open-sdr / openwifi

open-source IEEE 802.11 WiFi baseband FPGA (chip) design: driver, software
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
3.68k stars 627 forks source link

Many error reports during Demo test #375

Closed Arash6182 closed 7 months ago

Arash6182 commented 7 months ago
  1. Could you send email to to introduce your self? Sent

  2. Our image is used directly or you build your own image? I used the image "openwifi-1.4.0-notter.img" unzipped from "openwifi-1.4.0-notter.img.xz".

  3. What is your own modification? No modification

  4. Versions: OS, Vivado, openwifi/openwifi-hw repo branch and commit revision Ubuntu 22.04.3, openwifi-1.4.0-notter.img , Vivado not used yet

  5. Board/hardware type Zed board , AD-FMCOMMS3-EBZ

  6. WiFi channel number Not reach this step so far.

  7. Steps to reproduce the issue, and the related error message, screenshot, etc

I followed the quick start instruction : a. flash SD card with image openwifi-1.4.0-notter.img; b. copied all files in the folder Boot/openwifi/zed_fmcs2/ to Boot/; c. check these two folders rootfs/root/kernel_modules rootfs/etc/network/ and confirm these two don't exist; d. configure the Zedboard boot to enable boot from SD card; e. insert SD card to Zedboard sd card slot with lock switched off; f. connect Zedboard to network switch and connect my laptop to network switch too; g. switch the Zedboard board on and I could login to the board from my PC (SSH) .

I used 32 GB SD card then : raspi-config --expand-rootfs After finishing : reboot I connected to the board again then : ./openwifi/

After finishing, I manually rebooted the board. Then, I reconnected to the board, and you can see the errors in the following steps:

root@'s password: 
Linux analog 5.10.0-98248-g1bbe32fa5182-dirty #6 SMP PREEMPT Tue Mar 14 12:13:23 CET 2023 armv7l

The programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are free software;
the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the
individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.

Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent
permitted by applicable law.
Last login: Thu Feb  9 10:48:39 2023
root@analog:~# cd openwifi
root@analog:~/openwifi# ./
  Script for load (or download+load) different driver and FPGA img without rebooting
  no  argument: Load .ko driver files and FPGA img (if system_top.bit.bin exist) in current dir with test_mode=0.
  1st argument: If it is a NUMBER, it will be assigned to test_mode. Then load everything from current dir.
  1st argument: If it is a string called "remote", it will download driver/FPGA and load everything.
  - 2nd argument (if exist) is the target directory name for downloading and reloading
  - 3rd argument (if exist) is the value for test_mode
  1st argument: neither NUMBER nor "remote" nor a .tar.gz file, it is regarded as a directory and load everything from it.
  - 2nd argument (if exist) is the value for test_mode
  1st argument: a .tar.gz file, it will be unpacked then load from that unpacked directory
  - 2nd argument (if exist) is the value for test_mode

Module                  Size  Used by
mac80211              565248  0
libarc4                16384  1 mac80211
xilinx_dma             28672  0
ad9361_drv            163840  2
cfg80211              319488  1 mac80211
8021q                  24576  0
ipv6                  397312  28
test_mode 0
tx_offset_tuning_enable 0
$TARGET_DIR is found!

hostapd: no process found
dhcpd: no process found
sdr0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device
rmmod: ERROR: Module sdr is not currently loaded
./ line 14: warning: command substitution: ignored null byte in input
+ ifconfig sdr0 down
sdr0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device
+ rmmod sdr
rmmod: ERROR: Module sdr is not currently loaded
+ rmmod openofdm_rx
rmmod: ERROR: Module openofdm_rx is not currently loaded
+ rmmod openofdm_tx
rmmod: ERROR: Module openofdm_tx is not currently loaded
+ rmmod rx_intf
rmmod: ERROR: Module rx_intf is not currently loaded
+ rmmod tx_intf
rmmod: ERROR: Module tx_intf is not currently loaded
+ rmmod xpu
rmmod: ERROR: Module xpu is not currently loaded
+ sleep 1
+ '[' -f .//system_top.bit.bin ']'
+ echo 0
+ mkdir -p /lib/firmware
+ cp .//system_top.bit.bin /lib/firmware/ -rf
+ echo system_top.bit.bin
+ '[' xlnx,zynq-7000 '!=' xlnx,zynq-7000 ']'
+ SPI_DEVNAME=spi0.0
+ '[' '!' -d /sys/bus/spi/drivers/ad9361/spi0.0 ']'
+ cd /sys/bus/spi/drivers/ad9361/
+ echo spi0.0
+ echo spi0.0
+ '[' '!' -d /sys/bus/platform/drivers/cf_axi_adc/ ']'
+ cd /sys/bus/platform/drivers/cf_axi_adc/
+ echo
+ echo
+ set +x
tx_offset_tuning_enable 0 tx_fir_enable 1
+ test -f /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:device0/in_voltage_rf_bandwidth
+ test -f /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:device1/in_voltage_rf_bandwidth
+ test -f /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:device2/in_voltage_rf_bandwidth
+ cd /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:device2/
+ set +x
FIR Rx: 48,1 Tx: 48,1
rx0 agc fast_attack
rx1 agc fast_attack
113.50 dB
95.00 dB
rx0 gain to 70
72.000000 dB
./ 101: echo: echo: I/O error
72.000000 dB
rx1 gain to 70
69.000000 dB
./ 106: echo: echo: I/O error
69.000000 dB
tx0 gain -89dB
-10.000000 dB
-89.000000 dB
tx1 gain 0dB
-10.000000 dB
0.000000 dB
rmmod: ERROR: Module tx_intf is not currently loaded
+ insmod .//tx_intf.ko
tx_intf is loaded!
rmmod: ERROR: Module rx_intf is not currently loaded
+ insmod .//rx_intf.ko
rx_intf is loaded!
rmmod: ERROR: Module openofdm_tx is not currently loaded
+ insmod .//openofdm_tx.ko
openofdm_tx is loaded!
rmmod: ERROR: Module openofdm_rx is not currently loaded
+ insmod .//openofdm_rx.ko
openofdm_rx is loaded!
rmmod: ERROR: Module xpu is not currently loaded
+ insmod .//xpu.ko
xpu is loaded!
rmmod: ERROR: Module sdr is not currently loaded
+ insmod .//sdr.ko test_mode=0
sdr is loaded!
the end
  1. Describe your debug efforts by Linux native tools, such as tcpdump and "cat /proc/interrupts"

  2. Describe your debug efforts by:

  3. Any other thing we need to know for helping you better? I tested it with a 16GB SD card and used Windows to write the image file on it, but the errors remained the same.
Arash6182 commented 7 months ago

It is working now.