open-mmlab / mmdetection3d

OpenMMLab's next-generation platform for general 3D object detection.
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[Bug] Update data infos for kitti mmdetection3d gives error #2952

Open sparshgarg23 opened 2 months ago

sparshgarg23 commented 2 months ago



I'm using the official example scripts/configs for the officially supported tasks/models/datasets.


main branch


sys.platform: linux Python: 3.10.12 (main, Nov 20 2023, 15:14:05) [GCC 11.4.0] CUDA available: True MUSA available: False numpy_random_seed: 2147483648 GPU 0: Tesla V100-SXM2-16GB CUDA_HOME: /usr/local/cuda NVCC: Cuda compilation tools, release 12.2, V12.2.140 GCC: x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc (Ubuntu 11.4.0-1ubuntu1~22.04) 11.4.0 PyTorch: 2.1.1+cu121 PyTorch compiling details: PyTorch built with:

TorchVision: 0.16.1+cu121 OpenCV: 4.8.0 MMEngine: 0.10.3 MMDetection: 3.3.0 MMDetection3D: 1.4.0+962f093 spconv2.0: False

Reproduces the problem - code sample

On running

python tools/dataset_converters/ --dataset kitti --pkl-path ./data/kitti/kitti_infos_test.pkl --out-dir ./data/kitti

I am getting the error

"tasks" must be a tuple object or a sequence object, but got <class 'dict'>

Reproduces the problem - command or script

python tools/dataset_converters/ --dataset kitti --pkl-path ./data/kitti/kitti_infos_test.pkl --out-dir ./data/kitti

### Reproduces the problem - error message

 "tasks" must be a tuple object or a sequence object, but got <class 'dict'>

### Additional information

1. Code should complete so that I can generate the individual pkl files similar to demo/data/kitti/00008.pkl
2. If this is not possible,please provide link from where individual pkl files for each sample in test can be obtained.