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Fix typos #1

Closed matiasandina closed 3 years ago

matiasandina commented 4 years ago

Fix typos and other problems that break on posts like this one or code formatting on this one

matiasandina commented 4 years ago

This is the current state of problems ~cross out once solved~

post problem
~super_releaser~ ~missing youtube link~
open-bionics missing youtube link
prosthetics-and-robotics relative links are broken
neuroimaging-databases typos and outdated links, switch
~arduino-script-posner-test~ ~code is wrongly formatted. also consider having code as a file in github instead~
~schematics-posner-test~ ~broken links, also consider uploading images to previous post~
microcontrollers broken reference to
allen-brain-map formatting
~autoreward2~ ~links to google photos are broken~
~lab-management-software~ ~problem with features link~
~ipipet~ ~broken vimeo embed~
human-psychophysics-using-arduino relative links are broken
green-brain image embed broken
fingertip_laser_sensor image embed broken
data-repositories figshare broken image
data_analysis broken internal links, also should have the paginator removed
computers broken links and tag cards
computer-vision-and-motion-tracking-software formatting, also probably outdated (e.g., missing DeepLabCut, simba)
computer_clusters probably needs to be deleted
brainbrowser formatting
bpm_biosignal broken image
big-neuron formatting
~microscope-software~ ~section page, probably must be deleted~
neuromorpho formatting, broken image ?
fingertip_laser_sensor formatting, broken image
~nibabel~ ~some format of the links is unnecessary~
~nipy~ ~some links are broken~
~nose-poke-device-for-rats-using-arduino-and-3d-printed-parts~ ~broken links~
open_hand_project broken image
~open-lab-notebooks~ ~outdated, links don’t take you to relevant info?~
~ome-open-microscopy-environment~ ~broken image~
~openflexure~ ~broken image~
~opening-mcd-files-with-python~ ~python code does not render, also considering hosting on github instead~
~psychophysics-toolboxes~ ~images don’t render~
~pulse-pal broken image~
~python-posner-test~ ~python code does not render, also considering hosting on github instead~
~raspberry-pi-based~ ~image embed broken~
~red-pitaya~ ~embed broken~
~school_of_data~ ~formatting~
simulation~ ~formatting
skinnerbox_rpi_python some parts don’t render
~spike-gadgets~ ~formatting is a mess~
takktile video doesn’t show
tensor-flow video doesn’t show
the_yale_open_hand_project broken image
tutorials internal links broken
amchagas commented 4 years ago

ha! should have checked this before.... updated #12 with a lot of overlapping information...