Maybe something like ./containnsm pkgbuild bro/2.4.1 where pkgbuild calls a Makefile that spits out a package. We can have one Makefile per version e.g. <tool_dir>/<ver_dir>/Makefile.
Makefile would be some variation of the following things:
ver = 1.1.1
all: package
wget blah
tar zxf blah
cd blah && make && install -m 0555 -o root -g root blah blah/blah/blah
fpm -f -t deb -s dir -n blah -v $(ver) \
--pre-install --post-install \
--after-remove /blah/blah/blah
and containnsm would run Makefile in a container and spit out deb package. Something like
$ docker run -it -v $PWD:/test -w /test opennsm/blah:1.1.1 make
Once this is done, we can ease into using packages instead of wget'ing and source compilation. I think this getting the foundation done with the Makefiles will help us get the ball rolling.
Maybe something like
./containnsm pkgbuild bro/2.4.1
where pkgbuild calls a Makefile that spits out a package. We can have one Makefile per version e.g.<tool_dir>/<ver_dir>/Makefile
.Makefile would be some variation of the following things:
and containnsm would run Makefile in a container and spit out deb package. Something like