It would have to use hwloc_pid_from_number() first.
It's currently not built on any windows flavor.
See also #330
For testing, note that hwloc-bind doesn't work (#151) hence you have to run a program that autobinds itself, or to use the task manager for binding an existing program.
lstopo --ps works on cygwin since de0b3681ae3a90dfea81080b5a3aa2a4363d93cd, we likely just need to reenable building of hwloc-ps on cygwin to fix this issue.
It would have to use hwloc_pid_from_number() first. It's currently not built on any windows flavor.
See also #330
For testing, note that hwloc-bind doesn't work (#151) hence you have to run a program that autobinds itself, or to use the task manager for binding an existing program.