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Feature: Document necessary pathway to correctly set up local dev environment. #480

Open JDGuillaume opened 1 year ago

JDGuillaume commented 1 year ago

Type of feature

πŸ• Feature

Current behavior

  1. Currently, there's not a lot of documentation around the correct way to set up a fully-functional local dev environment to work on the hot repo.
  2. Documentation does not clearly indicate which environmental variables should be used and which API a local dev environment should utilize (i.e., beta vs. current).
  3. Documentation does not clearly indicate or explain how to set up a personal Supabase account
  4. Documentation does not clearly indicate or explain how to setup OAuth with GitHub.
  5. Documentation does not currently explain or utilize Open Sauced's walkthrough of how to retrieve one's authentication token to enable API authorization locally Open Sauced Docs.

Suggested solution

This issue is primarily an extension of, more focused on the hot repo.

After discussing with @jpmcb and @bdougie in the Open Sauced Discord, I was able to make a lot of headway toward spinning up a local dev environment, including:

However, there's no current documentation or direction around populating the Supabase database with either the correct schema or seeding it with relevant data.

I would love the opportunity to tackle this documentation personally. However, I would like more guidance on the last mile work (i.e., populating the database). Currently, this is blocking progress on, as I'm not able to replicate the fully authenticated state and successfully fetch data from the database.

Additional context

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