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OpenMMLab Pose Estimation Toolbox and Benchmark.
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Convert output to COCO format #687

Closed soltkreig closed 2 years ago

soltkreig commented 3 years ago

HI! Does it possible to convert predict of pose estimation models to COCO dataset format?

jin-s13 commented 3 years ago

Do you mean the prediction output by demos?

soltkreig commented 3 years ago

Yes I did, I'd like to use pre-trained model to label my data then train a model only for 2 keypoints

jin-s13 commented 3 years ago

You may refer to tool to generate coco-format json.

soltkreig commented 3 years ago

Finally how to save output of model to any format? Txt/json/etc? Can I use you tool straight in code without saving to file and convert to coco format?

jin-s13 commented 3 years ago

No. It is just for reference. It transforms from a customized format annotation file to the coco-format json. Of course, it also contains codes for json-file saving.

jin-s13 commented 3 years ago

We will consider adding this function soon.

soltkreig commented 3 years ago

Thanks a lot

soltkreig commented 3 years ago

By the way if I want to use only 2 keypoints as input what should I do? I've seen in tutorial recommendation change out_channels only

jin-s13 commented 3 years ago

In order to use only 2 keypoints as input:

  1. prepare dataset, see
  2. modify configs. You may compare and to see what is changed.
soltkreig commented 3 years ago

Will it work without fields like "area"? As I understand it's for semantic segmentation

jin-s13 commented 3 years ago

In "images", we need "id", "file_name", "height", "width". Others are optional.

In "annotations", we need "image_id", "id", "keypoints", "num_keypoints", "bbox", "iscrowd", "area", "category_id". Others are optional. (1) "num_keypoints" means the number of visible keypoints. (2) Simply set "iscrowd: 0". (3) "area" can be calculated using the bbox (area = w * h) (4) Simply set "category_id: 1". (5) Here the "image_id" should match the "id" in "images".

soltkreig commented 3 years ago

I've counted the area in the example (

'num_keypoints': 10,
        'area': 3894.5826,
        'iscrowd': 0,
        'image_id': 1268,
        'bbox': [402.34, 205.02, 65.26, 88.45],
        'category_id': 1,
        'id': 215218

I got result about 39k, not 3894

soltkreig commented 3 years ago

I wrote script to convert predictions to annotation. It works only when I don't use validate. My config:

data_root = 'data/coco'
data = dict(

I got the error:

FileNotFoundError: TopDownCocoDataset: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'data/coco/person_detection_results/COCO_val2017_detections_AP_H_56_person.json'

As I understand config search for annotations of COCO but I already showed the way for val annotations

jin-s13 commented 3 years ago

The file is the detected human bounding boxes. If you do not have it, you can simply set use_gt_bbox=True.

jin-s13 commented 3 years ago

The bounding boxes are generated by a pre-trained human detector, which is provided by HRNet. We have also pasted the OneDrive and GoogleDrive link in

soltkreig commented 3 years ago

Well it works but I got another mistake:

ETA:Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "tools/", line 169, in <module>
  File "tools/", line 165, in main
  File "/home/kfour/mmpose/mmpose/apis/", line 140, in train_model, cfg.workflow, cfg.total_epochs)
  File "/home/kfour/mmcv/mmcv/runner/", line 125, in run
    epoch_runner(data_loaders[i], **kwargs)
  File "/home/kfour/mmcv/mmcv/runner/", line 54, in train
  File "/home/kfour/mmcv/mmcv/runner/", line 307, in call_hook
    getattr(hook, fn_name)(self)
  File "/home/kfour/mmpose/mmpose/core/evaluation/", line 100, in after_train_epoch
    results = single_gpu_test(runner.model, self.dataloader)
  File "/home/kfour/mmpose/mmpose/apis/", line 32, in single_gpu_test
    result = model(return_loss=False, **data)
  File "/home/kfour/anaconda3/envs/open-mmlab/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 889, in _call_impl
    result = self.forward(*input, **kwargs)
  File "/home/kfour/mmcv/mmcv/parallel/", line 42, in forward
    return super().forward(*inputs, **kwargs)
  File "/home/kfour/anaconda3/envs/open-mmlab/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/nn/parallel/", line 165, in forward
    return self.module(*inputs[0], **kwargs[0])
  File "/home/kfour/anaconda3/envs/open-mmlab/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 889, in _call_impl
    result = self.forward(*input, **kwargs)
  File "/home/kfour/mmcv/mmcv/runner/", line 95, in new_func
    return old_func(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/home/kfour/mmpose/mmpose/models/detectors/", line 138, in forward
    img, img_metas, return_heatmap=return_heatmap, **kwargs)
  File "/home/kfour/mmpose/mmpose/models/detectors/", line 183, in forward_test
    features_flipped, img_metas[0]['flip_pairs'])
  File "/home/kfour/mmpose/mmpose/models/keypoint_heads/", line 216, in inference_model
  File "/home/kfour/mmpose/mmpose/core/post_processing/", line 141, in flip_back
    output_flipped_back[:, left, ...] = output_flipped[:, right, ...]
IndexError: index 2 is out of bounds for axis 1 with size 2

Remember I train only on 2 points, another are 0,0,0

jin-s13 commented 3 years ago

Have you modified flip_pairs?

soltkreig commented 3 years ago

No should I remove any of these? But which? In my new dataset I have keypoints of left and right wrists only

jin-s13 commented 3 years ago

Here is a list of coco keypoints. Please find the related ones, and remove others.

soltkreig commented 3 years ago

I got another one:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "tools/", line 169, in <module>
  File "tools/", line 165, in main
  File "/home/kfour/mmpose/mmpose/apis/", line 140, in train_model, cfg.workflow, cfg.total_epochs)
  File "/home/kfour/mmcv/mmcv/runner/", line 125, in run
    epoch_runner(data_loaders[i], **kwargs)
  File "/home/kfour/mmcv/mmcv/runner/", line 54, in train
  File "/home/kfour/mmcv/mmcv/runner/", line 307, in call_hook
    getattr(hook, fn_name)(self)
  File "/home/kfour/mmpose/mmpose/core/evaluation/", line 101, in after_train_epoch
    key_score = self.evaluate(runner, results)
  File "/home/kfour/mmpose/mmpose/core/evaluation/", line 121, in evaluate
    results, runner.work_dir, logger=runner.logger, **self.eval_kwargs)
  File "/home/kfour/mmpose/mmpose/datasets/datasets/top_down/", line 372, in evaluate
    t_s = n_p['keypoints'][n_jt][2]
IndexError: index 2 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 2
soltkreig commented 3 years ago

I've checked train doesn't work if num_output_channels < 17

jin-s13 commented 3 years ago

I suggest comparing coco and aic (especially the dataset, json file, and the config files) to see how to use a new dataset. AIC has 14 keypoints and COCO has 17 keypoints, and the keypoint definition is also different.


soltkreig commented 3 years ago

Does it mean I can't change num_output_channels?

jin-s13 commented 3 years ago

If the dataset requires 17 keypoints, you should set num_output_channels=17.

jin-s13 commented 3 years ago

In your case, the dataset only has 2 keypoints, so num_output_channels=2.

soltkreig commented 3 years ago

I've tried and got this mistake:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/kfour/mmcv/mmcv/utils/", line 51, in build_from_cfg
    return obj_cls(**args)
  File "/home/kfour/mmpose/mmpose/datasets/datasets/top_down/", line 90, in __init__
    dtype=np.float32).reshape((self.ann_info['num_joints'], 1))
ValueError: cannot reshape array of size 17 into shape (2,1)

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "tools/", line 169, in <module>
  File "tools/", line 144, in main
    datasets = [build_dataset(]
  File "/home/kfour/mmpose/mmpose/datasets/", line 39, in build_dataset
    dataset = build_from_cfg(cfg, DATASETS, default_args)
  File "/home/kfour/mmcv/mmcv/utils/", line 54, in build_from_cfg
    raise type(e)(f'{obj_cls.__name__}: {e}')
ValueError: TopDownCocoDatasetCustom: cannot reshape array of size 17 into shape (2,1)

My channel cfg:

channel_cfg = dict(
        [0, 1],
        0, 1])
jin-s13 commented 3 years ago

Please also paste the complete here. And we will help you check for the errors.

jin-s13 commented 3 years ago

It seems that in line90, the shape of the np.array is wrong. It should be 2, but was 17.

soltkreig commented 3 years ago

I marked line 90 as #90 in the code below

import os
import warnings
from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict

import json_tricks as json
import numpy as np
from xtcocotools.coco import COCO
from xtcocotools.cocoeval import COCOeval

from ....core.post_processing import oks_nms, soft_oks_nms
from ...registry import DATASETS
from .topdown_base_dataset import TopDownBaseDataset

class TopDownCocoDatasetCustom(TopDownBaseDataset):
    """CocoDataset dataset for top-down pose estimation.

    `Microsoft COCO: Common Objects in Context' ECCV'2014
    More details can be found in the `paper
    <>`__ .

    The dataset loads raw features and apply specified transforms
    to return a dict containing the image tensors and other information.

    COCO keypoint indexes::

        0: 'nose',
        1: 'left_eye',
        2: 'right_eye',
        3: 'left_ear',
        4: 'right_ear',
        5: 'left_shoulder',
        6: 'right_shoulder',
        7: 'left_elbow',
        8: 'right_elbow',
        9: 'left_wrist',
        10: 'right_wrist',
        11: 'left_hip',
        12: 'right_hip',
        13: 'left_knee',
        14: 'right_knee',
        15: 'left_ankle',
        16: 'right_ankle'

        ann_file (str): Path to the annotation file.
        img_prefix (str): Path to a directory where images are held.
            Default: None.
        data_cfg (dict): config
        pipeline (list[dict | callable]): A sequence of data transforms.
        test_mode (bool): Store True when building test or
            validation dataset. Default: False.

    def __init__(self,
            ann_file, img_prefix, data_cfg, pipeline, test_mode=test_mode)

        self.use_gt_bbox = data_cfg['use_gt_bbox']
        self.bbox_file = data_cfg['bbox_file']
        self.det_bbox_thr = data_cfg.get('det_bbox_thr', 0.0)
        if 'image_thr' in data_cfg:
                'image_thr is deprecated, '
                'please use det_bbox_thr instead', DeprecationWarning)
            self.det_bbox_thr = data_cfg['image_thr']
        self.use_nms = data_cfg.get('use_nms', True)
        self.soft_nms = data_cfg['soft_nms']
        self.nms_thr = data_cfg['nms_thr']
        self.oks_thr = data_cfg['oks_thr']
        self.vis_thr = data_cfg['vis_thr']

        self.ann_info['flip_pairs'] = [[0, 1]]

        self.ann_info['upper_body_ids'] = (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)
        self.ann_info['lower_body_ids'] = (11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16)

        self.ann_info['use_different_joint_weights'] = False
        self.ann_info['joint_weights'] = np.array(
                1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.2, 1.2, 1.5, 1.5, 1., 1., 1.2,
                1.2, 1.5, 1.5
            dtype=np.float32).reshape((self.ann_info['num_joints'], 1))

        # ''
        # 'pycocotools/'
        self.sigmas = np.array([
            .26, .25, .25, .35, .35, .79, .79, .72, .72, .62, .62, 1.07, 1.07,
            .87, .87, .89, .89
        ]) / 10.0

        self.coco = COCO(ann_file)

        cats = [
            cat['name'] for cat in self.coco.loadCats(self.coco.getCatIds())
        self.classes = ['__background__'] + cats
        self.num_classes = len(self.classes)
        self._class_to_ind = dict(zip(self.classes, range(self.num_classes)))
        self._class_to_coco_ind = dict(zip(cats, self.coco.getCatIds()))
        self._coco_ind_to_class_ind = dict(
            (self._class_to_coco_ind[cls], self._class_to_ind[cls])
            for cls in self.classes[1:])
        self.img_ids = self.coco.getImgIds()
        self.num_images = len(self.img_ids)
        self.id2name, self.name2id = self._get_mapping_id_name(self.coco.imgs)
        self.dataset_name = 'coco'

        self.db = self._get_db()

        print(f'=> num_images: {self.num_images}')
        print(f'=> load {len(self.db)} samples')

    def _get_mapping_id_name(imgs):
            imgs (dict): dict of image info.

            tuple: Image name & id mapping dicts.

            - id2name (dict): Mapping image id to name.
            - name2id (dict): Mapping image name to id.
        id2name = {}
        name2id = {}
        for image_id, image in imgs.items():
            file_name = image['file_name']
            id2name[image_id] = file_name
            name2id[file_name] = image_id

        return id2name, name2id

    def _get_db(self):
        """Load dataset."""
        if (not self.test_mode) or self.use_gt_bbox:
            # use ground truth bbox
            gt_db = self._load_coco_keypoint_annotations()
            # use bbox from detection
            gt_db = self._load_coco_person_detection_results()
        return gt_db

    def _load_coco_keypoint_annotations(self):
        """Ground truth bbox and keypoints."""
        gt_db = []
        for img_id in self.img_ids:
        return gt_db

    def _load_coco_keypoint_annotation_kernel(self, img_id):
        """load annotation from COCOAPI.

            bbox:[x1, y1, w, h]
            img_id: coco image id
            dict: db entry
        img_ann = self.coco.loadImgs(img_id)[0]
        width = img_ann['width']
        height = img_ann['height']
        num_joints = self.ann_info['num_joints']

        ann_ids = self.coco.getAnnIds(imgIds=img_id, iscrowd=False)
        objs = self.coco.loadAnns(ann_ids)

        # sanitize bboxes
        valid_objs = []
        for obj in objs:
            if 'bbox' not in obj:
            x, y, w, h = obj['bbox']
            x1 = max(0, x)
            y1 = max(0, y)
            x2 = min(width - 1, x1 + max(0, w - 1))
            y2 = min(height - 1, y1 + max(0, h - 1))
            if ('area' not in obj or obj['area'] > 0) and x2 > x1 and y2 > y1:
                obj['clean_bbox'] = [x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1]
        objs = valid_objs

        bbox_id = 0
        rec = []
        for obj in objs:
            if 'keypoints' not in obj:
            if max(obj['keypoints']) == 0:
            if 'num_keypoints' in obj and obj['num_keypoints'] == 0:
            joints_3d = np.zeros((num_joints, 3), dtype=np.float32)
            joints_3d_visible = np.zeros((num_joints, 3), dtype=np.float32)

            keypoints = np.array(obj['keypoints']).reshape(-1, 3)
            joints_3d[:, :2] = keypoints[:, :2]
            joints_3d_visible[:, :2] = np.minimum(1, keypoints[:, 2:3])

            center, scale = self._xywh2cs(*obj['clean_bbox'][:4])

            image_file = os.path.join(self.img_prefix, self.id2name[img_id])
                'image_file': image_file,
                'center': center,
                'scale': scale,
                'bbox': obj['clean_bbox'][:4],
                'rotation': 0,
                'joints_3d': joints_3d,
                'joints_3d_visible': joints_3d_visible,
                'dataset': self.dataset_name,
                'bbox_score': 1,
                'bbox_id': bbox_id
            bbox_id = bbox_id + 1

        return rec

    def _xywh2cs(self, x, y, w, h):
        """This encodes bbox(x,y,w,h) into (center, scale)

            x, y, w, h

            tuple: A tuple containing center and scale.

            - center (np.ndarray[float32](2,)): center of the bbox (x, y).
            - scale (np.ndarray[float32](2,)): scale of the bbox w & h.
        aspect_ratio = self.ann_info['image_size'][0] / self.ann_info[
        center = np.array([x + w * 0.5, y + h * 0.5], dtype=np.float32)

        if (not self.test_mode) and np.random.rand() < 0.3:
            center += 0.4 * (np.random.rand(2) - 0.5) * [w, h]

        if w > aspect_ratio * h:
            h = w * 1.0 / aspect_ratio
        elif w < aspect_ratio * h:
            w = h * aspect_ratio

        # pixel std is 200.0
        scale = np.array([w / 200.0, h / 200.0], dtype=np.float32)
        # padding to include proper amount of context
        scale = scale * 1.25

        return center, scale

    def _load_coco_person_detection_results(self):
        """Load coco person detection results."""
        num_joints = self.ann_info['num_joints']
        all_boxes = None
        with open(self.bbox_file, 'r') as f:
            all_boxes = json.load(f)

        if not all_boxes:
            raise ValueError('=> Load %s fail!' % self.bbox_file)

        print(f'=> Total boxes: {len(all_boxes)}')

        kpt_db = []
        bbox_id = 0
        for det_res in all_boxes:
            if det_res['category_id'] != 1:

            image_file = os.path.join(self.img_prefix,
            box = det_res['bbox']
            score = det_res['score']

            if score < self.det_bbox_thr:

            center, scale = self._xywh2cs(*box[:4])
            joints_3d = np.zeros((num_joints, 3), dtype=np.float32)
            joints_3d_visible = np.ones((num_joints, 3), dtype=np.float32)
                'image_file': image_file,
                'center': center,
                'scale': scale,
                'rotation': 0,
                'bbox': box[:4],
                'bbox_score': score,
                'dataset': self.dataset_name,
                'joints_3d': joints_3d,
                'joints_3d_visible': joints_3d_visible,
                'bbox_id': bbox_id
            bbox_id = bbox_id + 1
        print(f'=> Total boxes after filter '
              f'low score@{self.det_bbox_thr}: {bbox_id}')
        return kpt_db

    def evaluate(self, outputs, res_folder, metric='mAP', **kwargs):
        """Evaluate coco keypoint results. The pose prediction results will be
        saved in `${res_folder}/result_keypoints.json`.

            batch_size: N
            num_keypoints: K
            heatmap height: H
            heatmap width: W

            outputs (list(dict))
                :preds (np.ndarray[N,K,3]): The first two dimensions are
                    coordinates, score is the third dimension of the array.
                :boxes (np.ndarray[N,6]): [center[0], center[1], scale[0]
                    , scale[1],area, score]
                :image_paths (list[str]): For example, ['data/coco/val2017
                :heatmap (np.ndarray[N, K, H, W]): model output heatmap
                :bbox_id (list(int)).
            res_folder (str): Path of directory to save the results.
            metric (str | list[str]): Metric to be performed. Defaults: 'mAP'.

            dict: Evaluation results for evaluation metric.
        metrics = metric if isinstance(metric, list) else [metric]
        allowed_metrics = ['mAP']
        for metric in metrics:
            if metric not in allowed_metrics:
                raise KeyError(f'metric {metric} is not supported')

        res_file = os.path.join(res_folder, 'result_keypoints.json')

        kpts = defaultdict(list)

        for output in outputs:
            preds = output['preds']
            boxes = output['boxes']
            image_paths = output['image_paths']
            bbox_ids = output['bbox_ids']

            batch_size = len(image_paths)
            for i in range(batch_size):
                image_id = self.name2id[image_paths[i][len(self.img_prefix):]]
                    'keypoints': preds[i],
                    'center': boxes[i][0:2],
                    'scale': boxes[i][2:4],
                    'area': boxes[i][4],
                    'score': boxes[i][5],
                    'image_id': image_id,
                    'bbox_id': bbox_ids[i]
        kpts = self._sort_and_unique_bboxes(kpts)

        # rescoring and oks nms
        num_joints = self.ann_info['num_joints']
        vis_thr = self.vis_thr
        oks_thr = self.oks_thr
        valid_kpts = []
        for image_id in kpts.keys():
            img_kpts = kpts[image_id]
            for n_p in img_kpts:
                box_score = n_p['score']
                kpt_score = 0
                valid_num = 0
                for n_jt in range(0, num_joints):
                    t_s = n_p['keypoints'][n_jt][2]
                    if t_s > vis_thr:
                        kpt_score = kpt_score + t_s
                        valid_num = valid_num + 1
                if valid_num != 0:
                    kpt_score = kpt_score / valid_num
                # rescoring
                n_p['score'] = kpt_score * box_score

            if self.use_nms:
                nms = soft_oks_nms if self.soft_nms else oks_nms
                keep = nms(img_kpts, oks_thr, sigmas=self.sigmas)
                valid_kpts.append([img_kpts[_keep] for _keep in keep])

        self._write_coco_keypoint_results(valid_kpts, res_file)

        info_str = self._do_python_keypoint_eval(res_file)
        name_value = OrderedDict(info_str)

        return name_value

    def _write_coco_keypoint_results(self, keypoints, res_file):
        """Write results into a json file."""
        data_pack = [{
            'cat_id': self._class_to_coco_ind[cls],
            'cls_ind': cls_ind,
            'cls': cls,
            'ann_type': 'keypoints',
            'keypoints': keypoints
        } for cls_ind, cls in enumerate(self.classes)
                     if not cls == '__background__']

        results = self._coco_keypoint_results_one_category_kernel(data_pack[0])

        with open(res_file, 'w') as f:
            json.dump(results, f, sort_keys=True, indent=4)

    def _coco_keypoint_results_one_category_kernel(self, data_pack):
        """Get coco keypoint results."""
        cat_id = data_pack['cat_id']
        keypoints = data_pack['keypoints']
        cat_results = []

        for img_kpts in keypoints:
            if len(img_kpts) == 0:

            _key_points = np.array(
                [img_kpt['keypoints'] for img_kpt in img_kpts])
            key_points = _key_points.reshape(-1,
                                             self.ann_info['num_joints'] * 3)

            result = [{
                'image_id': img_kpt['image_id'],
                'category_id': cat_id,
                'keypoints': key_point.tolist(),
                'score': float(img_kpt['score']),
                'center': img_kpt['center'].tolist(),
                'scale': img_kpt['scale'].tolist()
            } for img_kpt, key_point in zip(img_kpts, key_points)]


        return cat_results

    def _do_python_keypoint_eval(self, res_file):
        """Keypoint evaluation using COCOAPI."""
        coco_det = self.coco.loadRes(res_file)
        coco_eval = COCOeval(self.coco, coco_det, 'keypoints', self.sigmas)
        coco_eval.params.useSegm = None

        stats_names = [
            'AP', 'AP .5', 'AP .75', 'AP (M)', 'AP (L)', 'AR', 'AR .5',
            'AR .75', 'AR (M)', 'AR (L)'

        info_str = list(zip(stats_names, coco_eval.stats))

        return info_str

    def _sort_and_unique_bboxes(self, kpts, key='bbox_id'):
        """sort kpts and remove the repeated ones."""
        for img_id, persons in kpts.items():
            num = len(persons)
            kpts[img_id] = sorted(kpts[img_id], key=lambda x: x[key])
            for i in range(num - 1, 0, -1):
                if kpts[img_id][i][key] == kpts[img_id][i - 1][key]:
                    del kpts[img_id][i]

        return kpts
jin-s13 commented 3 years ago

pls change these lines

self.ann_info['upper_body_ids'] = []
self.ann_info['lower_body_ids'] = []

self.ann_info['use_different_joint_weights'] = False
self.ann_info['joint_weights'] = np.array(
        1., 1., 
    dtype=np.float32).reshape((self.ann_info['num_joints'], 1))

# ''
# 'pycocotools/'
self.sigmas = np.array([
    .26, .25
]) / 10.0
jin-s13 commented 3 years ago

You should also comment out TopDownHalfBodyTransform.

soltkreig commented 3 years ago

It works thank you very much

soltkreig commented 3 years ago

Now I tried to vizualize the results. I add new lines for my custom model and dataset (based on coco):

def vis_pose_result(model,
elif dataset in ('TopDownCocoDatasetCustom'):
        # show the results
        skeleton = [[1, 2]]

        pose_limb_color = palette[[
            0, 0]]
        pose_kpt_color = palette[[
            16, 16]]

I got the error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "demo/", line 144, in <module>
  File "demo/", line 121, in main
  File "/home/kfour/mmpose/mmpose/apis/", line 404, in inference_top_down_pose_model
  File "/home/kfour/mmpose/mmpose/apis/", line 319, in _inference_single_pose_model
  File "/home/kfour/anaconda3/envs/open-mmlab/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 889, in _call_impl
    result = self.forward(*input, **kwargs)
  File "/home/kfour/mmcv/mmcv/runner/", line 95, in new_func
    return old_func(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/home/kfour/mmpose/mmpose/models/detectors/", line 138, in forward
    img, img_metas, return_heatmap=return_heatmap, **kwargs)
  File "/home/kfour/mmpose/mmpose/models/detectors/", line 183, in forward_test
    features_flipped, img_metas[0]['flip_pairs'])
  File "/home/kfour/mmpose/mmpose/models/keypoint_heads/", line 216, in inference_model
  File "/home/kfour/mmpose/mmpose/core/post_processing/", line 141, in flip_back
    output_flipped_back[:, left, ...] = output_flipped[:, right, ...]
IndexError: index 2 is out of bounds for axis 1 with size 2
jin-s13 commented 3 years ago

see This should also be modified.

soltkreig commented 3 years ago

I did this way but nothing changed:

flip_pairs = None
    if dataset in ('TopDownCocoDataset', 'TopDownOCHumanDataset',
        flip_pairs = [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6], [7, 8], [9, 10], [11, 12],
                      [13, 14], [15, 16]]
    elif dataset == 'TopDownCocoDatasetCustom':
        flip_pairs = [[1, 2]]
shenhaibb commented 2 years ago

What is the reason why these values are so small

"annotations": [ { "area": 58480.00000000001, "bbox": [ 463.00000000000006, 189.0, 343.99999999999994, 170.00000000000006 ], "category_id": 1, "id": 0, "image_id": 1, "iscrowd": 0 }, ] "images": [ { "file_name": "00000366.jpg", "id": 1, "width": 1200, "height": 600 }, ]

jin-s13 commented 2 years ago

What is the reason why these values are so small "annotations": [ { "area": 58480.00000000001, "bbox": [ 463.00000000000006, 189.0, 343.99999999999994, 170.00000000000006 ], "category_id": 1, "id": 0, "image_id": 1, "iscrowd": 0 }, ] "images": [ { "file_name": "00000366.jpg", "id": 1, "width": 1200, "height": 600 }, ]

It seems that your question is not related to this Issue. Please open a new issue and describe your questions in more details.

nepulepu commented 7 months ago

Hi, sorry to reopen this issue, I am using rtmo model to predict poses and using the MMPoseInferencer to get the the json inference. Is there any way to change the json into COCO format?
