open-phytoliths / FAIR-phytoliths
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Onboarding new post-doc - Celine Kerfant #41

Open EKaroune opened 2 years ago

EKaroune commented 2 years ago

Access to software and communications

Training needs

EKaroune commented 2 years ago

I went over github basics with Celine today - getting an account and access to our repo, opening a new repo, adding and editing files, readme, license, adding folders.

Also went over markdown script.

Celine will practice this and also get familiar with markdown.

We will meet again on 23rd at 9am (BST)

EKaroune commented 2 years ago

For Celine and Juanjo - I went over Github basics, Github collaboration using branches, issues, pull requests, reviewing pull requests, and then also Github project management - using project board and issues, milestones.

EKaroune commented 2 years ago

Celine has been attending our team meetings, separate meeting to discuss the FAIR assessment and also met with Juanjo to co-work on the FAIR assessment.

EKaroune commented 2 years ago

She has attended the Association of Environmental Archaeology Open Science Skills workshop on 19th Nov 2021. This covered all the different aspects of open science and some in depth (open data, open methods, open analysis and open access publishing).