open-science-promoters / RDM-promotion

gather and create material available to promote research data management and open FAIR data (video, images, comics,...), also available on dat ¬ dat://30241d3351ff12f514e22fead851cc7d047d30439b45c4b2ff1d75cf57f9342b
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second video feedback #34

Open jcolomb opened 5 years ago

jcolomb commented 5 years ago

Feedback for v.2

From Petra (Jena RDM team)


0:46 This shadow man looks eerie. Isn’t there somebody else? Or sth more positive? A flying bird for example?


2:46 Dryad _> Dryad Digital Repository ?

2:52 dryad spelled with lower case, before it was Dryad. Make spelling consistent, also for the other repositories.

3:02 “Standardized” is British English, before you have been using AE. Make it consistent. These three sentences should consistently start with capitals and end with a period.

3:05 Use a -> delete “a”

I wonder: what are vocabularies (and I would not use it in plural form) that follow “fair” principles? Do you mean clear and transparent language? Well-defined terms/terminology?

3:14 “with a plurality” -> with a wealth of? variety of?

3:19 associated with detailed provenance -> information of provenance


0:46 spoken: should, written; shall. Should is correct.

0:54 spoken: “only while open” correct “potential” , written: potention, correct is spoken

1:38 spoken: chance, written: chances. Written is correct

1:42 text disappears too fast to be read, it is also in too small letters. I would split it into two parts (at least)

1:42 spoken: or funded, written: and funded -> choose written

1:48 spoken: and NOW they , written: - both is possible, but maybe better keep it short

2:13 “happen in a swing” – I never heard this expression. It is also not in

2:26 “at the end, Research” -> IN the end, research

2:32 Researcher -> researchers (Kleinschreibung und Plural-S) 2:33 „to gear data“ -> – I never heard this expression. It is also not in 2:36 the -> they 2:37 “.” at the end of the sentence

Is it intented that there is no spoken text here?

Generally: • Please make sure that the size of the letters remains the same. • Please end every sentence with a period. • A native speaker of English should proof-read the text.