When I use the RUST client generator for this OpenRPC document:
{"openrpc":"1.2.1","info":{"version":"0.0.0","title":"afx.core"},"methods":[{"name":"rpc.discover","description":"Returns an OpenRPC schema as a description of this service","params":[],"result":{"name":"OpenRPC Schema","schema":{"$ref":"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/open-rpc/meta-schema/master/schema.json"}}}]}
I get this error:
Invalid OpenRPC document. Please revise the validation errors below:
RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
If I use node.exe with --stack-size=10000, that makes it run without the error, but no files generated and no stdout either (as it normally would), it just quits
It also happens with typsecript (client and server).
When I use the RUST client generator for this OpenRPC document:
I get this error:
Is that normal?
I just wanted to add a rpc.discover method according to https://spec.open-rpc.org/ (?)
This is my command:
Also tried with node process itself and current LTS ( https://nodejs.org/dist/v18.14.2/node-v18.14.2-x64.msi doesn't work either ) 64 bit on Windows and it still happens.
If I use node.exe with --stack-size=10000, that makes it run without the error, but no files generated and no stdout either (as it normally would), it just quits
It also happens with typsecript (client and server).