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Publish an Open Leadership Definition #94

Closed semioticrobotic closed 3 years ago

semioticrobotic commented 3 years ago

This meta issue tracks all items related to our work on an Open Leadership Definition.

Issues relate to various stages of the editorial process and include:

We'll continue to update this issue as deadlines draw nearer.

semioticrobotic commented 3 years ago

Updating this meta-checklist to note that the public draft is now released and has been reviewed.

LauraHilliger commented 3 years ago

started a blog post, edit at will >

semioticrobotic commented 3 years ago

Okay! Thanks, @LauraHilliger. Will do. Might be a day or two.

HeidiHVL commented 3 years ago

To finish the OLD and all the launch tasks: Tues 8/10 - (Workgroup meeting) Review the release/vision doc, Create repository and showcase in Workgroup for feedback, plan/assign release communications Weds 8/11 - Target to send email thank you to community, and that the OLD is in the repository for a last inspection Thurs 8/12 - Assign any other release comms items to Ambassadors Weds 8/18 - repository inspection ends/any feedback is integrated Mon 8/23 - launch!!

semioticrobotic commented 3 years ago

Thanks, @HeidiHVL, our expert project manager. This all looks good and makes sense to me. I will get to work updating our various issues, appending dates, and organizing the materials accordingly.

LauraHilliger commented 3 years ago

@semioticrobotic started formatting in the repo, made some commits. Hope I did it the way you would have!!

semioticrobotic commented 3 years ago

You rock. Love it. Thank you.

HeidiHVL commented 3 years ago

Open a ticket for promotion of items after github release so that the community can be involved in the promotional announcements.

semioticrobotic commented 3 years ago

Open a ticket for promotion of items after github release so that the community can be involved in the promotional announcements.

Done! See #121. Thanks for logging this, @HeidiHVL.

HeidiHVL commented 3 years ago


TL;DR: Thank you for your feedback on the draft of the Open Leadership Definition, which was integral to its development. The definition is now available in GitHub for final review until Thursday August 19 at 5pm EST.

Thank you Thank you for adding feedback and thoughts to the Open Leadership Definition! Your time and attention has helped create the most thoughtful and thorough definition of what it means to be an open leader. Throughout our review, we identified several themes of comments, some of which generated lively discussions within the workgroup. You can review a record of the comments, along with actions and notes, in the Open Leadership Feedback report spreadsheet.

Next step: Final review before publication The Open Leadership Definition is now available in GitHub for a final review. We are looking for feedback on grammar, typos, or other superficial bugs, because we plan to address any other significant feedback in the repository (using GitHub issues) after publication.

If you're interested in reviewing the planned release version, please do so by Thursday Aug 19 at 5pm EST. Our target publication date is Monday August 23, 2021.

Thank you again to all who participated in creating and reviewing this definition; it is truly a community-driven effort!

semioticrobotic commented 3 years ago

It's released!

Fantastic work on this, everyone. I sure do feel proud when I read it. Very excited to see how others will react to and use this fantastic tool.

Please see #121 if you're interested in helping promote the release.