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Machine learning embedding middleware #152

Open KOLANICH opened 5 years ago

KOLANICH commented 5 years ago

Project description

There are lot of neural networks focused on doing things similar to machine translation, but not limited to text:

They usually work the following way:

1 encoder network encodes initial representation into a vector in latent space 2 decoder network decodes that feature vector into the things needed

Encoders and decoders are trained simultaneously and differ from a model to model, so do the internal representations.

The idea is to take as many different nets as possible, cut in the middle where the internal representations appear, then add some small net to each (let's call it a transcoder), connect different nets and train the transcoders to converge to the same representations. Then standardize the internal vector meaning. Then we should be able to use combinations of sources and sinks available in no individual model.


Let's call the tyes of content on the ends of a network modalities:

Let's call intermediate representations transcoding modalities.

Let's call a model tranforming between transcoding modalities a transcoder.

In the following text we are using oriented graphs. An edge A -> [M] -> B means that model (under model here we mean that we can compute gradients) M transforms data in modality A into modality B. An edge A => [O] => B means it is possible to convert data in modality A into modality B using a black-box oracle O, such as a TTS program or external API. We may call an edge a model or an oracle.


ModalityId is an identifier of the modality. The standardized global representation has identifier global. Then there are modality-specific representations, which names are also standardized, like speech_latent, image_latent, etc...

When installed, the middleware exposes the API to applications:

getInfo(out info) - returns information about installed models, oracles and their modalities available.

startTransaction(out txId) - starts a transaction. All the models adding/removing stuff is done within transactions. In the end of a transaction the middleware checks consistency and removes all the transcoders ending to unreferenced transcoding modalities.

commit(in txId, out error) - checks consistency and commits

registerModel(in our_model_id, in inModalityId, in outModalityId, in our_model) adds a net into the registry. our_net_id is the globally unique net id. Transcoder networks are registered the same way as modalities networks, but for ids uuids are used. When a uuid is used, the server recognizes the modality as a transcoding modality. ourModel is the model serialezed, for example, into ONNX or CNTK.

unregisterModel(in netId) - removes the model.

registerModalityType(in name, in parameterCount)

registerModality(in type, in arguments)

registerDatasetType(in name, in modalityType, in modalityType)

registerOracleType(in sourceModalityType, in targetModalityType)

registerOracle(in oracleType, in entryPoint)

unregisterOracle(in oracleId)

getPath( in inputMkdalityId, in outModalityId, in pieces, in preference, out path) - finds the optimal path (a sequence of models) between modalities, using pieces to require certain networks and representations to be in a path and using preference as criteria of optimality.

convert(in inputRepresentation, in inputModalityId, in outModalityId, in path, in returnGradients, out outputRepresentation) - converts the input into output. If returnGradients is true, gradients are returned.

getModel(in netId, out net) - returns the serialized model. Used for training transcoders.

getTrainingOpportunities(in inModality, in outModality, out trainingOpportunities) - returns training opportunities.

Training opportunities

In order to train a model one needs a dataset. Datasets can be obtained different ways. getTrainingOpportunities is a function analysing the graph of available models and oracles and returning the candidates usefult for trining the specific model betaeen 2 modalities.

If G is the graph and we want to train a model A -> [M] -> B, where A and B are subgraphs in G, then a suitable dataset a, b (where a and b are modalities) is one, satysfying the following conditions:

Then the middleware matches the endpoints against abailable dataset types.

A TrainingOpportunity is an object containing leaning graph and datasets matching this graph.

Training software should use training opportinities in order to get the needed datasets (for example from a repository of datasets like OpenML or using a database instructing the software how to retrieve and preprocess datasets or asking a user to do that) and then train the needed model.


Assume we have the models installed (all models names are random)

And oracles registered:

And datasets types registered:

And there exists a pretrained model text<en> -> [EnTTS] -> {..EnTTSLatent..} -> {..EnTTSLatent..} -> [EnTTS] -> speech<en>.

We wanna create 2 transcoders

So for the first transcoder we call

trainingOpportunities =  getTrainingOpportunities("{..EnTTSLatent..}" , "text_latent")

and should get

Example usage

Text to speech

path = server.getPath("text<en>", "voice<en>")
hwSound = server.convert("hello world", path)
... # play sound

Creating a transcoder

... #load model
... #cut it in the middle: EnTTSText , EnTTSSpeech
server.registerModel("EnTTS", "text<en>", "{..EnTTSLatent..}", EnTTSText)
server.registerModel("EnTTSTextTranscoder", "{..EnTTSLatent..}", "text_latent", None) # model is yet to be trained
server.registerModel("EnTTSSpeechTranscoder", "speech_latent", "{..EnTTSLatent..}", None) # model is yet to be trained
server.registerModel("EnTTS", "{...}", "speech<en>", EnTTSSpeech)

def train(m1, m2, hyperparams):
    trainingOpportunities = server.getTrainingOpportunities(m1, m2)
    metatrainer = MetaTrainer( m1, m2, hyperparams)
    def transformPath(p, isSecondPart):
        for link in p:
            if isinstance(link, ModelLink):
                bigNet.stack(getModel(link.modelId), frozen=True)
            elif isinstance(link, OracleLink):
                metatrainer.transformedData[link.dstModality] =[link.srcModality])

    def transformPart(ds, m1, isSecondPart):
        for m in ds:
            if not isSecondPart:
                p = findPath(m, m1)
                p = findPath(m1, m)
            if not p:
            metatrainer.transformedData[m] = ds[m]
            transformPath(p, isSecondPart )

    for op in trainingOpportunities:
        for ds in op.datasets:
            bigNet = metatrainer.createFlow()
            transformPart(ds, m1, False)
            bigNet.stack( metatrainer.core, frozen=False)
            transformPart(ds, m2, True)

    return metatrainer.core

trained=train("{..EnTTSLatent..}" , "text_latent", ....)
server.registerModel("EnTTSTextTranscoder", "{..EnTTSLatent..}", "text_latent", trained)

trained=train( "speech_latent", "{..EnTTSLatent..}" , ....)
server.registerModel("EnTTSSpeechTranscoder", "speech_latent", "{..EnTTSLatent..}", trained)

Complexity and required time


Required time (ETA)

Kreijstal commented 5 years ago

Well this idea is great, now the problem is collecting data, what about making project based around the collection of data

KOLANICH commented 5 years ago

Well this idea is great

I am not sure. I am not a NN pro, maybe the idea is useless junk.

now the problem is collecting data, what about making project based around the collection of data

We don't need to train models from scratch. It is proposed to use pretrained models, cut them in the middle, and add small adapter networks. They are not as large as full networks, so they don't need so much data for training.