open-sdr / openwifi

open-source IEEE 802.11 WiFi baseband FPGA (chip) design: driver, software
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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is:issue is:open May I ask how to change the RF power of OpenWiFi? The current board used is Antsdr, and I want to increase the RF power to improve communication quality and distance #413

Closed 61515 closed 2 weeks ago

61515 commented 2 weeks ago
  1. Could you send email to to introduce your self? Yes

  2. Our image is used directly or you build your own image? Yes

  3. What is your own modification? None

  4. Versions: OS, Vivado, openwifi/openwifi-hw repo branch and commit revision Ubuntu 22.04, Vivado 2018.1 , openwifi-1.4.0-notter.img.

  5. Board/hardware type MicroPhase Antsdr E310

  6. WiFi channel number adhoc mode, 4

  7. Steps to reproduce the issue, and the related error message, screenshot, etc None

  8. Describe your debug efforts by Linux native tools, such as tcpdump and "cat /proc/interrupts" None

  9. Describe your debug efforts by: None

  10. Any other thing we need to know for helping you better? None