open-socialism / open-socialism-site

The Open Socialism website
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Coders of the world, unite! A joint efforts proposal from #70

Open ngeorger opened 11 months ago

ngeorger commented 11 months ago

“Since the development of class antagonism keeps even pace with the development of industry, the economic situation, as they find it, does not as yet offer to them the material conditions for the emancipation of the proletariat. They therefore search after a new social science, after new social laws, that are to create these conditions.”

Excerpt From The Communist Manifesto Friedrich Engels This material may be protected by copyright.




I'm open to any idea, lets see what happens

AlistairB commented 10 months ago

:wave: Hi, so I guess I'll start with where this project is at, which is as you can probably tell is largely dormant. This is a big passion of mine and basically my dream to work on. However, I put a lot of effort into it but generally failed to spark much interest in it. My hope was to find like minded individuals and build it into a open source project with momentum, which never really took off unfortunately.

Then my life changed where I got married and now have 1 soon to be 2 kids and have not had time to keep working on it. My focus for the moment is on family and on my career. I am working towards securing my financial future so I will eventually have the space to come back and focus on open socialism. It is not clear when I will start to have some time, but I'd say best case scenario in about 2 years.

What will I do when I get time? Well, these ideas have been bouncing around in my head for about 10 years. I actually made a wiki site before . Now that I am older, I have learnt more about the world and technology. I want to go through the site and think about how I feel about the idea and what the right next step is.

The absolute core of my belief is that:

  1. Capitalism is not going well for the vast majority of people.
  2. It is possible (and even probable) there are alternative systems that can used as compelling alternatives to capitalism (or communism / socialism).
  3. I do not believe there is much research into alternative systems.

I don't know if what I have currently devised as open socialism is ideal, but surely some alternative can be better so lets work on it.

Actually, I think the biggest challenge is convincing people that yes global capitalism is quite bad for 90% of the people and for the world itself (climate change etc). To this end I created (the data is few years out of date).

The other huge challenge is people are convinced it is either capitalism or communism and communism has been shown to not work. Challenging this is the other big task.

Anyway, looking at your site it is hard to gauge how much your ideas have in common with mine, but I am interested in collaboration. As mentioned though, I don't have the time to work on this project. Eventually I will and once I have decided how I want to proceed and at that point for sure, I will be looking for other like minded people like you!

Having said all that, my request would be that you do not use the name open socialism but something different. I guess I did start using it first? In fact I actually first wanted to call it Open Society, however that was taken so I chose open socialism. If in the future we find that we can work together then it doesn't matter, however if we don't then I'd like to not have people confused about 2 similar things with the same name. Hope that is ok.

Regardless, looking forward to seeing how your idea progresses!

ngeorger commented 10 months ago

I'm really thankful and happy to have such a detailed feedback, so I want to give you a proper answer ASAP, and this is because our points of view are more aligned from what I can infer from your reply, and also similar concerns and restrictions.

Regards from Chile, thank you for your spirit :)