I am trying to contribute to this project. The problem is I cannot commit due to pre-commit errors. When running
git commit -m ""
I get this error:
An error has occurred: InvalidManifestError:
==> File /home/<name>/.cache/pre-commit/repofaig1u3l/.pre-commit-hooks.yaml
==> At Hook(id='docformatter-venv')
==> At key: language
=====> Expected one of conda, coursier, dart, docker, docker_image, dotnet, fail, golang, haskell, lua, node, perl, pygrep, python, r, ruby, rust, script, swift, system but got: 'python_venv'
Check the log at /home/<name>/.cache/pre-commit/pre-commit.log
I am trying to contribute to this project. The problem is I cannot commit due to pre-commit errors. When running
git commit -m ""
I get this error:After some research I found that using python_venv as language is deprecated, but still used with docformatter current version (v1.7.5). As a workaround one could put "rev: master" see here.
To my understanding I am not allowed to change this. Is there a workaround for this?
Kind regards