I'm trying to train Pointpillars on dataset sunrgbd, I'm using config file hv_pointpillars_secfpn_sbn_2x16_2x_waymo-3d-3class.py, and did some modification as following:
then while runing, in function loss_single(Anchor3DHead), I got cls_score.shape[0] != labels.shape[0], which casuse error when calling focal loss. Is there something wrong in my config setting? or what else it might be..
I'm trying to train Pointpillars on dataset sunrgbd, I'm using config file hv_pointpillars_secfpn_sbn_2x16_2x_waymo-3d-3class.py, and did some modification as following:
then while runing, in function loss_single(Anchor3DHead), I got cls_score.shape[0] != labels.shape[0], which casuse error when calling focal loss. Is there something wrong in my config setting? or what else it might be..
my while model setting is: