open-sdr / openwifi

open-source IEEE 802.11 WiFi baseband FPGA (chip) design: driver, software
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Error reporting about CSI radar #412

Closed csy990406 closed 2 weeks ago

csy990406 commented 2 weeks ago
  1. Could you send email to to introduce your self? yes

  2. Our image is used directly or you build your own image? use yours directly

  3. What is your own modification? none

  4. Versions: OS, Vivado, openwifi/openwifi-hw repo branch and commit revision Ubuntu 22.04, Vivado 2021.1 ,openwifi-1.4.0-notter.img.

  5. Board/hardware type MicroPhase Antsdr

  6. WiFi channel number none

  7. Steps to reproduce the issue, and the related error message, screenshot, etc none

  8. Describe your debug efforts by Linux native tools, such as tcpdump and "cat /proc/interrupts" none

  9. Describe your debug efforts by: none

  10. Any other thing we need to know for helping you better? I find the following issue while trying to implement CSI radar ( According to the instructions, I need to execute the following command: "./ $OPENWIFI_HW_IMG_DIR $XILINX_DIR $BOARD_NAME". However, an error occurs at line 42 of the openwifi/user_space/ with the following command: unzip $OPENWIFI_HW_IMG_DIR/boards/$BOARD_NAME/sdk/system_top.xsa -d ./hdf_and_bit. I believe the issue is that the openwifi-hw/boards/sdk folder and the system_top.xsa file cannot be found. Where can I go to get /sdk/system_top.xsa?Thanks for your help.

JiaoXianjun commented 2 weeks ago

Please re-format the issue according to our issue template.

JiaoXianjun commented 2 weeks ago

Can you share what have you done step by step (command and the outputs) from git clone to get that error?

csy990406 commented 2 weeks ago

Can you share what have you done step by step (command and the outputs) from git clone to get that error? csy@PC:~$ export XILINX_DIR=/opt/Xilinx csy@PC:~$ export OPENWIFI_HW_IMG_DIR=/home/csy/openwifi-hw csy@PC:~$ export BOARD_NAME=antsdr csy@PC:~$ cd openwifi/user_space csy@PC:~/openwifi/user_space$ ./ $OPENWIFI_HW_IMG_DIR $XILINX_DIR $BOARD_NAME $XILINX_DIR is found! $BOARD_NAME is found! $OPENWIFI_HW_IMG_DIR is found! unzip: cannot find or open /home/csy/openwifi-hw/boards/antsdr/sdk/system_top.xsa, /home/csy/openwifi-hw/boards/antsdr/sdk/ or /home/csy/openwifi-hw/boards/antsdr/sdk/system_top.xsa.ZIP. $BIT_FILENAME does NOT exist. Please check!

JiaoXianjun commented 2 weeks ago

which app note are you following? I remember that we describe the meaning of OPENWIFI_HW_IMG_DIR in some app note. could you look for it.

csy990406 commented 2 weeks ago

which app note are you following? I remember that we describe the meaning of OPENWIFI_HW_IMG_DIR in some app note. could you look for it.

Thank you for your response. After re-downloading the openwifi-hw-img, the issue has been resolved.