open-mmlab / mmrazor

OpenMMLab Model Compression Toolbox and Benchmark.
Apache License 2.0
1.46k stars 228 forks source link

[Bug] RuntimeError: Trying to create tensor with negative dimension -512: [-512] #591

Open HePengguang opened 11 months ago

HePengguang commented 11 months ago

Describe the bug

A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

当我在运行剪枝任务,group fisher时,遇到了该错误,无法解决

To Reproduce

The command you executed.

python .\tools\ .\configs\pruning\base\group_fisher\

Post related information

  1. The output of pip list | grep "mmcv\|mmrazor\|^torch" image

  2. Your config file if you modified it or created a new one.

    _base_ = 'mmseg::ddrnet/'
    **pretrained_path** = 'D:\Allcode\mmlab\mmsegmentation-dev-1.x\work_dirs\ddrnet_23-slim_in1k-nopre_2xb6-6k_feces-224x224-cbam\\best_mIoU_iter_6000.pth'
    interval = 10
    normalization_type = 'act'
    lr_ratio = 0.1
    target_flop_ratio = 0.5
    **input_shape** = (1, 3, 224, 224)
  3. Your train log file if you meet the problem during training. 10/09 19:24:58 - mmengine - INFO -

    System environment: sys.platform: win32 Python: 3.8.17 (default, Jul 5 2023, 20:44:21) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)] CUDA available: True numpy_random_seed: 304 GPU 0: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 CUDA_HOME: C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v11.7 NVCC: Cuda compilation tools, release 11.7, V11.7.64 MSVC: 用于 x64 的 Microsoft (R) C/C++ 优化编译器 19.28.29334 版 GCC: n/a PyTorch: 1.13.1+cu117 PyTorch compiling details: PyTorch built with:

    • C++ Version: 199711
    • MSVC 192829337
    • Intel(R) Math Kernel Library Version 2020.0.2 Product Build 20200624 for Intel(R) 64 architecture applications
    • Intel(R) MKL-DNN v2.6.0 (Git Hash 52b5f107dd9cf10910aaa19cb47f3abf9b349815)
    • OpenMP 2019
    • LAPACK is enabled (usually provided by MKL)
    • CPU capability usage: AVX2
    • CUDA Runtime 11.7
    • NVCC architecture flags: -gencode;arch=compute_37,code=sm_37;-gencode;arch=compute_50,code=sm_50;-gencode;arch=compute_60,code=sm_60;-gencode;arch=compute_61,code=sm_61;-gencode;arch=compute_70,code=sm_70;-gencode;arch=compute_75,code=sm_75;-gencode;arch=compute_80,code=sm_80;-gencode;arch=compute_86, code=sm_86;-gencode;arch=compute_37,code=compute_37
    • CuDNN 8.5
    • Magma 2.5.4

    TorchVision: 0.14.1+cu117 OpenCV: 4.8.0 MMEngine: 0.8.4

Runtime environment: cudnn_benchmark: True mp_cfg: {'mp_start_method': 'fork', 'opencv_num_threads': 0} dist_cfg: {'backend': 'nccl'} seed: 304 Distributed launcher: none Distributed training: False GPU number: 1

10/09 19:24:59 - mmengine - INFO - Config: architecture = dict( scope='mmseg', backbone=dict( align_corners=False, channels=32, in_channels=3, init_cfg=None, norm_cfg=dict(requires_grad=True, type='SyncBN'), ppm_channels=128, type='DDRNet1'), data_preprocessor=dict( scope='mmseg', bgr_to_rgb=True, mean=[ 123.675, 116.28, 103.53, ], pad_val=0, seg_pad_val=255, size=( 224, 224, ), std=[ 58.395, 57.12, 57.375, ], type='SegDataPreProcessor'), decode_head=dict( align_corners=False, channels=64, dropout_ratio=0.0, in_channels=128, loss_decode=[ dict( class_weight=[ 0.8, 0.9, 1.1, 1.1, ], loss_weight=1.0, min_kept=131072, thres=0.9, type='OhemCrossEntropy'), dict( class_weight=[ 0.8, 0.9, 1.1, 1.1, ], loss_weight=0.4, min_kept=131072, thres=0.9, type='OhemCrossEntropy'), ], norm_cfg=dict(requires_grad=True, type='SyncBN'), num_classes=4, type='DDRHead'), init_cfg=dict( checkpoint= 'D:\Allcode\mmlab\mmsegmentation-dev-1.x\work_dirs\ddrnet_23-slim_in1k-nopre_2xb6-6k_feces-224x224-cbam\best_mIoU_iter_6000.pth', type='Pretrained'), test_cfg=dict(mode='whole'), train_cfg=dict(), type='EncoderDecoder') checkpoint = '' class_weight = [ 0.8, 0.9, 1.1, 1.1, ] crop_size = ( 224, 224, ) custom_hooks = [ dict(type='mmrazor.PruningStructureHook'), dict( demo_input=dict( input_shape=( 1, 3, 224, 224, ), type='mmrazor.DefaultDemoInput'), interval=10, save_ckpt_thr=[ 0.5, ], type='mmrazor.ResourceInfoHook'), ] data_preprocessor = dict( scope='mmseg', bgr_to_rgb=True, mean=[ 123.675, 116.28, 103.53, ], pad_val=0, seg_pad_val=255, size=( 224, 224, ), std=[ 58.395, 57.12, 57.375, ], type='SegDataPreProcessor') data_root = 'D:\Allcode\mmlab\mmsegmentation-dev-1.x\data\data' dataset_type = 'Feces' default_hooks = dict( checkpoint=dict( scope='mmseg', by_epoch=False, interval=200, max_keep_ckpts=3, save_best='mIoU', type='CheckpointHook'), logger=dict( scope='mmseg', interval=5, log_metric_by_epoch=False, type='LoggerHook'), param_scheduler=dict(scope='mmseg', type='ParamSchedulerHook'), sampler_seed=dict(scope='mmseg', type='DistSamplerSeedHook'), timer=dict(scope='mmseg', type='IterTimerHook'), visualization=dict(scope='mmseg', type='SegVisualizationHook')) default_scope = 'mmseg' env_cfg = dict( cudnn_benchmark=True, dist_cfg=dict(backend='nccl'), mp_cfg=dict(mp_start_method='fork', opencv_num_threads=0)) img_ratios = [ 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, ] img_scale = ( 448, 224, ) input_shape = ( 1, 3, 224, 224, ) interval = 10 iters = 6000 launcher = 'none' load_from = None log_level = 'INFO' log_processor = dict(by_epoch=False) lr_ratio = 0.1 model = dict( scope='mmrazor', architecture=dict( scope='mmseg', backbone=dict( align_corners=False, channels=32, in_channels=3, init_cfg=None, norm_cfg=dict(requires_grad=True, type='SyncBN'), ppm_channels=128, type='DDRNet1'), data_preprocessor=dict( scope='mmseg', bgr_to_rgb=True, mean=[ 123.675, 116.28, 103.53, ], pad_val=0, seg_pad_val=255, size=( 224, 224, ), std=[ 58.395, 57.12, 57.375, ], type='SegDataPreProcessor'), decode_head=dict( align_corners=False, channels=64, dropout_ratio=0.0, in_channels=128, loss_decode=[ dict( class_weight=[ 0.8, 0.9, 1.1, 1.1, ], loss_weight=1.0, min_kept=131072, thres=0.9, type='OhemCrossEntropy'), dict( class_weight=[ 0.8, 0.9, 1.1, 1.1, ], loss_weight=0.4, min_kept=131072, thres=0.9, type='OhemCrossEntropy'), ], norm_cfg=dict(requires_grad=True, type='SyncBN'), num_classes=4, type='DDRHead'), init_cfg=dict( checkpoint= 'D:\Allcode\mmlab\mmsegmentation-dev-1.x\work_dirs\ddrnet_23-slim_in1k-nopre_2xb6-6k_feces-224x224-cbam\best_mIoU_iter_6000.pth', type='Pretrained'), test_cfg=dict(mode='whole'), train_cfg=dict(), type='EncoderDecoder'), interval=10, mutator=dict( channel_unit_cfg=dict( default_args=dict(normalization_type='act'), type='GroupFisherChannelUnit'), parse_cfg=dict(tracer_type='FxTracer', type='ChannelAnalyzer'), type='GroupFisherChannelMutator'), type='GroupFisherAlgorithm') model_wrapper_cfg = dict( broadcast_buffers=False, type='mmrazor.GroupFisherDDP') norm_cfg = dict(scope='mmseg', requires_grad=True, type='SyncBN') normalization_type = 'act' optim_wrapper = dict( scope='mmseg', clip_grad=None, optimizer=dict(lr=0.001, momentum=0.9, type='SGD', weight_decay=0.0005), type='OptimWrapper') optimizer = dict( scope='mmseg', lr=0.01, momentum=0.9, type='SGD', weight_decay=0.0005) param_scheduler = [ dict( scope='mmseg', begin=0, by_epoch=False, end=6000, eta_min=0, power=0.9, type='PolyLR'), ] pretrained_path = 'D:\Allcode\mmlab\mmsegmentation-dev-1.x\work_dirs\ddrnet_23-slim_in1k-nopre_2xb6-6k_feces-224x224-cbam\best_mIoU_iter_6000.pth' randomness = dict(seed=304) resume = False target_flop_ratio = 0.5 test_cfg = dict(scope='mmseg', type='TestLoop') test_dataloader = dict( batch_size=1, dataset=dict( scope='mmseg', data_prefix=dict( img_path='images/validation', seg_map_path='annotations/validation'), data_root='D:\Allcode\mmlab\mmsegmentation-dev-1.x\data\data', pipeline=[ dict(type='LoadImageFromFile'), dict(keep_ratio=True, scale=( 448, 224, ), type='Resize'), dict(type='LoadAnnotations'), dict(type='PackSegInputs'), ], type='Feces'), num_workers=2, persistent_workers=True, sampler=dict(scope='mmseg', shuffle=False, type='DefaultSampler')) test_evaluator = dict( scope='mmseg', iou_metrics=[ 'mDice', 'mIoU', 'mFscore', ], type='IoUMetric') test_pipeline = [ dict(scope='mmseg', type='LoadImageFromFile'), dict(scope='mmseg', keep_ratio=True, scale=( 448, 224, ), type='Resize'), dict(scope='mmseg', type='LoadAnnotations'), dict(scope='mmseg', type='PackSegInputs'), ] train_cfg = dict( scope='mmseg', max_iters=6000, type='IterBasedTrainLoop', val_interval=200) train_dataloader = dict( batch_size=64, dataset=dict( scope='mmseg', dataset=dict( data_prefix=dict( img_path='images/training', seg_map_path='annotations/training'), data_root='D:\Allcode\mmlab\mmsegmentation-dev-1.x\data\data', pipeline=[ dict(type='LoadImageFromFile'), dict(type='LoadAnnotations'), dict( keep_ratio=True, ratio_range=( 0.5, 2.0, ), scale=( 448, 224, ), type='RandomResize'), dict(prob=0.5, type='RandomFlip'), dict(type='PhotoMetricDistortion'), dict( cat_max_ratio=0.75, crop_size=( 224, 224, ), type='RandomCrop'), dict(type='PackSegInputs'), ], type='Feces'), times=40000, type='RepeatDataset'), num_workers=4, persistent_workers=True, sampler=dict(scope='mmseg', shuffle=True, type='InfiniteSampler')) train_pipeline = [ dict(scope='mmseg', type='LoadImageFromFile'), dict(scope='mmseg', type='LoadAnnotations'), dict( scope='mmseg', keep_ratio=True, ratio_range=( 0.5, 2.0, ), scale=( 448, 224, ), type='RandomResize'), dict(scope='mmseg', prob=0.5, type='RandomFlip'), dict(scope='mmseg', type='PhotoMetricDistortion'), dict( scope='mmseg', cat_max_ratio=0.75, crop_size=( 224, 224, ), type='RandomCrop'), dict(scope='mmseg', type='PackSegInputs'), ] tta_model = dict(scope='mmseg', type='SegTTAModel') tta_pipeline = [ dict(scope='mmseg', backend_args=None, type='LoadImageFromFile'), dict( scope='mmseg', transforms=[ [ dict(keep_ratio=True, scale_factor=0.5, type='Resize'), dict(keep_ratio=True, scale_factor=0.75, type='Resize'), dict(keep_ratio=True, scale_factor=1.0, type='Resize'), dict(keep_ratio=True, scale_factor=1.25, type='Resize'), dict(keep_ratio=True, scale_factor=1.5, type='Resize'), dict(keep_ratio=True, scale_factor=1.75, type='Resize'), ], [ dict(direction='horizontal', prob=0.0, type='RandomFlip'), dict(direction='horizontal', prob=1.0, type='RandomFlip'), ], [ dict(type='LoadAnnotations'), ], [ dict(type='PackSegInputs'), ], ], type='TestTimeAug'), ] val_cfg = dict(scope='mmseg', type='ValLoop') val_dataloader = dict( batch_size=1, dataset=dict( scope='mmseg', data_prefix=dict( img_path='images/validation', seg_map_path='annotations/validation'), data_root='D:\Allcode\mmlab\mmsegmentation-dev-1.x\data\data', pipeline=[ dict(type='LoadImageFromFile'), dict(keep_ratio=True, scale=( 448, 224, ), type='Resize'), dict(type='LoadAnnotations'), dict(type='PackSegInputs'), ], type='Feces'), num_workers=2, persistent_workers=True, sampler=dict(scope='mmseg', shuffle=False, type='DefaultSampler')) val_evaluator = dict( scope='mmseg', iou_metrics=[ 'mDice', 'mIoU', 'mFscore', ], type='IoUMetric') vis_backends = [ dict(scope='mmseg', type='LocalVisBackend'), dict(scope='mmseg', type='TensorboardVisBackend'), ] visualizer = dict( scope='mmseg', name='visualizer', type='SegLocalVisualizer', vis_backends=[ dict(type='LocalVisBackend'), dict(type='TensorboardVisBackend'), ]) work_dir = './work_dirs\group_fisher_prune_feces'

2023-10-09 19:25:01.929852: W tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/default/] Could not load dynamic library 'cudart64_101.dll'; dlerror: cudart64_101.dll not found 2023-10-09 19:25:01.929982: I tensorflow/stream_executor/cuda/] Ignore above cudart dlerror if you do not have a GPU set up on your machine. d:\allcode\mmlab\mmsegmentation-dev-1.x\mmseg\models\ UserWarning: build_loss would be deprecated soon, please use warnings.warn('build_loss would be deprecated soon, please use ' G:\softwares\path\Anaconda3\envs\mmseg\lib\site-packages\mmengine\structures\ UserWarning: The shape of value will convert from torch.Size([224, 224]) to torch.Size([1, 224, 224]) warnings.warn('The shape of value will convert from ' G:\softwares\path\Anaconda3\envs\mmseg\lib\site-packages\torch\ UserWarning: Was not able to add assertion to guarantee correct input data_samples to specialized function. It is up to the user to make sure that your inputs match the inputs you specialized the function with. warnings.warn( 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - eq() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - _assert() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - getattr_1() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - getitem() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - floordiv() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - getattr_2() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - getitem_1() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - floordiv_1() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - backbone_stem_2_0_cbam1_ca_sigmoid( node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - mul() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with BindChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - mean() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - max_1() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - getitem_2() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - getitem_3() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - backbone_stem_2_0_cbam1_sa_sigmoid( node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - mul_1() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with BindChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - backbone_stem_2_1_cbam1_ca_sigmoid( node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - mul_2() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with BindChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - mean_1() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - max_2() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - getitem_4() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - getitem_5() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - backbone_stem_2_1_cbam1_sa_sigmoid( node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - mul_3() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with BindChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - backbone_stem_4_0_cbam1_ca_sigmoid( node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - mul_4() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with BindChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - mean_2() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - max_3() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - getitem_6() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - getitem_7() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - backbone_stem_4_0_cbam1_sa_sigmoid( node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - mul_5() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with BindChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - backbone_stem_4_1_cbam1_ca_sigmoid( node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - mul_6() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with BindChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - mean_3() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - max_4() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - getitem_8() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - getitem_9() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - backbone_stem_4_1_cbam1_sa_sigmoid( node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - mul_7() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with BindChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - backbone_cbam2_ca_sigmoid( node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - mul_8() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with BindChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - mean_4() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - max_5() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - getitem_10() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - getitem_11() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - backbone_cbam2_sa_sigmoid( node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - mul_9() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with BindChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - mul_10() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with BindChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - backbone_context_branch_layers_0_0_cbam1_ca_sigmoid( node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - mul_11() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with BindChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - mean_5() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - max_6() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - getitem_12() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - getitem_13() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - backbone_context_branch_layers_0_0_cbam1_sa_sigmoid( node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - mul_12() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with BindChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - backbone_context_branch_layers_0_1_cbam1_ca_sigmoid( node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - mul_13() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with BindChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - mean_6() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - max_7() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - getitem_14() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - getitem_15() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - backbone_context_branch_layers_0_1_cbam1_sa_sigmoid( node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - mul_14() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with BindChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - backbone_spatial_branch_layers_0_0_cbam1_ca_sigmoid( node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - mul_15() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with BindChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - mean_7() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - max_8() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - getitem_16() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - getitem_17() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - backbone_spatial_branch_layers_0_0_cbam1_sa_sigmoid( node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - mul_16() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with BindChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - backbone_spatial_branch_layers_0_1_cbam1_ca_sigmoid( node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - mul_17() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with BindChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - mean_8() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - max_9() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - getitem_18() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - getitem_19() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - backbone_spatial_branch_layers_0_1_cbam1_sa_sigmoid( node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - mul_18() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with BindChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - backbone_cbam6_ca_sigmoid( node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - mul_19() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with BindChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - mean_9() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - max_10() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - getitem_20() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - getitem_21() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - backbone_cbam6_sa_sigmoid( node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - mul_20() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with BindChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - mul_21() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with BindChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - backbone_cbam7_ca_sigmoid( node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - mul_22() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with BindChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - mean_10() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - max_11() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - getitem_22() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - getitem_23() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - backbone_cbam7_sa_sigmoid( node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - mul_23() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with BindChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - mul_24() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with BindChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - interpolate() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with BindChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - backbone_context_branch_layers_1_0_cbam1_ca_sigmoid( node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - mul_25() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with BindChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - mean_11() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - max_12() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - getitem_24() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - getitem_25() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - backbone_context_branch_layers_1_0_cbam1_sa_sigmoid( node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - mul_26() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with BindChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - backbone_context_branch_layers_1_1_cbam1_ca_sigmoid( node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - mul_27() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with BindChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - mean_12() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - max_13() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - getitem_26() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - getitem_27() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - backbone_context_branch_layers_1_1_cbam1_sa_sigmoid( node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - mul_28() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with BindChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - backbone_spatial_branch_layers_1_0_cbam1_ca_sigmoid( node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - mul_29() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with BindChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - mean_13() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - max_14() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - getitem_28() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - getitem_29() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - backbone_spatial_branch_layers_1_0_cbam1_sa_sigmoid( node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - mul_30() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with BindChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - backbone_spatial_branch_layers_1_1_cbam1_ca_sigmoid( node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - mul_31() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with BindChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - mean_14() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - max_15() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - getitem_30() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - getitem_31() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - backbone_spatial_branch_layers_1_1_cbam1_sa_sigmoid( node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - mul_32() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with BindChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - backbone_cbam8_ca_sigmoid( node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - mul_33() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with BindChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - mean_15() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - max_16() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - getitem_32() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - getitem_33() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - backbone_cbam8_sa_sigmoid( node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - mul_34() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with BindChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - mul_35() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with BindChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - backbone_cbam9_ca_sigmoid( node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - mul_36() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with BindChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - mean_16() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - max_17() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - getitem_34() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - getitem_35() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - backbone_cbam9_sa_sigmoid( node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - mul_37() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with BindChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - mul_38() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with BindChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - interpolate_1() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with BindChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - backbone_context_branch_layers_2_0_cbam2_ca_sigmoid( node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - mul_39() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with BindChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - mean_17() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - max_18() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - getitem_36() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - getitem_37() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - backbone_context_branch_layers_2_0_cbam2_sa_sigmoid( node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - mul_40() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with BindChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - backbone_spatial_branch_layers_2_0_cbam2_ca_sigmoid( node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - mul_41() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with BindChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - mean_18() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - max_19() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - getitem_38() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - getitem_39() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - backbone_spatial_branch_layers_2_0_cbam2_sa_sigmoid( node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - mul_42() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with BindChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - getattr_3() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - getitem_40() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - interpolate_2() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with BindChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - getattr_4() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - getitem_41() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - interpolate_3() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with BindChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - getattr_5() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - getitem_42() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - interpolate_4() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with BindChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - getattr_6() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - getitem_43() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - interpolate_5() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with BindChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - backbone_cbam13_ca_sigmoid( node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - mul_43() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with BindChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - mean_19() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - max_20() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - getitem_44() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - getitem_45() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - backbone_cbam13_sa_sigmoid( node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with PassUnionChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - mul_44() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with BindChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - mul_45() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with BindChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - INFO - interpolate_6() node can't find match type ofchannel_nodes,replaced with BindChannelNode by default. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - WARNING - As the channels of backbone_stem_2_0_cbam1_sasigmoid(1,1)_uion and mul1(32,32)_bind dismatch, we add an ExpandNode between them. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - WARNING - As the channels of backbone_stem_2_1_cbam1_sasigmoid(1,1)_uion and mul3(32,32)_bind dismatch, we add an ExpandNode between them. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - WARNING - As the channels of backbone_stem_4_0_cbam1_sasigmoid(1,1)_uion and mul5(64,64)_bind dismatch, we add an ExpandNode between them. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - WARNING - As the channels of backbone_stem_4_1_cbam1_sasigmoid(1,1)_uion and mul7(64,64)_bind dismatch, we add an ExpandNode between them. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - WARNING - As the channels of backbone_cbam2_sasigmoid(1,1)_uion and mul9(64,64)_bind dismatch, we add an ExpandNode between them. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - WARNING - As the channels of backbone_context_branch_layers_0_0_cbam1_sasigmoid(1,1)_uion and mul12(128,128)_bind dismatch, we add an ExpandNode between them. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - WARNING - As the channels of backbone_context_branch_layers_0_1_cbam1_sasigmoid(1,1)_uion and mul14(128,128)_bind dismatch, we add an ExpandNode between them. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - WARNING - As the channels of backbone_spatial_branch_layers_0_0_cbam1_sasigmoid(1,1)_uion and mul16(64,64)_bind dismatch, we add an ExpandNode between them. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - WARNING - As the channels of backbone_spatial_branch_layers_0_1_cbam1_sasigmoid(1,1)_uion and mul18(64,64)_bind dismatch, we add an ExpandNode between them. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - WARNING - As the channels of backbone_cbam6_sasigmoid(1,1)_uion and mul20(64,64)_bind dismatch, we add an ExpandNode between them. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - WARNING - As the channels of backbone_cbam7_sasigmoid(1,1)_uion and mul23(128,128)_bind dismatch, we add an ExpandNode between them. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - WARNING - As the channels of backbone_context_branch_layers_1_0_cbam1_sasigmoid(1,1)_uion and mul26(256,256)_bind dismatch, we add an ExpandNode between them. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - WARNING - As the channels of backbone_context_branch_layers_1_1_cbam1_sasigmoid(1,1)_uion and mul28(256,256)_bind dismatch, we add an ExpandNode between them. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - WARNING - As the channels of backbone_spatial_branch_layers_1_0_cbam1_sasigmoid(1,1)_uion and mul30(64,64)_bind dismatch, we add an ExpandNode between them. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - WARNING - As the channels of backbone_spatial_branch_layers_1_1_cbam1_sasigmoid(1,1)_uion and mul32(64,64)_bind dismatch, we add an ExpandNode between them. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - WARNING - As the channels of backbone_cbam8_sasigmoid(1,1)_uion and mul34(64,64)_bind dismatch, we add an ExpandNode between them. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - WARNING - As the channels of backbone_cbam9_sasigmoid(1,1)_uion and mul37(256,256)_bind dismatch, we add an ExpandNode between them. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - WARNING - As the channels of backbone_context_branch_layers_2_0_cbam2_sasigmoid(1,1)_uion and mul40(512,512)_bind dismatch, we add an ExpandNode between them. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - WARNING - As the channels of backbone_spatial_branch_layers_2_0_cbam2_sasigmoid(1,1)_uion and mul42(128,128)_bind dismatch, we add an ExpandNode between them. 10/09 19:25:04 - mmengine - WARNING - As the channels of backbone_cbam13_sasigmoid(1,1)_uion and mul44(128,128)_bind dismatch, we add an ExpandNode between them. 10/09 19:25:12 - mmengine - INFO - Forward failed in loss mode as not enough values to unpack (expected 2, got 1) 10/09 19:25:13 - mmengine - INFO - Distributed training is not used, all SyncBatchNorm (SyncBN) layers in the model will be automatically reverted to BatchNormXd layers if they are used. d:\allcode\mmlab\mmsegmentation-dev-1.x\mmseg\engine\hooks\ UserWarning: The draw is False, it means that the hook for visualization will not take effect. The results will NOT be visualized or stored. warnings.warn('The draw is False, it means that the ' 10/09 19:25:13 - mmengine - INFO - Hooks will be executed in the following order: before_run: (VERY_HIGH ) RuntimeInfoHook (NORMAL ) ResourceInfoHook (BELOW_NORMAL) LoggerHook

before_train: (VERY_HIGH ) RuntimeInfoHook (NORMAL ) IterTimerHook (VERY_LOW ) CheckpointHook

before_train_epoch: (VERY_HIGH ) RuntimeInfoHook (NORMAL ) IterTimerHook (NORMAL ) DistSamplerSeedHook

before_train_iter: (VERY_HIGH ) RuntimeInfoHook (NORMAL ) IterTimerHook

after_train_iter: (VERY_HIGH ) RuntimeInfoHook (NORMAL ) IterTimerHook (NORMAL ) SegVisualizationHook (NORMAL ) PruningStructureHook (NORMAL ) ResourceInfoHook (BELOW_NORMAL) LoggerHook (LOW ) ParamSchedulerHook (VERY_LOW ) CheckpointHook

after_train_epoch: (NORMAL ) IterTimerHook (NORMAL ) PruningStructureHook (NORMAL ) ResourceInfoHook (LOW ) ParamSchedulerHook (VERY_LOW ) CheckpointHook

before_val: (VERY_HIGH ) RuntimeInfoHook

before_val_epoch: (NORMAL ) IterTimerHook

before_val_iter: (NORMAL ) IterTimerHook

after_val_iter: (NORMAL ) IterTimerHook (NORMAL ) SegVisualizationHook (BELOW_NORMAL) LoggerHook

after_val_epoch: (VERY_HIGH ) RuntimeInfoHook (NORMAL ) IterTimerHook (BELOW_NORMAL) LoggerHook (LOW ) ParamSchedulerHook (VERY_LOW ) CheckpointHook

after_val: (VERY_HIGH ) RuntimeInfoHook

after_train: (VERY_HIGH ) RuntimeInfoHook (VERY_LOW ) CheckpointHook

before_test: (VERY_HIGH ) RuntimeInfoHook

before_test_epoch: (NORMAL ) IterTimerHook

before_test_iter: (NORMAL ) IterTimerHook

after_test_iter: (NORMAL ) IterTimerHook (NORMAL ) SegVisualizationHook (BELOW_NORMAL) LoggerHook

after_test_epoch: (VERY_HIGH ) RuntimeInfoHook (NORMAL ) IterTimerHook (BELOW_NORMAL) LoggerHook

after_test: (VERY_HIGH ) RuntimeInfoHook

after_run: (BELOW_NORMAL) LoggerHook

10/09 19:25:38 - mmengine - WARNING - The prefix is not set in metric class IoUMetric. Traceback (most recent call last): File ".\tools\", line 121, in main() File ".\tools\", line 117, in main runner.train() File "G:\softwares\path\Anaconda3\envs\mmseg\lib\site-packages\mmengine\runner\", line 1720, in train self.call_hook('before_run') File "G:\softwares\path\Anaconda3\envs\mmseg\lib\site-packages\mmengine\runner\", line 1807, in call_hook getattr(hook, fn_name)(self, kwargs) File "d:\allcode\mmlab\mmrazor-main\mmrazor\implementations\pruning\group_fisher\", line 137, in before_run original_resource = self._evaluate(model) File "d:\allcode\mmlab\mmrazor-main\mmrazor\implementations\pruning\group_fisher\", line 179, in _evaluate res = self.estimator.estimate( File "d:\allcode\mmlab\mmrazor-main\mmrazor\models\task_modules\estimators\", line 136, in estimate flops, params = get_model_flops_params(model, flops_params_cfg) File "d:\allcode\mmlab\mmrazor-main\mmrazor\models\task_modules\estimators\counters\", line 88, in get_model_flopsparams = flops_params_model(input) File "G:\softwares\path\Anaconda3\envs\mmseg\lib\site-packages\torch\nn\modules\", line 1212, in _call_impl result = forward_call(*input, *kwargs) File "d:\allcode\mmlab\mmrazor-main\mmrazor\models\algorithms\", line 144, in forward return self._forward(inputs, data_samples) File "d:\allcode\mmlab\mmrazor-main\mmrazor\models\algorithms\", line 165, in _forward return self.architecture(inputs, data_samples, mode='tensor') File "G:\softwares\path\Anaconda3\envs\mmseg\lib\site-packages\torch\nn\modules\", line 1194, in _call_impl return forward_call(input, kwargs) File "d:\allcode\mmlab\mmsegmentation-dev-1.x\mmseg\models\segmentors\", line 98, in forward return self._forward(inputs, data_samples) File "d:\allcode\mmlab\mmsegmentation-dev-1.x\mmseg\models\segmentors\", line 241, in _forward x = self.extract_feat(inputs) File "d:\allcode\mmlab\mmsegmentation-dev-1.x\mmseg\models\segmentors\", line 120, in extract_feat x = self.backbone(inputs) # 传入backbone计算时出错 File "G:\softwares\path\Anaconda3\envs\mmseg\lib\site-packages\torch\nn\modules\", line 1194, in _call_impl return forward_call(*input, kwargs) File "d:\allcode\mmlab\mmsegmentation-dev-1.x\mmseg\models\backbones\", line 359, in forward x_c = self.spp(x_c) File "G:\softwares\path\Anaconda3\envs\mmseg\lib\site-packages\torch\nn\modules\", line 1194, in _call_impl return forward_call(*input, *kwargs) File "d:\allcode\mmlab\mmsegmentation-dev-1.x\mmseg\models\utils\", line 130, in forward return self.compression(, File "G:\softwares\path\Anaconda3\envs\mmseg\lib\site-packages\torch\nn\modules\", line 1194, in _call_impl return forward_call(input, kwargs) File "G:\softwares\path\Anaconda3\envs\mmseg\lib\site-packages\mmcv\cnn\bricks\", line 209, in forward x = self.norm(x) File "G:\softwares\path\Anaconda3\envs\mmseg\lib\site-packages\torch\nn\modules\", line 1194, in _call_impl return forward_call(*input, kwargs) File "d:\allcode\mmlab\mmrazor-main\mmrazor\models\architectures\dynamic_ops\bricks\", line 81, in forward running_mean, running_var, weight, bias = self.get_dynamic_params() File "d:\allcode\mmlab\mmrazor-main\mmrazor\models\architectures\dynamic_ops\mixins\", line 230, in get_dynamic_params out_mask = self._get_num_features_mask() File "d:\allcode\mmlab\mmrazor-main\mmrazor\models\architectures\dynamic_ops\mixins\", line 212, in _get_num_features_mask out_mask = self.mutable_attrs['num_features'] File "d:\allcode\mmlab\mmrazor-main\mmrazor\models\mutables\mutable_channel\", line 63, in current_mask return self.current_choice.bool() File "d:\allcode\mmlab\mmrazor-main\mmrazor\models\mutables\mutable_channel\", line 43, in current_choice self._fill_unregistered_range() File "d:\allcode\mmlab\mmrazor-main\mmrazor\models\mutables\mutable_channel\", line 118, in _fill_unregistered_range SimpleMutableChannel(last_end - start), last_end, start) File "d:\allcode\mmlab\mmrazor-main\mmrazor\models\mutables\mutable_channel\", line 23, in init mask = torch.ones([self.num_channels]) # save bool as float for dist training RuntimeError: Trying to create tensor with negative dimension -512: [-512].**

  1. Other code you modified in the mmrazor folder. No

Additional context

Add any other context about the problem here.


happygds commented 10 months ago

How to solve this problem ?