open-physiology / apinatomy-models

Working and published ApiNATOMY models
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No phenotype information from SCKAN for CNS neuron populations. #15

Open dbrnz opened 2 years ago

dbrnz commented 2 years ago

e.g. Keast-20, Ardell-1, etc.

tgbugs commented 2 years ago

There aren't meaningful phenotypes for these beyond that they are projection neurons that are ascending or descending, but that information is redundant with the location phenotypes so they are not listed.

dbrnz commented 2 years ago

These neuron population paths are identified as cns on the current flatmap -- could SCKAN specify a phenotype indicating this? We can then flag missing phenotype information as an error.

tgbugs commented 2 years ago

Could you add a check for ilxtr:hasSomaLocatedIn where the object is one of the known locations for the CNS? The alternative would be to add one more cypher query that gets checks if a neuron has a soma location in the CNS and if so ignores an empty phenotype. I think that is going to be preferable on our end to minimize redundant axioms.

The quick fix is for me to get you a list of uberon ids that part of the central nervous system.

tgbugs commented 2 years ago

splen is missing all, should have 4, my process is broken sstom should have 4, and 7-14

nickerso commented 2 years ago

sstom should have 4, and 7-14

just looking into ilxtr:neuron-type-sstom-11 as an example where the phenotype doesn't make it through and found that here the check is made for predicates of ilxtr:hasPhenotype or ilxtr:hasCircuitRolePhenotype whereas ilxtr:neuron-type-sstom-11 has a predicate of ilxtr:hasFunctionalCircuitRolePhenotype - which doesn't seem to exist in interlex.

tgbugs commented 2 years ago

Good find. I'll submit a pr with all the phenotype predicates we use. I'm going through and adding interpretations of the phenotypes that I can.

tgbugs commented 2 years ago

The spleen phenotypes were all missing because the neuronTypes column was duplicated.

tgbugs commented 2 years ago

These are the neurons that are currently missing phenotypes now. Stomach and colon only. They are not all CNS neurons. If I can get clarification from @bdebono on sdcol l, l-prime, m, n, p and sstom 4, 5, 6 we should be able to get those wrapped up.

@bdebono I think sstom 4 is simply incorrect, maybe that phenotype was mean for 5? For sdcol l and l-prime, I think we need to refer to nitric oxide for these, because the designation of inhibitory motor may be correct for the enteric nervous system, but I can't translate that because the semantics are so radically different for those two words in particular.

[(set(), '', 'ilxtr:neuron-type-sstom-1'),
 (set(), '', 'ilxtr:neuron-type-sstom-2'),
 (set(), '', 'ilxtr:neuron-type-sstom-3'),
 (set(), 'visceral sensory neuron', 'ilxtr:neuron-type-sstom-4'),
 (set(), 'vagal afferent neuron', 'ilxtr:neuron-type-sstom-5'),
 (set(), '', 'ilxtr:neuron-type-sstom-6'),
 (set(), 'inhibitory motor neuron', 'ilxtr:neuron-type-sdcol-l'),
 (set(), 'inhibitory motor neuron', 'ilxtr:neuron-type-sdcol-l-prime'),
 (set(), 'intrinsic primary afferent neuron', 'ilxtr:neuron-type-sdcol-m'),
 (set(), 'intrinsic primary afferent neuron', 'ilxtr:neuron-type-sdcol-n'),
 (set(), 'secretomotor neuron', 'ilxtr:neuron-type-sdcol-p')]

tgbugs commented 2 years ago should address the missing predicates issue

tgbugs commented 2 years ago

should be sstom-5 -> visceral sensory neuron vagal afferent neuron

tgbugs commented 2 years ago

sstom i - p can be enteric as well, perhaps for now we only need that designation

tgbugs commented 2 years ago

here is the updated report only the cns neurons in stomach are missing phenotypes at this point

[(set(), '', 'ilxtr:neuron-type-sstom-1', []),
 (set(), '', 'ilxtr:neuron-type-sstom-2', []),
 (set(), '', 'ilxtr:neuron-type-sstom-3', []),
 (set(), '', 'ilxtr:neuron-type-sstom-4', []),
 (set(), '', 'ilxtr:neuron-type-sstom-6', [])]

here are some of the bits of the type names that I am not trying to model at this time (in some cases such as the h/g connecting type we have that in the NPO representation

[(['visceral', 'vagal', 'afferent'],
  'visceral sensory vagal afferent neuron',
 (['intrinsic', 'afferent', 'primary'],
  'enteric intrinsic primary afferent neuron',
 (['intrinsic', 'afferent', 'primary'],
  'enteric intrinsic primary afferent neuron',
  'enteric vasodilatory motor neuron',
 (['secretomotor'], 'enteric secretomotor neuron', 'ilxtr:neuron-type-sdcol-p'),
 (['h', 'connecting'],
  'intestinofugal neuron h connecting',
 (['g', 'connecting'],
  'intestinofugal neuron g connecting',
smtifahim commented 1 year ago

@tgbugs here are the types with missing phenotypes that I found.

ilxtr:neuron-type-pancr-3   ""
ilxtr:neuron-type-pancr-5   ""
ilxtr:neuron-type-sstom-1   ""
ilxtr:neuron-type-sstom-2   ""
ilxtr:neuron-type-sstom-3   ""
ilxtr:neuron-type-sstom-4   ""
ilxtr:neuron-type-sstom-6   ""