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Check al links on website, many might be broken #12

Closed matiasandina closed 4 years ago

matiasandina commented 4 years ago

Is there a way to check that the links on the posts are not broken? Example post

matiasandina commented 4 years ago

Related, should we have something that says "this project is no longer maintained/has moved to..." ?

amchagas commented 4 years ago

ok. so I had a browse though the pages and here is a sum up of broken links/images (there might be more, but I think it would be a pretty good advance if we dealt with these):

Update (some have faulty html code, some miss image, some have layout issues, etc)

- [ ] open hand this project is now continued as openbionics (which has a page on open neuroscience)


matiasandina commented 4 years ago

Cool, I will do the remove ones first. I will try to do the others as I can. Sometimes it happened that I didn't know what the solution was, I might need help for those (e.g., locating the actual picture or video that was supposed to show). I guess #1 can help identify those.

amchagas commented 4 years ago

no worries, let me know the ones you need help with and I can try to work them out on my end!

amchagas commented 4 years ago

Just dropping a message here to ping you, since I've worked on some posts!

amchagas commented 4 years ago

ok, mostly done. the two projects that need new page, I'll add as new issues and we can contact the maintainers of the projects when our form system is up and running..