When the workup type is changed, the available sub-fields can also change. If there is data in a field which is not in the new workup type, the field is hidden from view, but the auto-validation warning shows that the field is still in the record. Warning message can help find the orphaned data field, but the messaging may not be clear enough for general users.
Need to check if the orphaned data fields are included in the .pbtxt file.
Possible solutions:
Erase orphaned data fields when the type is changed
Present a local warning when type is changed, and there is orphaned data fields
Show all edited data fields, even if they are not a valid sub-field for the type. Could include visible warning messages at the data field.
When the workup type is changed, the available sub-fields can also change. If there is data in a field which is not in the new workup type, the field is hidden from view, but the auto-validation warning shows that the field is still in the record. Warning message can help find the orphaned data field, but the messaging may not be clear enough for general users.
Need to check if the orphaned data fields are included in the .pbtxt file.
Possible solutions: