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Chrome Extension that logically groups Tabs #137

Open msantam2 opened 5 years ago

msantam2 commented 5 years ago

Project description

My idea is to create a Chrome Extension that allows you to consolidate tabs into "logically-grouped tabs". Let me give you an example: let's say you have 4 tabs open. The tabs are as follows: Facebook, Twitter, Gmail, Google Calendar. The new extension would then look at the 4 tabs, and see that 2 of them are social media, and 2 of them are productivity tools. It will then consolidate these 4 tabs into 2 tabs (one tab will be "Facebook | Twitter" and the other tab will be "Gmail | Calendar"). When you traverse across these tabs, they will expand and contract as you enter and exit them, respectively. This would be a nice little tidy way to consolidate tabs to make your browsing experience cleaner.

Relevant Technology

Complexity and required time


Required time (ETA)

KOLANICH commented 5 years ago

Kreijstal commented 5 years ago

How would the browser know the purpose of their tabs

KOLANICH commented 5 years ago

How would the browser know the purpose of their tabs

Of course by domain name.

msantam2 commented 5 years ago

That's a great find. Two questions regarding this.

  1. Do you know if something similar is available for Chrome? (As of 2018, Firefox has about 12% browser share, and Chrome almost 70%, wow! Would be awesome if way more people using Chrome could use a tool like this).
  2. I like how Panorama condenses everything down into a single tab, with a "Panorama View". It would be awesome, though, IMO if each group was also its own tab and had its own "View", so you could traverse them and each "View" would be less cluttered.
KOLANICH commented 5 years ago

That's a great find.

That's not a find. There was a drama in Firefox community. Panorama was a part of Firefox for a long time. Then Mozilla have removed Panorama from Firefox because their telemetry said them it is not used. The reasons for that are pretty obvious:

  1. the feature itself was not widely advertised and was disabled by default and in order to notice that the feature appeared in the browser one had to visit the place people are not visiting for years (toolbars customization, and if I remember right, for some time it was under an about:config pref), so majority of users have not even known about it. Only the ones reading changelogs and sitting on bugzilla have been warned about the new feature.
  2. power users disable telemetry, housewives leave it enabled.
  3. power users are always minority.

So an independent developer took the code and created a XUL extension.

The second drama was when Mozilla have intentionally broken all the xul extensions and stated that they must not be used. Then the developer of XUL Panorama embedded into all his addons a message that he stops developing addons for Firefox in protest of Mozilla's disrespect to all the addons devs by forcing them to make their addons e10s-compatible (a lot of labour to port), and then making all this labour wasted by discarding xpcom.

Then panorama-like addons were impossible for some time, and only in 2018 the WehExt API allowing them has been added.

Do you know if something similar is available for Chrome?

No. It uses WebExtension API not available in Chrome.

It would be awesome, though, IMO if each group was also its own tab and had its own "View", so you could traverse them and each "View" would be less cluttered.

Contact the addon author. "All the groups on a single tab" is the same behavior the original Panorama (the one developed by Mozilla) had.

shabadsobti commented 5 years ago

just need to add grouping to this extension