open-sdr / openwifi

open-source IEEE 802.11 WiFi baseband FPGA (chip) design: driver, software
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Cannot find the E310v2 kernel in BOOT/openwifi/ after burning the SD card #410

Closed AnVuNam closed 3 weeks ago

AnVuNam commented 4 weeks ago
  1. Could you send email to to introduce your self? Yes, I sent it.

  2. Our image is used directly or you build your own image? I use your image directly (openwifi-1.4.0-notter.img.xz).

  3. What is your own modification? None.

  4. Versions: OS, Vivado, openwifi/openwifi-hw repo branch and commit revision Focal Fossa, Vivado 2021.1, open wifi 1.4.0 in master branch.

  5. Board/hardware type Antsdr E310v2

  6. WiFi channel number None.

  7. Steps to reproduce the issue, and the related error message, screenshot, etc I downloaded the image in Quick Start and then burned it to a 32GB SD card. After burning, only a BOOT folder appears. However, in the BOOT/openwifi/ folder, there is no e310v2 folder.

  8. Describe your debug efforts by Linux native tools, such as tcpdump and "cat /proc/interrupts" None.

  9. Describe your debug efforts by: None.

  10. Any other thing we need to know for helping you better? None.

JiaoXianjun commented 4 weeks ago

I think that is because antsdr e310v2 was added after that release. That's why it is not in the SD card. You need to build/update the SD card by yourself:

AnVuNam commented 4 weeks ago

Thank you, I will try it.

Vào Th 6, 31 thg 5, 2024 vào lúc 15:04 Jiao Xianjun < @.***> đã viết:

I think that is because antsdr e310v2 was added after that release. That's why it is not in the SD card. You need to build/update the SD card by yourself:

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AnVuNam commented 3 weeks ago

I think that is because antsdr e310v2 was added after that release. That's why it is not in the SD card. You need to build/update the SD card by yourself:

Hi, I have a problem while building an openwifi image from scratch. When building the FPGA image as instructed at openwifi-hw repo at the step source ./openwifi.tcl, I get the error "Incompatible IP data detected":


I tried upgrading this IP but got the following errors:


Do you have any advice to solve it?

Sorry if my question seems dumb because I have never used Vivado before.

JiaoXianjun commented 3 weeks ago

Please share what you have done (command and outputs) starting from git clone, then I can take a look.

AnVuNam commented 3 weeks ago

Oh sorry, I solved the problem but forgot to update the result. Perhaps the problem is in the Vivado Design Suit installation process. After a clean install of Vivado and openwifi-hw repository, the problem was resolved. Thank you for your attention.