open-mmlab / mmdetection3d

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[Docs] Training models on v1.0-mini nuscenes dataset #2979

Closed AbdilahiMJama closed 1 month ago

AbdilahiMJama commented 1 month ago


dev-1.x branch

📚 The doc issue

Hi, I'm fairly new to deep learning and 3D Object Detection and this is more of a question rather than an issue. When working with the nuscenes v1.0-mini dataset which has 10 scenes, do we need to add the v1.0-trainval and v1.0-test folder like below? Or is the trainval and test included in the v1.0-mini dataset? nuscenes

A final question would be how to train any model on the v1.0-mini dataset. I tried training using the centerpoint pillar02 cyclic 20e file (the name was too long to type) and it has taken about a day to train? I only have one gpu (RTX 3060 Ti).


Suggest a potential alternative/fix

No response

sunpian1 commented 1 month ago

you do not need to include v1.0-trainval and v1.0-test folder

AbdilahiMJama commented 1 month ago

Many thanks. I trained a centerpoint pillar model and got this error when testing: AssertionError: Database version not found: data/nuscenes/v1.0-trainval. How would I solve this error?


AbdilahiMJama commented 1 month ago

Many thanks. I trained a centerpoint pillar model and got this error when testing: AssertionError: Database version not found: data/nuscenes/v1.0-trainval. How would I solve this error?


Solved it!

Barath19 commented 3 weeks ago

Many thanks. I trained a centerpoint pillar model and got this error when testing: AssertionError: Database version not found: data/nuscenes/v1.0-trainval. How would I solve this error? trainval

Solved it!

how was this error solve??

AbdilahiMJama commented 3 weeks ago

Many thanks. I trained a centerpoint pillar model and got this error when testing: AssertionError: Database version not found: data/nuscenes/v1.0-trainval. How would I solve this error? trainval

Solved it!

how was this error solve??

In the file (which is under mmdet3d/datasets folder) , comment out the line "v1.0-trainval" at line number 63 and add this line "v1.0-mini".