path_rate=0.2, patch_norm=True, out_indices=[1, 2, 3], with_cp=False, convert_weights=True, init_cfg=dict( type='Pretrained', checkpoint= # noqa: E251 '' # noqa: E501 )), img_neck=dict( type='GeneralizedLSSFPN', in_channels=[192, 384, 768], out_channels=256, start_level=0, num_outs=3, norm_cfg=dict(type='BN2d', requires_grad=True), act_cfg=dict(type='ReLU', inplace=True), upsample_cfg=dict(mode='bilinear', align_corners=False)), view_transform=dict( type='DepthLSSTransform', in_channels=256, out_channels=80, image_size=[256, 704], feature_size=[32, 88], xbound=[-54.0, 54.0, 0.3], ybound=[-54.0, 54.0, 0.3], zbound=[-10.0, 10.0, 20.0], dbound=[1.0, 60.0, 0.5], downsample=2), fusion_layer=dict( type='ConvFuser', in_channels=[80, 256], out_channels=256))

dataset settings

dataset_type = 'KittiDataset' data_root = 'data/kitti/' class_names = ['Pedestrian', 'Cyclist', 'Car'] metainfo = dict(classes=class_names) input_modality = dict(use_lidar=True, use_camera=True) backend_args = None

train_pipeline = [

dict(type='LoadAnnotations3D', with_bbox_3d=True, with_label_3d=True),
# 少一个ImageAug3D的数据增强。
    rot_range=[-0.78539816, 0.78539816],
    scale_ratio_range=[0.95, 1.05],
    translation_std=[0.2, 0.2, 0.2]),
dict(type='PointsRangeFilter', point_cloud_range=point_cloud_range),
dict(type='ObjectRangeFilter', point_cloud_range=point_cloud_range),
    classes=['Pedestrian', 'Cyclist', 'Car']),
    'points', 'img', 'gt_bboxes_3d', 'gt_labels_3d', 'gt_bboxes',
    'cam2img', 'ori_cam2img', 'lidar2cam', 'lidar2img', 'cam2lidar',
    'ori_lidar2img', 'img_aug_matrix', 'box_type_3d', 'sample_idx',
    'lidar_path', 'img_path', 'transformation_3d_flow', 'pcd_rotation',
    'pcd_scale_factor', 'pcd_trans', 'img_aug_matrix',


test_pipeline = [ dict( type='BEVLoadKittiImageFromFiles', to_float32=True, color_type='color', backend_args=backend_args), dict( type='LoadPointsFromFile', coord_type='LIDAR', load_dim=4, use_dim=4, backend_args=backend_args), # 少一个ImageAug3D的数据增强。 dict( type='PointsRangeFilter', point_cloud_range=[0, -40, -3, 70.4, 40, 1]), dict( type='Pack3DDetInputs', keys=['img', 'points', 'gt_bboxes_3d', 'gt_labels_3d'], meta_keys=[ 'cam2img', 'ori_cam2img', 'lidar2cam', 'lidar2img', 'cam2lidar', 'ori_lidar2img', 'img_aug_matrix', 'box_type_3d', 'sample_idx', 'lidar_path', 'img_path' ]) ]

modality = dict(use_lidar=True, use_camera=True) train_dataloader = dict( batch_size=2, num_workers=2, sampler=dict(type='DefaultSampler', shuffle=True), dataset=dict( type='RepeatDataset', times=2, dataset=dict( type=dataset_type, data_root=data_root, modality=modality, ann_file='kitti_infos_train.pkl', data_prefix=dict( pts='training/velodyne_reduced', img='training/image_2'), pipeline=train_pipeline, filter_empty_gt=False, metainfo=metainfo, # we use box_type_3d='LiDAR' in kitti and nuscenes dataset # and box_type_3d='Depth' in sunrgbd and scannet dataset. box_type_3d='LiDAR', backend_args=backend_args)))

val_dataloader = dict( batch_size=1, num_workers=1, sampler=dict(type='DefaultSampler', shuffle=False), dataset=dict( type=dataset_type, data_root=data_root, modality=modality, ann_file='kitti_infos_val.pkl', data_prefix=dict( pts='training/velodyne_reduced', img='training/image_2'), pipeline=test_pipeline, metainfo=metainfo, test_mode=True, box_type_3d='LiDAR', backend_args=backend_args)) test_dataloader = dict( batch_size=1, num_workers=1, sampler=dict(type='DefaultSampler', shuffle=False), dataset=dict( type=dataset_type, data_root=data_root, ann_file='kitti_infos_val.pkl', modality=modality, data_prefix=dict( pts='training/velodyne_reduced', img='training/image_2'), pipeline=test_pipeline, metainfo=metainfo, test_mode=True, box_type_3d='LiDAR', backend_args=backend_args))

optim_wrapper = dict( optimizer=dict(weight_decay=0.01), clip_grad=dict(max_norm=35, norm_type=2), ) val_evaluator = dict( type='KittiMetric', ann_file='data/kitti/kitti_infos_val.pkl') test_evaluator = val_evaluator

vis_backends = [dict(type='LocalVisBackend')] visualizer = dict( type='Det3DLocalVisualizer', vis_backends=vis_backends, name='visualizer')

And you should add 'BEVLoadKittiImageFromFiles' into 'projects/BEVFusion/bevfusion/' If you know how to solve my question, please contact me as soon. Best

Hello,Have you solved it?