open-mmlab / mmdetection3d

OpenMMLab's next-generation platform for general 3D object detection.
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[Docs] Problems on Waymo 3d Box #2965

Open Wang0203 opened 2 months ago

Wang0203 commented 2 months ago


main branch

📚 The doc issue

Hello, I am confused on the waymo_infos_val.pkl information (bbox 3d). Why is the z-coordinate -24, did it go underground? image

Suggest a potential alternative/fix

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VeeranajenyuluT commented 1 month ago

waymo coordinate system is same as kitti dataset which is camera coordinate system, plz refer to this document So if that is the case, i believe Z points to downwards which is in -ve. They suggests that it needs to be converted to Lidar coordinate system.